When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I am new to this forum and am so blessed that i found it. I actually had been praying for healthy hair for about 6 months and i found this 2 months ago. I am very grateful and now am excited to do my hair instead of scared.

As soon as i read somethings on here i immediately changed the things i was doing like i started combing with conditioner in, (i have literally no breakage now and before i had sooo much i hated combing my hair), not putting mineral oil products on my hair dry, using non sulfate shampoos etc etc.

I have never really worn perms. Had a few as a child then wore braids till about 21 (im now 26), then a hairdresser convinced me to let her perm my hair, then she put tracks on top of my scalp right after the perm. This literally ripped my scalp off where the tracks were laid and my hair was just destroyed as i didnt know how to take care of permed hair. I hid my hair under quick weaves with a stocking cap to avoid getting glue in my hair for the last 5 years. I only took my hair out of the quick weaves every two weeks, then i would wash it, deep condish and comb when dry with mineral oil products on top of it. Ouch.

I never really cut the perm out because all my hair broke off anyways and the mineral oil products on dry hair assited it. Just recently i cut quite a bit of my hair off to get a fresh start. My hair was still growing all this time, but clearly i was not doing things so it could reach its full potential. I dont know how long my hair is because i have yet to straighten it and see, but i know it definately has NOT been retaining most of its lenght. In fact i kinda think that the quick weaves have been sufocating my hair because of the stocking cap and all that gel on top of it. Plus blow drying it hard to lay the tracks on the cap. I dont feel like my hair has been growing as much as it should, and my edges are definately dodge. They have been since i wore the braids. Any tips on how to grow them back?

Anyhow how long before you started to see improvment in your hair? Honestly, i think i dont even know what my hair really is like because of all this neglect. I only oiled my scalp with grease once in a while when i did wear the braids, but i never gave my hair real moisture. I only washed it once in a great while etc etc. Do you think after all this time that my hair really can thrive with the right care?
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

After around 2 months I saw I was retaining length. I saw a whole lot more improvement after a year.
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

I started seeing improvement 2-3 months into my HHJ. I knew my hair was improving because I had less breakage and for the first time my hair felt soft & moisturized...before, especially when I was stretching relaxers, my hair was dry and rough to the touch (I thought this was normal). Oh yea and.... :welcome2:
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

I started seeing improvement about 3 months after I started. If you take pics, you'll definitely see progress if you are doing all the right things.
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

I saw immediate improvement after 2 things:

1. A corrective to my severely under processed hair. I tried to relax my virgin hair and it just didn't take. After getting that fixed my hair was like new.

2. At the same time after my touch up I added protein to my regimen. My hair turned around. It was no longer dry and retains moisture now and is stronger.
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

I really noticed after about 2 - 3 months of good hair care, especially after my relaxer I noticed how much length I retained and the thickness I gained.
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

I started to notice the difference after approx 2 months.
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

Good question, I'm just staring out too, althouht sew in's for the last couple of years has really grown my hair, so I'm hoping with good care hair it will grow faster and healthier!?!
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

it took me about 4 months
lots of trial and error
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

As soon as I BC'd.
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

It took my a while, I would say six months after my HHJ. After I got a touch-up I realized my hair was actually retaining length and it was a lot softer and moisturized.
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

I would say I felt the difference after 1 month of cowashing, My hair was more manageable so less shedding/breakage. I could see the difference around 2-3 months. Pics helped me to see the truth. My BC really was the tell all and has been since.
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

Hey Girl!


I'm so glad you found this site. Your hair will be grateful for it in the end. It is funny that you are just about as inquisitive as I was in the beginning of my journey! I love knowing timeframes of when to expect certain "hair milestones" too. Keep doing what your doing: Stay passionate, ask questions, and never stop learning. :bookworm2:

Here is my Timeline:

MONTHS 1-2: I started a mission to explore what my hair needed: What oils, moisturizers, deep conditioners, moisture/protein balance, shampoos, what protective styles, how to deep condition (heat/no heat, time frame)... This is a very exciting and hectic time because I was trying to figure out what my hair liked. It's hard to see any improvements without a set routine...however....this initial stage of experimentation is so important and lays the foundation for the rest of your hair journey,

MONTHS 3-6: I was still trying to figure out what my hair liked, but I start to establish a routine. I started finding things that worked for my hair and started to see some improvements in the overall health. By this time, my hair should started to feel more moisturized and stronger.

MONTHS 7-12: I saw drastic changes in my hair. (This is usually the time when other people (besides you) will start to notice your hair is changing for the better.) I established a pretty solid routine and knew my hair's wants and needs by this point. FYI...I really feel 6+ months is the average time to really know and understand your hair.

1 Year (AND BEYOND): My hair hair has done nothing but flourish, grow, and get thicker and healthier. I always tweak my regimen. Remember, never stop researching, learning, and trying new things for your hair.

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Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

My hair was sooo thin, overprocessed and porous :blush: that I began seeing improvements within 9 months, which was also my last retouch. :yep:
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

After Everything FELL OUT:rolleyes: and I swore off the Salon and Started My Quest to become a DIY and take Responsibility for My Own Hair-Health........

It took me about 3 Months to see a significant change in the Overall Quality of My Hair.:grin:
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

I started noticing improvements in my hair about 90 days (3 months) into my healthy hair care journey. Since then, I've had a wonderful time experimenting and finding a steady regimen. Now that I actually HAVE a set regimen, with staple products, I'm just enjoying the growth, with quarterly length checks. I am surprised every time!!

THe key for me is consistency mixed with lot of patience. You WILL get there. I believe it.!
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

Honestly...I've been nothing but amazed with my hair (ok..small lie..sometimes frustrated :lachen:) since I BC'd. It's been a LOT of trial and error these past two and a half months, but each time I do something RIGHT, my hair shows immediate appreciation.
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

I would say about 3 to 4 months I began to see big changes in my hair.. It was no longer dry and brittle like it always used to be..
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

After I nailed down a regimen...about a year.
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

I noticed a difference around 2 months. My hair didn't break, and before LHCF, my hair would start breaking around 6 weeks post
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

I saw a change in my hairs health in about 4 weeks. It stopped breaking after I deep conditoned, did hot oil treatments and did a heavy protein treatment.

I saw changes in length after 3 months.
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

Changes in length after 2 months
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

About 4 months into my subscription was when I started to see progress. Lots of trial and error. I'm still learning. For example: It took me 2 months to figure out how to retain my ends. Now this is my first relaxer stretch (11 weeks). Since I always get a touch up at 8 weeks, i'm learning how to care for my newgrowth.
Still trial and error.
Re: When did you start to see improvement in your hair after starting your hh journey

About 3 to 4 months ago. That was when I started to consistently use protein. When I stopped drowning my hair in moisture, my hair actually held on to it & breakage was reduced a lot.