When are you going to update your pics?

  • Thread starter Thread starter HoneyRockette
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Caramela, BlkMane, Ebony, Henrilou, London, Hairfanatic, Carrie, Valleygirl, Faith, Tracy, SweetCocoa, Beverly, Daviine (I saw your photos on your Tripod site, you can't get hide!) and everyone else who is holding back on posting update pictures- WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???
Hi Honeyrockette,

The one you saw was a recent photo. I'm putting my braids in today but will be happy to post an update in January, 2003 when I take them out.
I'll update my pics in 12/02, after my relaxer & trim. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I'm trying to decide wether to post a new one in December or wait until February(1 year anniversary of being natural).
I vote for waiting unitl 2/03 for 1 yr natural /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I'm going to try to post some soon. I just haven't had the chance to take any new ones. I'll let you know when I do.
I have a goal Im'm trying to reach for my bday (three more inches) so I'll post my progress pics then. Then again at roughly a year from the date that I posted my last ones - September of 2003.

I want to wait to see progress so I don't get discouraged and start cutting. My hair just about at that length where I start getting antsy for a new or "better" look. The color has staved off the last couple of months of restlessness. So I'm just focusing on retaining length right now. March 2003 will be the next posting.
I have a picture to post, but I haven't put it online just yet. I plan to post a new one every six months, or if I'm getting to my goals faster than expected (please oh please!), every three months.
Okay, I posted mine. I saw some of the beautiful hair on this site (long, medium and short lengths) and realized I want to work on the color ---maybe one of those colorshines and I want to try pincurls.....

Just checked out your photos. You go, girl! /images/graemlins/grin.gif Your hair is pretty and LOOOOONG! How long was it a year ago?

How do you usually wear your hair? Do you roller set or did you flatiron or something to get it that straight?
Thanks. Well there is a pic of me 1 year ago. It's the one where I have jagged ends (because I didn't trust the stylist--still don't my b/f trims) I think that it's grown about 4 inches total--including one big trim to even the back up. My hair grows very slowly. I get it washed/pressed every three weeks (more in the summer when I sweat...)And I generally clip it up everyday and wrap it at night. Unless I just got it done--then I wear it down for a few days. I oil the ends and kitchen everyday and that's it. The less I do the better off my ends are.
Wow! Somebody called my name out! I feel so special! LOL!

Those pictures are from like April 2001 if I remember correctly. I usually post updated pictures at BHCAB every retouch. When I figure out how to do it here, then I'll update.

And I think my hair was longer then. /images/graemlins/confused.gif
I would add more pictures but I FEEL SO VAIN!!! My mom just saw some that I took of my hair on my computer and she just shook her head and walked away.
Also I just had a MAJOR F*&% up when I was tying to email a flyer for a birthday party for a co-worker that I had added to my Yahoo album but instead I emailed my hair photos along with the flyer. EVERYONE at my job saw it!! The director of the show, the executive producer, the tech staff OMG! I was soooo utterly embarrassed. They were all like WTF is that?
Anyway just wanted to share this with you all....
I will post some more pics when I do something different to my hair. It looks the same everyday big and curly.
I plan on adding some temporary color but just havent had the time
Daviine you should definitely post some over here, (you know you look cute with your supermodel poses! /images/graemlins/wink.gif)

Valleygirl, no need to feel vain with us. But OH WOW! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I think you lived my worse fear. I don't know what I'd do if anyone ever found out about my secret obsession. I am at work now. Everytime someone walks by my computer I damn near go crazy! I throw my arms up over the screen like a mad woman, you know, ATTRACTING attention to myself. Then again, I am only supposed to be checking lab results and I have been on here for about 40 minutes. If that ever happened to me, I think I'd be so mortified that I'd just quit. Keep your head up though girl and in front of the camera. I need some inspiration.
Valleygirl...I am so sorry about what happened. I don't even know what else to tell you because I don't know what I would do myslef.

However, don't feel vain. It's good to love yourself. I guess you just have to be on the DL about the hair thing now.

Maybe you can the people at work you're taking a speech class and you had to do a speech so you're doing a presentation on haircare?
Hi ValleyGirl,

Don't feel vain and don't let the situation at work get you down...it's nothing major. It's not like you took nude pictures to give to your boyfriend, it's just some really nice shots of your hair. I'm sure they will get over it. Just tell them that you and some friends are trying some new products and comparing notes and pictures...which is true. Nothing vain about that. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Now where on earth is the link to those pictures? You know you can't keep that kind of stuff from us. /images/graemlins/grin.gif Just point me in the direction so I can see your beautiful hair /images/graemlins/smile.gif
HoneyRockette, Davine and Hairfanatic
Thanks but it's actually kinda funny now! They just think I am nuts!
I have been at my job for almost 3 years now and they all know about my obession with hair. My co-workers walk by and they are like "Curltalk!?" "LongHairCareforum?" They come to me for advice and I give them hair products that didn't work out for me. They just didn't know that we posted pics to each other. They also know what I look like so they were like "who are you trying to fool by blocking out your face?"
Anyway to get back to the original topic of this thread I will probably be trying the temporary hair color today and I will update my album IF it comes out OK
Daviine, both you and your hair are gorgeous.
Love the lip colour girl you have lovely full lips.

As for me and the whole hair photo thing the only think that has stopped me is my laziness to buy 2 batteries for my digital camera. I'm going to make it my duty to post some by the end of the week.

Thanks for starting this thread. I needed a kick up the butt.
London, I love your dollie gif. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I'm in the dark ages. I'd love to create a hair journal (or journey because that's what it feels like and I'm on a long road) ...I know how to save the pics as a jpg, but I don't know what to do from there. Can someone break it down in steps? Like 1. do this 2) do that

Hey, stop laughing at me!!
L.A., I used Geocities Photo Page Template to make my photo journal. You just upload it straight from your computer and add captions. The template does everything else for you.
Daviine,I like your photos you should be a model(perfect Face). Happy Hair Growing! /images/graemlins/cool.gif

You hair is lovely!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif Girl...now you know you should send those modeling shots to one of those hair magazines! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Valleygirl, when I read your pic incident I was like what the &H&%. I felt such horror for you. I'm glad it's all cool though. Wheew! /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
HoneyRockette, regarding my update pics..LOL! Umm! Err! Well! Maybe December. /images/graemlins/grin.gif Or May 2003 /images/graemlins/smirk.gif Good Lawd I don't know. You will know though when I post them...aight /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Londondiva---I have always hated my lips--they're too full for me. Men seem to like them but for that smae reason I don't like to wear lipstick---too much attention. And my friends mom once told me in junior high that I looked like I had a big red butt on my face (I was wearing red obviously). S0ometimes people don't even think about how the comments they make affect others. I remember that everytime I want to wear lipstick. I just prefer to wear chapstick. Thans for the compliment though.

HoneyRockette, Lita, hairfanatic, and Carrie---on the same token a small compliment goes a long way. You guys really made me smile. I was wondering why everyone kept using the words model in their posts and when I looked at the pictures and the poses I was doing--I was embarassed. But it gets like that when you have a digital camera--you just keep taking pix til they look good.

Again, thanks for the compliment----it means a lot. Now I have to work on getting my hair to look like that again. do remember using my Caruso Rollers though.