When Do Ducks Wake Up?


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
"At the 'Quack' of dawn... :lol: :lachen:


What do you call cheese that's not yours? "Na'cho cheese :lol:

Let me tell one more... just one. Yes?


How can a man go eight days without sleep?

He sleeps at night. :look:

I posted these because the joy of the Lord is our strength. ;)
I'm home from work for 4 whole marvelous days...so please bear with me. :lol:

Right now I'm chillin' and enjoying these wonderful moments of peace and quiet. I just wanted to share them...for truly the joy of the Lord is our strength and laughter doeth good like a medicine.

Sharing ome more smiles...;)

Q. Why is it easy to weigh a fish ?
A : Because it has its own scales.

Q. Why does a bike rest on its leg ?
A : Because it is too tired.

Oooo, Check out these new definitions... :look: From my college course.

TRAFFIC LIGHT -- apparatus that automatically turns red when your car approaches.

DIVORCE -- postgraduate in School of Love.

PEOPLE -- some make things happen, some watch things happen, and the majority has no idea what's happened.

SWIMMING POOL -- a mob of people with water in it.

FOREIGN FILM -- any movie shown in a Texas theater that isn't a western.

OPTIMIST -- girl who regards a bulge as a curve.

COLLEGE: The four-year period when parents are permitted access to the telephone.

EMERGENCY NUMBERS: Police station, fire department and places that deliver.

BUFFET: A French word that means "Get up and get it yourself."

TATTOO: Permanent proof of temporary insanity.

Now, Shimmie's definition:

SELF-CONTROL -- the ability to abstain from LHCF for one hour.

;) Sweet sleep everyone...See you in the morning. :sleeping:

Hey.........nobody read my jokes :cry3:

I thought they were funny. Wellllll, almost funny.

Just wanted someone to smile instead of being sad or afraid.

Jesus loves you....I do too. ;)
asubeauty said:
Awww... Shimmie, I read your jokes. I'm glad someone is being lighthearted. We need more of that. :)

:cry3: Thank you asubeauty :yep: At least you love me. :cry3: :lol:
Girl, you know I read your jokes! My favorite from your second list has got to be the Buffet. That's my motto! Get up and get it yourself! It ain't that kinda party 'round here! LOL! :lachen: