When does it get to be too much?


New Member
I've been thinking about this for the past day or so...I'm taking MSM, evening primrose, flax seed oil, iron (I need that for my anemia anyway!) and b vitamins.

My hair is in good shape, but I know it could be much better...so now I'm thinking of adding on silica and perhaps biotin.

It's just so much! For all of you taking so many additional vitamins and supplements, do you ever just say, "what am I doing?!"

I love my hair and I love seeing it grow...but I don't want to burn out completely. :ohwell: Any advice?
It gets to be too much when its not worth taking all those vitamins just for your hair. Also its not worth taking all those vitamins if you see no difference or change for the good from taking them. All those vitamins you listed are not to be taken solely for hair. I do not think taking all of those vitamins will make your hair grow faster. Just take one or two if you actually need the vitamins for health reasons. Otherwise, you are just wasting your money. HTH!