when do you wear your baggie?(baggie method)


New Member
i would like to know when do you wear your baggie is it
-24/7 until your next wash (like one week or two weeks from now)
-every 1,2,3,or 4 days until your next wash
-only during the day
-only at night
im thinking about wearing mines 24/7 until my next wash which is going to be two weeks from now. is that over doing it or no. i don't wont to get breakage from wearing it too much. how often do you wear yours? thanks in advance!!!
I wear my baggie during the day, whether I'm wearing a bun (wrapped with a silk scarf or an old stocking) or under a phony pony or instant weave. And I wear it at night because my curly ends needed the moisture (I'm relaxed with natural curls).

Since I am a stay at home I do my baggie thing 24/7. Every week I remove it to wash, condition etc. Then it goes back in the baggie.

I have been doing this since December. :grin:
I've worn mine 72 hours straight then off a few days then back on.

I don't think it matters how long. You just have to watch YOUR hair's reaction to the baggie and go from there. Some people do experience breakage and for others it's been a godsend.

I plan on wearing the one I have on now for a good week wash/cond. then back on. :grin: