When did you know its time to start mingling


New Member
Ok I havent ever had a good relationship but now its been 4 years that I havent had a boo or even a friend.I was wondering ladies out there who took themselves out of the game when did you know it was time to go back in.I have been researching how to be a Godly wife,building my own cook book,contining to face my bad thinking head on etc..

Also when you decied and felt God say go where did you go to get better pickings.I'm looking at HGTV and all these married couples who have real joy and I want that too..

Before I met my future it was probably at least 2 years before I dated seriously again, I had taken myself out of social atmospheres and just really dedicated myself to me, family, work and etc...when I met him I was still a WIP (work-in-progress), I wasn't even thinking of putting myself back in but he convinced me to allow him in and I always have stated that I prefer to meet someone at my low point vs. high so that they can celebrate the highs and we can appreciate that much more...IMO

As far as meeting I always say the best way to meet someone will be doing what you love...love cooking? go to gourmet food stores and or classes, walk around, see someone you like, wink and say how are you. Love working out? go to a gym ask Mr. Handsome Abs for help . Love church? well support your church functions, ask Brother Love if he doesn't mind helping set up tables or getting your dish that you cooked out the car. Love your pet? Take em to a pet park and let "Bambi" do the flirting first! Love reading? stop reading at home and go out to the bookstore and be amongst fellow readers and their lattes. I mean there are endless places/things to do you just have to be creative.

I mean we always ask God to give/show/bring us the one but, we still have to do some footwork. It will not just fall into your lap!...unless you accidentally tripped him and you somehow caught him in your soft, waiting to be loved arms! *wink*

I believe it was Bunny who mentioned that she decided not to wait but made the decision and tried online dating, speed-dating and others. You just can't wait around because remember there are other's who are out there looking besides you. So go get em gurl!
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This is solid.This is how I would be at a WIP stage and would want a man to works for it to a point.I don't want to beg a man but one that wants to show he wants to be in my life..