When Did People Start to Notice Your Hair?

people always use to comment on how i had long hair through high school:perplexed. i was never past that between sl and apl stage. now i have apl hair and since i have been doing my hair myself (instead of having those thin curls from the salon) i have been getting even more comments. my hair is much thicker and healthier. however i noticed this week that there's no shine. i have to work on that.
Around my senior year in highschool to my freshman year in college, people began noticing my hair. I started getting it relaxed at the salon when I could afford it, rather than me doing it myself and leaving it in a ponytail. When I got to college it was about APL and people kept calling it long. I didnt think much about it but it was pretty dry and damaged at the time. Now people comment on it getting longer and longer but aren't much surprised.
Since my childhood. People have always commented on the thickness and length:yep:.
Actually my hair is being noticed less now because it is not as thick and long as it used to be. I think my hair is now 1/3 its usual thickness which is sad really:nono:.
In the past people would just walk up from behind me and put their handS in my hair and scream Is THAT TRULY YOUR HAIR?!
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No one noticed until I wore my hair down after almost six months wearing buns and protective styles... and when they noticed, they all wanted to touch my hair.
After it got past my shoulders, people started commenting on it. It seems like "off the board" if your hair is past your shoulders, people consider it long.:)

I too started getting comments and looks when my hair was just a little past my shoulders. :)
Right before I cut 1 1/2 inches to become fully texlaxed. I was at the drive-thru at Wendy's down the street from me. My hair was totally frizzed out, air-dried and in a half ponytail, half-ball and the girl at the window was like, "Wow, your hair is sooo thick! It's pretty!" I was stunned because it was a hot mess! It took me like 10 seconds to say thank you in my shocked state! :lachen:
I started getting the "wow" comments when my hair reached armpit lenght. at that lenght, my hair was super healthy and thick, so theyalways commented on the fullness. Now, that its longer, ppl ALWAYS comment on the lenght....especially since i wear my hair out probably once every 2 months...so when my friends and co-workers see it, they are honestlyin disbelief. because my co-workers wont dare run their fingers through my hair, i am sure most of them think its a weave. I got a comment a few months ago from a co-worker and she said "your hair looks long today". i told her it has been long for a few years now, and then she said "no, it looks longer than 2 months ago". she wasnt tryna say my hair grows fast, that chick was tryna say i was lying and had a weave. i take them as compliments now, i aint tryna convince my damn coworkers.
OK well I guess people really started to notice when I straightened it this week! It is super super straight and usually I have a wave/curl in my hair but this week..MAN! This guy was literally serenading me and my hair haha ..offering to be my shade so I don't sweat it out! :lachen: Lol it was a cute compliment
I rarely wore my hair down, so when I actually wore it down, especially loose curls, I got the most most compliments. But that was pre bc. I get "comments" often because I've changed my hair so much...relaxed, short, long, wigs, braids, locs, natural, relaxed again, twists, ..and now short again. But I know in my circle they prefer it longer. When I told everyone that I was going back to my natural texture and would cut the relaxed ends off, you would have thought I was talking about their hair. It must be "community" hair :rolleyes:. No one outside the board has seen the bc ...not even my son. (lol) That's going to be more comments.
HS, it was fairly thick and almost SL which was long to some people where i'm from.

College it got noticed bc i always had some fly layered/feathered style. Although it was always pretty short (and actually damaged alot just styled well)

Now, people are noticing the length/health after it being short all these years. In the past month I've had two people say "nice hair" as part of them describing my appearance.
In high school. People always commented on how thick and long it was. It was probably about APL then I think.
I transition for about 2 1/2 years in braids, and once I stopped wearing braids and started wearing my afro everyone was like "....DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :D I also hardly press my hair.... so when I do I get an extra " ....DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNGGGGGGGG!" :D
Very beautiful!!!!!!!!!:shocked::love: And you are soo pretty!
People have aways noticed me with short hair. I have told people I never wanted to grow it out because I was really addicted to the compliments on it! Now that I am growing my hair out, and it is covered, no one really says anything.:ohwell: But, I know that will change when I come out of hiding! Also I have been getting some looks with a curly half wig I have been wearing. I hope that is a good thing!:look:
Now that the sun has been out people have been noticing the color. I've been using henna since last Nov and in the sun my hair glows. And I've gotten comments about the shine even when it's unruly and fluffy.

I haven't worn my hair down in a long time so no length comments yet. Although my girl at work said the other day that she noticed my bun has gotten bigger without my sock bun in it.
around my 13th month of being natural. i had kept it in braids for a long time. i came back to university after a break with the braids out and a lot of hair. i had learnt how to stretch it around this time too. so people took a lot of notice, especially because i like to wear it loose a lot and "wild". recently, i was posting something on here and my mum's friend, who has never seen my real hair, saw my siggy. she was like, "scroll back. is that you? oh, that's a wig, right? what, that's your hair?" she was very surprised about it and that sort of amazed me. in a nutshell, when my hair got longer, more people took notice irl, fotki-land, lhcf and other message boards.
After I revealed my newly natural head in February. I BC'd in December, but had it in individuals for growth and not being used to the look of my TWA. After I went to a program entitled My Black Is Beautiful at my University (Howard), I decided to go head and reveal myself lol. I got a lot of compliments and in the last few months people have said a lot about the growth I've had since first showing it and the health.
People are now really starting to notice my hair. For most of my life my hair stayed around shoulder length. Now I'm APL and people not only notice the length, but also notice the shine and overall health. :D

Yeah what she said.