When do you know you've found the ONE?


Well-Known Member
Ladies when do/did you know you have found the 'one', the person who you want to spend the rest of your life with/have kids with and all that good stuff?

Was it instant? after a few months of being with them?did you have doubts?

Equally, I wonder when a man knows he has found the one? Are there situations where one of you knows but the other person doesn't.

This question has been on my mind, because my gut instinct is that you'll know/feel it almost instantly or quite soon into a relationship. But my friend who hasn't had a long term relationship before is now with someone and she doesn't know if he is the one and she isn't sure if thats because shes never had a serious relationsip before or if it means hes not the one as there are things she finds hard.
Good thread OP.
I'd like to know cos I have thought I had found found 'the one' a couple times LOL
I think the answer will be different for each person.

But as for your friend, there will always be certain things hard. Nothing is ever perfect 100% of the time, IMO.

I am not sure when I thought DH was "the one" but I know I fell deeply in love with him very early on, which was different than any other relationship, and our connection seemed...higher?better?deeper? I don't know the right word, just a stronger connection than with other people. He's said he fell in love with me after a few dates, lol we weren't even exclusive at that point. Granted I was young at the time, but our love has lasted all these years (save a couple breakups of my doing...that didn't last too long lol) so I guess we were right.
Maybe the fact that I wanted to fight things out and get back to a good place, versus walking out and being done with it was my sign that he was "the one" i dunno.
For me it was about 4-5 months into our relationship...I have been in a couple relationships but never have I been able to really picture my future ( marriage&kids)with these people...with my current BF I can really see it all happening picture getting old together!
For me it was about 4-5 months into our relationship...I have been in a couple relationships but never have I been able to really picture my future ( marriage&kids)with these people...with my current BF I can really see it all happening picture getting old together!

Hey! I think I found the one!!:yep:
I just looked at Teja's list and I completely feel the same about my BF! I feel so much more secure in this relationship than i have in any other...I also never get bored of him. He is constantly impressing and shocking me with characteristics I knew nothing about. Most importantly, I can let my guard down with him.
Good topic...
I hope to know within a few months honestly. When I first met my ex, for some reason I pictured us getting married and having a family with him. However, the longer I was with him, I realized that we just weren't compatible on a lot of levels. As a result of this, I find myself much less excited, more skeptical and with feelings of 'butterflies' etc .. those are feelings I had with him initially and look how that turned out. Instead, I'm trying to see how compatible I am with a person, I feel a bit more logical now. I am seeing someone that I really do like, especially from a mental standpoint and I enjoy his company. It's very early to tell anything, but I don't get those woosie, stars in his eyes, goo goo gah gah feelings about him, however.... I can totally see myself with him and see those types of feelings developing, and more importantly a connection with depth to it... something I lacked in previous relationships.

Whew, just writing this makes me smile when I think of him.
Apart from feeling a special connection and being compatible, I will know that I have found the one when I can live with his imperfections.
I haven't found the ONE yet, though at one point I thought I did, but looking back on it, certain things I think I should feel, I didn't feel with him.:nono: Always wanting to be around him is a good start, because I get tired of people quite easily. When I met this guy I always wanted to be around him.:yep: When I envision the future, I can see us fitting into each others' lives, I can see him as my husband/father to my children. I trust him with my body and with my heart. (It's sooooo hard for me to trust people.) I've seen his imperfections and I love him despite them and I don't try to change him. I feel comfortable enough to let my guard down and let him see the real depths of who I am.:look: Wanting to do things I usually don't like doing (i.e. cooking and cleaning) for him, always wanting to see him happy and wondering how I can make him happy.
When do you know when you've found the one?

When you're mad whether it's at him, your day at work or the dog and you're sitting on the counter at home with your arms folded staring at a glass of wine and he comes in, kneels down and lightly kisses each foot.

When you're vacationing and to make it special he holds your hand aloft like you're a princess and escorts you down the street, through the door and to your hotel room...each and every day.

When you're washing your hair and he stops in to watch and to help.

When he's wrong, your mad cause he said the wrong thing and midway through the argument he hangs his head and says, "Sorry" and then peeks up at you and makes you laugh.

When you get braces as an adult and he tells you that your smile has never been more beautiful.

When you are sick and he can't cook worth a lick, but rushes around burning food and tries to feed it to you so that you'll feel better.

When he brings you home a puppy because you told him it was always, always your dream to have a house and a dog and a man there to love you forever. He doesn't realize him being there to love you forever, is the best gift.

When he opens his arms to you at night and you fit...right there...like you were made to be there, to fit together as one.

When the hard times come and instead of moving away from each other, you move closer together.

When your girl friends let you down, your sisters let you down, your family lets you down, but he's still there watching out for you.

When coming home to him feels better than anything else.

When he kisses the backs of your knees and tells you that it's his favorite spot on YOUR body.

When you know he's a manly man but he says he still gets butterflies when you walk in the room...

That's when you know he's the one......I guess.

But maybe I didn't answer the question.
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