When did you that you were "in love" with someone?


New Member
I just am curious to know the moments or event that happened in your relationship or (nonrelationship) when you knew that you were "in love." Was it something that was said or something that was done? I love little love stories. How did your family and friends say you were acting? How do you feel you were acting?
When he asked me to marry him.

I loved him but my mind was too much into making a career for myself so, I did not know I was truly in love with him. I thought he was joking, but when he said he was taking me to go design the ring, I knew he meant business. I dragged out our engagement to really make sure I was in love with him...he finally made the arrangements because I kept dragging my feet. Yes, it took me that long to realize I was truly in love with him. We are soulmates.

My Mom said she could tell because he was my only boyfriend. I always kept at least two male friends, but not that time around.
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He made me fall in love with him. And when I realized that i was in love with him, this is soo wack to say lol, but we were being intimiate and I felt a cconnection like never before. It was like being in his arms felt better than the actual act. It was like a piece of heaven being with him. I can't explain it.
He made me fall in love with him. And when I realized that i was in love with him, this is soo wack to say lol, but we were being intimiate and I felt a cconnection like never before. It was like being in his arms felt better than the actual act. It was like a piece of heaven being with him. I can't explain it.

AmilLion!?!? Hey girl!!! Where ya been?
He made me fall in love with him. And when I realized that i was in love with him, this is soo wack to say lol, but we were being intimiate and I felt a cconnection like never before. It was like being in his arms felt better than the actual act. It was like a piece of heaven being with him. I can't explain it.

Awww, corny as it may sound, it still sounds sweet.
He made me fall in love with him. And when I realized that i was in love with him, this is soo wack to say lol, but we were being intimiate and I felt a cconnection like never before. It was like being in his arms felt better than the actual act. It was like a piece of heaven being with him. I can't explain it.

I think you just did...for me anyways.

I knew when I began doing things for him that I never did for other guys and when I realized that I would do just about anything for him. He is the only boyfriend I have had that seems to send me to cloud 29 with just one look. I cant explain it but I just know. I even consider him my first TRUE love. I was in love before but NOTHING this real and strong and SATISFYING!
I knew I was in love w/ my ex he first time I cried in front of him. I was going through a tough time, and having the worst day. He came over, and I just started crying. He made me laugh at something stupid, told me he had a secret to tell me, and looked me right in the eye and said he was in love with me. I looked at him, and was like, "dangit! I love you too!" :look: I was crying from grief and happiness at the same time.
well i knew i was in love with my ex because during the times we were together i would cry all the dang time....i mean just cry just if i didnt hear from him.....cry just because.....he used to make me laugh so so much...i miss him alot, but we still text and talk...
it was love at first sight. i was 16, and he 17. church ended, we were outside, i looked down the walkway, there he was. i thought: wow, what a cute guy! we stood and stared at each other for what seemed like forever. Everything went in slow motion and everything. After that i didn't notice him until my sister asked about the guy that's always staring at me, did i know him? I was surprised cause i had a huge crush on him.

i'm 23 now, we've never dated. we both dated other people. we Kept in touch over the years (like once a year or 2). we reconnected earlier this year (he called around 'till he got my number :blush:) and we've been talking for real ever since. hopefully we'll start dating soon.
it was love at first sight. i was 16, and he 17. church ended, we were outside, i looked down the walkway, there he was. i thought: wow, what a cute guy! we stood and stared at each other for what seemed like forever. Everything went in slow motion and everything. After that i didn't notice him until my sister asked about the guy that's always staring at me, did i know him? I was surprised cause i had a huge crush on him.

i'm 23 now, we've never dated. we both dated other people. we Kept in touch over the years (like once a year or 2). we reconnected earlier this year (he called around 'till he got my number :blush:) and we've been talking for real ever since. hopefully we'll start dating soon.

Wow, I had a similar story just like that. I was about the same age and I have no idea how old the guy was. We were at school and in the lunch room I just turned and spotted him and just kept looking and he was doing the same. It was weird and seemed real long. From then on, I always played my cool, and I would always see him looking at me and smiling at me as if we knew each other. One day he came up to me as I was walking in the hallway and just put his arm around me (mind you we never spoke to each other). I never pushed him away like I probably have done to someone else, and from then on he would do things to get my attention, but we never really hooked or anything. It was the weirdest but most wonderful feeling of adventure and I believe love at first site. So weird, because I believe if I was to see him now that we are older, the same thing as far as staring would happen.
I knew I was in love with him in a dream. In this dream there was going to be a flood. I had the opportunity to save him and his son and drown(I can't swim) or save myself and let him and his son battle it out for themselves (they can both swim).

I chose to save them and I drowned. Yep. that's how I knew.
My dad died suddenly. I was crying so bad that I could not see straight. I called a taxi to catch my plane to the airport and he came with me. When he saw what a bad state I was in he called work and took a 1 week vacation. Purchased his ticket at the airport counter. He stayed with our family for that week. We didn't talk much during that time, he did not pressure me to talk, he was there for me without smothering me. I stayed home with my mom for 2 months. When I came back, he picked me up from the airport and I felt a twinge in my heart, I knew I was in love.
My dad died suddenly. I was crying so bad that I could not see straight. I called a taxi to catch my plane to the airport and he came with me. When he saw what a bad state I was in he called work and took a 1 week vacation. Purchased his ticket at the airport counter. He stayed with our family for that week. We didn't talk much during that time, he did not pressure me to talk, he was there for me without smothering me. I stayed home with my mom for 2 months. When I came back, he picked me up from the airport and I felt a twinge in my heart, I knew I was in love.
