When did u know your DH/future DH was hubby material?


Well-Known Member
just curious as to when you realized that the guy you were dating was husband material. Did you know in the beginning of dating, further into the relationship, or did u just wing it and try to find out after you got married?

what was it that made u realize he would be the right husband for YOU....BESIDES being in love with one another? (ie: qualities, morals, values, comparing him to others u dated)

please explain.

**this is only for those women who are married or currently engaged
just curious as to when you realized that the guy you were dating was husband material. Did you know in the beginning of dating, further into the relationship, or did u just wing it and try to find out after you got married?

what was it that made u realize he would be the right husband for YOU....BESIDES being in love with one another? (ie: qualities, morals, values, comparing him to others u dated)

please explain.

**this is only for those women who are married or currently engaged

Well for me it was the little things at first. Like he was planning for our future when we were dating. He made me the beneficiary of his retirement account, he added me to his AAA policy and gave me my card too, and when I'd go over to spend the night he already had a toothbrush there for me. LOL, these all ranged from little to large, and I knew he was serious and was definitely hubby material because he planned for the future with me in it. He just didn't plan for today he was looking at things in the long term. In our relationship he's the long term thinker and I'm the short term one. It's a great balance and I love it. He always had (and still does) have my/our best interest at heart. I trust his long term thinking, as many of times I've seen that if things were done my way, they'd be the wrong way.

The spookiest thing that I knew, without a doubt he was the one for me was when all the little things I've always wanted to do with a guy, I did!! Most guys would cancel themselves out (of course without them knowing what I had in mind). Plenty of times I just cried thanking God for him and it's really weird because I saw so much of God in him. Like God is always there waiting for you to come to him and regardless of how bad you treat him, he's still there with his arms open wide and just loves you regardless. That's exactly how my hubby is. So I could see God's love through him, if that makes any sense. I'm not saying my hubby is God and/or without fault/sin, but that kind of love and patience is the only thing I can compare it to. It's a different kind of love, one that I'd NEVER experienced before. Not like the love of your parents/family, but the love that's described in the Bible verse,

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

I now know the true meaning of this verse as I've been blessed enough to see and experience this kind of love through my hubby daily. Just reading this scripture is kind of emotional for me.
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My Hubbster had it all, Romatic, Same MORALS, same values...We wanted the same things out of life..But even when I knew that, I was STILL unsure on whether or not he was IT, ya know?

The tide turned when, I had to take a DRUG TEST....

:grin: I'm IN the ARMY!!:grin:

(We all have to do it, once in a while, an obligation of service...Had you scared didn't I?)

But yes, back to the "love", I didn't have a car at the time, and since we were friends, he decided he'd give me a ride back to the barracks (dorm, apartments, whatever you want to call it.), after I'd taken my wee-wee test. Problem was... I DIDN'T HAVE TO GO!:ohwell:

So, he's waiting, getting impatient, and I decided to start CHUGGING WATER, like, over a GALLON in less than 10 minutes...:nono:

Needless to say, I eventually finished my urine test, wit FLYING COLORS. :rolleyes:

And of course...I was SICK! We were almost home, and well...He took one look at my face and PULLED OVER on the high-way, so that I could...uh...well...vomit.


OMG!!! I was so embarrassed.

But, he just handed me a paper towel, and kept driving home like it was nothing. :love:

I just KNEW, KNEW, KNEW after that SUPREME-THROW-MYSELF-IN-FRONT-OF-A-TRAIN-MOMENT, and him STILL taking me out to eat, and to the movies...THIS IS IT. He's seen me at my LOWEST, and I can still get "Red Lobster"?? KEEPER.

I still, can't look at a bottle of Aquafina quite same same...SMH
Good question OP! I am not married yet, but there are a few things that led me to know in my heart that my SO is husband material...

1. He is very much a protector, and has always been that way from the beginning of our relationship. He embraces being the man in the relationship without down-playing my role as the woman. What I mean by that is that he believes that a man should protect and provide for his wife and family, and is always working to put himself in a better position to do so. He loves the fact that I am nice, sweet, sensitive, and feminine, and looks as those qualities as strengths.

2. I always told myself that I would never date a man with a child(ren), but very early on in our relationship, he confided to me that he has a daughter from a failed high school relationship. This is information that only those close to him know. I was still skeptical until I had a chance to meet her, and see him interact with her, and other children for that matter. My man is GREAT with children, and the relationship I saw between him and his daughter was amazing. Plus even though the mother of his child did him very wrong in their relationship, I have yet to hear him utter a negative word about her out of respect for his daughter.

3. I love the relationship he has with his family. I met them very early in our relationship, and they remind me so much of my family.

4. We share the same financial, spiritual, and relationship goals. We just get along very well.

5. He talks highly of me when I'm not around. I have met friend's and co-workers of his that already know how great, smart, caring, and pretty I am because he has talked me up just that much. We were in New Orleans standing in line at the Acme Oyster House, and I left the line to go grab a drink from a nearby bar. Well obviously, while I was gone, he struck up a conversation with these ladies in line, and when I got back they all yelled to me "So this is the fabulous lady you been talking about!" I looked at him like "WOW!" It definitely made me feel good.

5. He takes good care of me, and watches over me at all times, especially when I'm sick or sad about something.

6. He always finds a way to make me smile. Whether it's cooking my favorite meal, buying my favorite candy from the store, or simply being his normal goofy self.

7. He prayed me into his life. NUFF SAID!

These are just a FEW things that makes him husband material. I could go on forever, so I know for a fact that when he pops the question, there will be no doubt in my mind...