when boyfriends go crazy: a story of love and loss


Well-Known Member
When I began dating my boyfriend I was accidently transitioning. The more I learned via lhcf the more in depth my chatter about hair became. Fast forward a few months and I have instilled the fear of god in him about parbens and cones. He,over time, shared his fear of going bald and happily accepted my revamping his hair regime. After saying goodbye to his beloved ORS aloe shampoo and hello to trader Joe's nourish spa he was hooked. Next thing I know he is begging for a mositure mist and crying when his Spray bottle was empty. His formally flaking, breaking hair became thick and lush and we both happy! Me doublely so because I got bragging rights.

Then he tells he wants to grow out his bread. I say "great" I make a shea butter blend and start in on the hot oil treatments. And this thick hair monster grew into a beast all acorss his face. Then he springs part two of his plan. Now that he has completed his " neck hair journey" he wants to shave his head because it'll be "funny" when he renews his lisence. After a few mentions I realize he was serious and tonight was the night. Those thick lush curls I cultivated were going bye bye. I clipped his hair down with shears, shaved it with clippers and finally got out the old school foam and razored the rest away.

He claims he can now be my hair tester and I rebuild him from the ground up, but I don't know. I rubbed some olive oil on his bald head and am confused as to how to clean up his thick hair and deal with the new reflective nature of his scalp. Le sigh. Guess love is a give and take.


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Aww that's so cute that he took an interest in healthy hair care...and you did a good job!!! Now if only my bf would listen to me...he uses my products but when I explain why I use what he looks a me like 'woman.no.talk, just.look.good' ( i image him thinking in a cave man voice when he gives me that dumb look, y'all know what look I'm talking about)
This is the cutest hair story. When I read the title I was like shouldn't this be in the relationship forum?? :lachen:
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :love2: You two are soooo cute together, and I love that he trusts you with his hair care.
I know this thread is old, but I wanted to bump it to say thanks to those who repiled and to report:

1. My boyfriend's hair thankfully grew back
2. Now with no free of absent regrowth, he decided to shave his head again to be Mr. T for Halloween.
3. As encouragment:

I was afriad to be wigless for a long long time. I wore a wig prior to us meeting and the thought of us both meeting my natural hair was too much for me. I remember traditions threads of women discussing dressing up scarfs, how to explain weaves, wigs and the like and I shuddered at the thought. I never thought of hair as that big of a deal but in my mind I seemed to create anxieties for myself over nothing.

I am finally wig free and I think being open about my HHJ has made hair fun instead of laborious. So to all of you still walking fine lines or hiding packs of hair around the house good luck and remember everything is better shared.

Thanks for reading and happy hair growing

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Y'all are a gorgeous couple!! And it's wonderful to hear about a man who listens to/follows his woman's advice.