When God says no


Well-Known Member
I've heard it said over and over that there are 3 answers to prayer:-

1. YES
2. NO

If you asked Him for something and His answer was no, did you accept it? What was the outcome either way? Did you shortly after see the reason why the answer was NO and say 'Thankyou Lord for not letting me do (whatever it was?

Hmmmm....:rolleyes: <---not rolling eyes, just thinking
I agree that God has 3 answers to prayer.

And yes, I have experienced several times praying for something and God gives me the answer of "No." Most of these experiences dealt with jobs and a few relationships. To be honest, at first when God says "No", I feel either frusterated, disappointed, or even confused and wonder why. But after time goes on, I realized why God said "No" to something I had prayed for. After my initial reaction to His answer, I eventually accept His answer, move on, and be content with what God really wants for my life.

I also have to keep in mind that I must always pray in God's will and that any answer He gives me, I should immediately accept it because God is sovereign, He's the only one in control, and things only happen if God wills it. Over the past few years I've been living, I have been learning to be stronger and wiser and being able to immediately accept God's answers. We should always focus on what God wants and his eternal promises rather than our fleshly desires and temporary circumstances here on Earth.
This is kind of funny, but when I was in college I was seeing this guy. I worked in the mall and he was hired to do extra security right after a hurricane had come through. We hung out for about a month and all of the sudden he stopped calling me and he wouldn’t return my phone calls. One Sunday I was in church and had gone up to the altar for the morning prayer. I was walking back to my seat and just as I was about to sit down I heard in my spirit clear as day, “XXXX is not the one for you.” I felt a little sad, but shrugged it off. Instead of listening to God I continued to call him and a few days later I finally got in touch with the guy. It was then that he told me that his ex-girlfriend was no longer his ex-girlfriend; they’d gotten back together. I could have saved myself some humiliation had I just listened to God.

Another time, the same thing happened. I was seeing a guy and I asked God to reveal to me if he was the one for me or not. One morning my alarm clock went off and just as soon as I turned off the alarm clock and turned on my lamp I heard God say, “XXX is not the one for you.” I was sad, but got over it quickly. The funny part about it is that God had already spoken to me several months prior to all of this about who my husband was. I was lonely and felt like I needed to have someone because all my friends were pressuring me to date other people. Looking back, I regret giving these guys the time of day because they were only interested in me for one thing.

The answer that is always hardest for me to accept is “wait”. It seem like when the answer is “wait”, the devil throws everything in my path to make it look like it won’t come to pass.
This is kind of funny, but when I was in college I was seeing this guy. I worked in the mall and he was hired to do extra security right after a hurricane had come through. We hung out for about a month and all of the sudden he stopped calling me and he wouldn’t return my phone calls. One Sunday I was in church and had gone up to the altar for the morning prayer. I was walking back to my seat and just as I was about to sit down I heard in my spirit clear as day, “XXXX is not the one for you.” I felt a little sad, but shrugged it off. Instead of listening to God I continued to call him and a few days later I finally got in touch with the guy. It was then that he told me that his ex-girlfriend was no longer his ex-girlfriend; they’d gotten back together. I could have saved myself some humiliation had I just listened to God.

Another time, the same thing happened. I was seeing a guy and I asked God to reveal to me if he was the one for me or not. One morning my alarm clock went off and just as soon as I turned off the alarm clock and turned on my lamp I heard God say, “XXX is not the one for you.” I was sad, but got over it quickly. The funny part about it is that God had already spoken to me several months prior to all of this about who my husband was. I was lonely and felt like I needed to have someone because all my friends were pressuring me to date other people. Looking back, I regret giving these guys the time of day because they were only interested in me for one thing.

The answer that is always hardest for me to accept is “wait”. It seem like when the answer is “wait”, the devil throws everything in my path to make it look like it won’t come to pass.

Hearing God's voice like that is just so amazing. @ the bolded: Oh I hear you sis :yep: mmm hmmm! Thank you for sharing!
I was still thinking about this thread when I remembered something else. About five years ago my husband and I got pregnant. We’d been trying for a little over a year, so needless to say we were excited. About a week after I found out I was pregnant I began having some complications. Every single time I went to the doctor they would brush me off, tell me what I was experiencing was normal and tell me to go back home. Every ultrasound showed a strong heartbeat, but I knew in my heart that something wasn’t right because the baby was measuring much smaller than it should have been according to my dates and calculations. I prayed harder than ever before that I wouldn’t lose the baby. I believed and I hoped against hope. Unfortunately, I did have a miscarriage and it was one of the saddest times in my life. It took me months to admit it to myself, but I was angry with God. I couldn’t understand why He would allow something like that to happen to me. I had prayed and prayed that I wouldn’t have a miscarriage, but I did anyway. I was hurt, broken and very angry. It took ten months of me praying, crying, enduring, persevering and at times, being still, before I finally had a little bit of peace about what happened. I didn’t understand why, but God gave me peace about it and I was able to move on without any fear. It wasn’t until my daughter was born that I began to why it happened and all I can say is God’s ways are perfect and He always knows what is best.
The answer that is always hardest for me to accept is “wait”. It seem like when the answer is “wait”, the devil throws everything in my path to make it look like it won’t come to pass.

This is absolutely right. I can cry and cry over the "no" but I will get over it quickly enough since you can usually see why.

But "wait" is a toughie, because you never know if its a "no" or its a "wait." I am going through this right now.

I think its a "wait" but I dont understand why.
If you asked Him for something and His answer was no, did you accept it? What was the outcome either way? Did you shortly after see the reason why the answer was NO and say 'Thankyou Lord for not letting me do (whatever it was?)

A few years ago a 'no' was devasting to me. I would be too consumed by my pity party to hear anything God had to say to me. :violin::crying3:
As I mature in my walk w/ God, he has allowed me to see some things and some things I am content to say- "I don't understand 'x' but God I trust you." This has been a long time coming for me. I am very analytical 'by nature.' Learning to not rely on my reasoning skills (which I inaccurately credited for past accomplishments) has taken time and circumstances. For example, last year went on a couple of job interviews I thought were excellent career opportunities. I'm happy in my current job but I keep my resume circulating b/c contentment (in that aspect) kills IMHO. I prayed like I always do and left feeling pretty good. I did not get the jobs. Several months later both places announced massive lay-offs.
Now I can honestly say I did thank him. I ask him for whatever I want but as Poohbear said i always say but God let your will be done. I also ask him to help me get my will in line w/ his will. In situations like that I always remember these passages...
Isaiah 55:8-9

8For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

1 Cor 13:12
12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

Heb 12:6
6because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."

BTW, I think we all have to find ways to renew our minds and have a good attitude while we wait. I think that's an on-going process....
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Of all the answers, wait is the most challenging for me. I've had times I got a "no" and there had been attestation and I was grateful that I listened. When I got a "yes" (when I decided to relocate, for example) the attestion was there. But it's more difficult when I just get a "wait"... it requires a tremendous amount of faith and patience. Like having a child ...though I've prayed and I'm just waiting. I will serve him while I'm waiting.

I believe when God tells us to wait, he's helping fine-tune our patience so that it goes beyond that of man. He's also testing our faith. :yep: There have been times I got a no and did what I wanted to do anyway, so the consequences were there. Boy were they there... :laugh:
So, from all my experiences, I have purpose in my heart to always Listen to the Voice of Truth and to no one else! To go to God first for direction, then see the attestion through others.

God bless,

I've heard it said over and over that there are 3 answers to prayer:-

1. YES
2. NO

If you asked Him for something and His answer was no, did you accept it? What was the outcome either way? Did you shortly after see the reason why the answer was NO and say 'Thankyou Lord for not letting me do (whatever it was?

Hmmmm....:rolleyes: <---not rolling eyes, just thinking
I was still thinking about this thread when I remembered something else. About five years ago my husband and I got pregnant. We’d been trying for a little over a year, so needless to say we were excited. About a week after I found out I was pregnant I began having some complications. Every single time I went to the doctor they would brush me off, tell me what I was experiencing was normal and tell me to go back home. Every ultrasound showed a strong heartbeat, but I knew in my heart that something wasn’t right because the baby was measuring much smaller than it should have been according to my dates and calculations. I prayed harder than ever before that I wouldn’t lose the baby. I believed and I hoped against hope. Unfortunately, I did have a miscarriage and it was one of the saddest times in my life. It took me months to admit it to myself, but I was angry with God. I couldn’t understand why He would allow something like that to happen to me. I had prayed and prayed that I wouldn’t have a miscarriage, but I did anyway. I was hurt, broken and very angry. It took ten months of me praying, crying, enduring, persevering and at times, being still, before I finally had a little bit of peace about what happened. I didn’t understand why, but God gave me peace about it and I was able to move on without any fear. It wasn’t until my daughter was born that I began to why it happened and all I can say is God’s ways are perfect and He always knows what is best.

Very beautiful testimony.
Of all the answers, wait is the most challenging for me. I've had times I got a "no" and there had been attestation and I was grateful that I listened. When I got a "yes" (when I decided to relocate, for example) the attestion was there. But it's more difficult when I just get a "wait"... it requires a tremendous amount of faith and patience. Like having a child ...though I've prayed and I'm just waiting. I will serve him while I'm waiting.

I believe when God tells us to wait, he's helping fine-tune our patience so that it goes beyond that of man. He's also testing our faith. :yep: There have been times I got a no and did what I wanted to do anyway, so the consequences were there. Boy were they there... :laugh:
So, from all my experiences, I have purpose in my heart to always Listen to the Voice of Truth and to no one else! To go to God first for direction, then see the attestion through others.

God bless,

So true. I'm currently really struggling with this, but I know that God's purpose in it is to grow my patience and faith. I think he actually told me to "Grow up!" :laugh: as I've been being very whiny. I think a straight "no" is much easier to take than a "not just yet."
So true. I'm currently really struggling with this, but I know that God's purpose in it is to grow my patience and faith. I think he actually told me to "Grow up!" :laugh: as I've been being very whiny. I think a straight "no" is much easier to take than a "not just yet."


This is my biggest challenge. I am NOT a patient person and my biggest fights with God is over this - waiting. I always get what I want so you think it would be easier for me to wait . . . but um . . . no. Stubborn!

It's a good thing He loves us flaws and all.
Wait has been a TOUGH one for me...but I'm learning to actually appreciate when God says wait. Before it was the most frustrating thing on earth, I had all sorts of anxiety and reasons why it had to happen right this minute or else my world would fall apart. But now God is showing me that "wait" is like "relaxxxx, I got this, I'm working on it!". And that feels really good, to know that I can just sit back and live my life and see how He brings it together.

I know that God does everything WELL and if He's not giving it to me now, then it means its not yet ready and I actually don't need it now. When the enemy attacks (and like mrselle says, he comes at you hard during the "wait") it helps to continually remind myself by quoting Psalm 84:11 "no good thing will He withhold from they who walk uprightly". He loves us sooo much that He would never do anything to harm us nor does He wish to withhold good things from us. "Wait" is truly a test of your faith and trust in God!
Wait has been a TOUGH one for me...but I'm learning to actually appreciate when God says wait. Before it was the most frustrating thing on earth, I had all sorts of anxiety and reasons why it had to happen right this minute or else my world would fall apart. But now God is showing me that "wait" is like "relaxxxx, I got this, I'm working on it!". And that feels really good, to know that I can just sit back and live my life and see how He brings it together.

I know that God does everything WELL and if He's not giving it to me now, then it means its not yet ready and I actually don't need it now. When the enemy attacks (and like mrselle says, he comes at you hard during the "wait") it helps to continually remind myself by quoting Psalm 84:11 "no good thing will He withhold from they who walk uprightly". He loves us sooo much that He would never do anything to harm us nor does He wish to withhold good things from us. "Wait" is truly a test of your faith and trust in God!
Thanks for sharing that scripture!!!
I'm still working on this 'wait' thing. I used to be (speaking in faith) very impatient. Wait meant NOW or MAKE it happen. But I've learned that doing things in God's timing is more important than my own. It's much easier to work with God than against or 'for' Him.
Psalms 119:89
For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.

Yes I have been very disobediant in the past demonstrating selective hearing when God has spoken to me doing my thang instead of Gods' and yes I have landed in trouble due to it. Although I still struggle with "No" and "wait" I know now it's worth it in the end to obey.
I know that God does everything WELL and if He's not giving it to me now, then it means its not yet ready and I actually don't need it now. When the enemy attacks (and like mrselle says, he comes at you hard during the "wait") it helps to continually remind myself by quoting Psalm 84:11 "no good thing will He withhold from they who walk uprightly". He loves us sooo much that He would never do anything to harm us nor does He wish to withhold good things from us. "Wait" is truly a test of your faith and trust in God!

Thankyou for this wonderful post, and sharing that scripture.

Loving the responses to this thread; edifying and helping us to grow and become more ready to hear and respond to God's will for every situation.
God would say no but I would still pray and ask Him to make a way for it yes I was that dumb and hard headed and I could have saved myself a lot of pain and hurt if I had taken no as no and moved on :(

Its hard with wait for example this whole summer I have done NOTHING and I mean NOTHING I had big plans and I prayed to God about it but things were not happening but I wasnt getting a no. I was applying for summer jobs in fields I have more than 2 yrs experience in and I wouldn't even get a reply I was soo frustrated because I had never had trouble getting a summer job EVER. Then I wanted some work experience because I am graduating this time next yr but nothing was coming together at all I was too late to be taken on, or it would start after summer when Im back in my university town. You can only imagine how frustrating it was Im going back to university in about 11 days I have been called up for an interview in my university town, I have three work experience meetings lined up as well. So waiting can be frustrating but God is always good... ALWAYS
Definitely heard God say "no" and banged my head up against a wall repeatedly trying to get Him to do otherwise. But God is not a man that He should repent...I should have just jumped on board with whatever His plan was.
I've heard it said over and over that there are 3 answers to prayer:-

1. YES
2. NO

If you asked Him for something and His answer was no, did you accept it? What was the outcome either way? Did you shortly after see the reason why the answer was NO and say 'Thankyou Lord for not letting me do (whatever it was?

Hmmmm....:rolleyes: <---not rolling eyes, just thinking

To my knowledge - the answers of the lord are "yes" and "Amen".
2 Cor 1:20 , so if you are asking for something that he has promised you (there are 1000's of God's promises in the bible) God will never tell you no.
But, I believe when you get a wait you begin to know understand why God has made you wait. Even though you still may be confused if the answer is a wait or no you begin to see that you needed growth in a specific area or areas. I think that has been the main thing I have noticed. I am sure everyone has heard that God will never give you more than you can handle. Sometimes when we pray for something, we are not in the right place mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually to receive it. Even though we may think to the contrary.

There was a situation that I prayed for a couple of years ago. And I wanted it right then. But I am so glad that God didn't bless me with that yet because it would not have been a good situation AT ALL!!! So, honestly I still don't know what His answer is but I know that he has it under control and I just need to go on with my personal growth so that I can be perfect lacking in nothing.
To my knowledge - the answers of the lord are "yes" and "Amen".
2 Cor 1:20 , so if you are asking for something that he has promised you (there are 1000's of God's promises in the bible) God will never tell you no.

Thank you for this reference, would you care to expound upon this?

I have a received a yes response but admittedly I still am a bit confused. Wondering if it was me or really God. :nono: