When a man calls too much..(vent)


New Member
I find this to be a problem.

I gave this one dude my telephone number last weekend. He has called me practically two or three times a day since. I've only talked to him once and it was on accident, because he called from another phone number and it was at 8:30 in the morning. I had just changed my number, so I thought it was one of my friends.

It wasn't like I wasn't going to call him, but I don't like a man that chickenhawks me either. In fact I told dude that I wasn't interested in dealing with anyone at the moment not even as a "friend". He said he understood. We could just "talk". I said okay, gave him my number and didn't think anything of it. Ever since he's been calling like tomorrow.

The day that I did pick up to talk to him, I reiterated again that I wasn't interested in trying to get to know anyone, because I just came out of a "relationship". He said fine, he was just looking for someone to kick it with every now and then and be friends. Instead of giving ME time to get back to him, he calls me AGAIN later on that evening! In my mind I'm like "Dude? Didn't I just talk to you this morning? F___k u want now?" Yesterday, he called me three times beginning at 7:21 IN THE MORNING and left TWO MESSAGES as if I didn't get the last 400 he left. I didn't answer and haven't answered any of his calls since.

Unfortunately, he works at the Rite Aid next to my house and now I can't get my favorite ice cream from over there anymore.

He's not a young buck either. He's 58 years old and should know better. He smacks of desperation. If and when I ever do speak to him again I'm going to lie and tell him I'm getting back together with my ex.

Can you imagine if I decided to have sex with him?! No freakin way man. He'd be on my like white on rice!

From here on out to all dudes that I know I don't feel like being bothered with I got a man and will continue to have a man until further notice. I hate lying, but being truthful gets me nothing, but weirdos and desperados.
Been there. I had just got into a argument on the phone with my ex while I was at the drive-thru. I pull around and dude asked for my number. I wasn't in my right mind and gave it to him. Dude wouldn't stop calling. I finally picked up and listened to his yingyang then I promptly said I was not interested. At least I let him talk for a bit.
be truthful and decline giving ur number out...that works as well....
or don't feel bad about lying....if you are into LOA then you can say you got a man and feel as if you have one even when u don't so it gives u practice and feeling that u got somebody :)

if I don't just directly say no, sometimes I tell people I'm married and thats because i married myself, or I tell them I have a soulmate and im not interested....both things are true to me
lol we only have problems with dudes we don't want calling all the time...
God Bless You Chile! I feel your pain! lol

I just got rid *knocks on wood* of a guy who was like this. He was an older gentlemen as well...46. Nice looking guy, home, cars, stable job, etc...etc..etc...but reaked of desperation!

He had gotten into the habit of texting me EVERY morning and calling me EVERY night before he went to bed. And sometimes several times in between. He tried to put me on his schedule. I shut that down QUICK! That annoyed the ish out of me. I'm not your woman!

Oh if I didn't answer the phone, he would call back 5 minutes later. And if I didn't answer then, he would text me.

When he would leave messages, it sounded like this..."Hey mosaiksoul...This is J..*long pause, then then he'll hang up*. Dude was acting all familiar! :lachen:

He hasn't contacted me in over a week so hopefully he has found someone that wants to be on his schedule..lol..The downside is we attend the same church (I haven't seen him there yet, but he has seen me...scary) so I'm hoping I don't run into him soon. :perplexed
I've had this problem before...I just told the guy to stop calling/texting me so frequently. Some men just don't get it so you have to let them know, point blank. If I don't want to give someone my number, I have no problem telling them that or coming up with some excuse as to why they can't have it.
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I've had this problem before...I just told the guy to stop calling/texting me so frequently. Some men just don't get it so you have to let them know, point blank. If I don't want to give someone my number, I have no problem telling them that or coming up with some excuse as to why they can't have it.

See? He's 58 years old, I shouldn't have to tell him not to call so much, at his age he should already KNOW this. If he was younger, then I would probably say something. Even if I was interested in him this constant calling would turn me off.

I mean if it was me, I'd call maybe once or twice and if I didn't hear anything I would let it go.

So far TODAY he hasn't called me. I hope he keeps it that way.
God Bless You Chile! I feel your pain! lol

I just got rid *knocks on wood* of a guy who was like this. He was an older gentlemen as well...46. Nice looking guy, home, cars, stable job, etc...etc..etc...but reaked of desperation!

He had gotten into the habit of texting me EVERY morning and calling me EVERY night before he went to bed. And sometimes several times in between. He tried to put me on his schedule. I shut that down QUICK! That annoyed the ish out of me. I'm not your woman!

Oh if I didn't answer the phone, he would call back 5 minutes later. And if I didn't answer then, he would text me.

When he would leave messages, it sounded like this..."Hey mosaiksoul...This is J..*long pause, then then he'll hang up*. Dude was acting all familiar! :lachen:

He hasn't contacted me in over a week so hopefully he has found someone that wants to be on his schedule..lol..The downside is we attend the same church (I haven't seen him there yet, but he has seen me...scary) so I'm hoping I don't run into him soon. :perplexed

This one works at my Rite Aid. It's my own fault cause I knew I wasn't interested in him like that. He's an ex-vietnam vet and seems kind of "spacey" in some way. I can't explain it. You have to talk to him to know what I mean. I just didn't think he'd be on it so hard.
DH was not like this, thankfully, but this is all a bit creepy since the guy you speak of is my dad's age. He's married now but I hope my dad was not all desperate like that?!?!?
DH was not like this, thankfully, but this is all a bit creepy since the guy you speak of is my dad's age. He's married now but I hope my dad was not all desperate like that?!?!?

LOL! I don't think your dad was like this (hope not). Every man is different.
Hahahaha! I know what you mean! Hopefully he'll get the message and leave you alone.

I didn't think the guy I'm talking about would be that way either. I gave him my number on a friendly basis only and also mentioned that I was still in love with the last guy I dated. That seemed to make him go harder..lol..I gave him my number on a Sat night, he was calling before 9 am on that Sunday morning before church. Then called afterwards and then later on that evening. And then called my sister to complain that I wasn't answering his calls. Total turn-off.

This one works at my Rite Aid. It's my own fault cause I knew I wasn't interested in him like that. He's an ex-vietnam vet and seems kind of "spacey" in some way. I can't explain it. You have to talk to him to know what I mean. I just didn't think he'd be on it so hard.
Hahahaha! I know what you mean! Hopefully he'll get the message and leave you alone.

I didn't think the guy I'm talking about would be that way either. I gave him my number on a friendly basis only and also mentioned that I was still in love with the last guy I dated. That seemed to make him go harder..lol..I gave him my number on a Sat night, he was calling before 9 am on that Sunday morning before church. Then called afterwards and then later on that evening. And then called my sister to complain that I wasn't answering his calls. Total turn-off.

Oh no! This would have been all the excuse I needed to tell him to get lost. You do not bring outsiders into "our" business even if we don't have any "business". I would have been pissed!

So far I haven't heard anything from him today. Maybe he talked to a couple of his male friends and they told him to chill. I don't know, but I'm not contacting him again and if I see him on the street (and there's a good chance I might since he works in my neighborhood), I'll just tell him I got back with my ex. Whether he believes me or not I couldn't care less.
This one works at my Rite Aid. It's my own fault cause I knew I wasn't interested in him like that. He's an ex-vietnam vet and seems kind of "spacey" in some way. I can't explain it. You have to talk to him to know what I mean. I just didn't think he'd be on it so hard.

I've been in this situation in the past. I knew I wasn't interested in the guy, but I gave him my number anyway. Then he'd call repeatedly & I'd have to force myself to make conversation with him while figuring out a way to get off of the phone. Then I'd eventually have to tell him that I wasn't interested in him.

Every once in a while, these sorts of situations do turn into relationships that we actually want to be in. More often than not, though, they end up being annoying and irritating situations. Because of the latter reason, I usually advise women not to give out their number if they're not interested in the guy.
I've been in this situation in the past. I knew I wasn't interested in the guy, but I gave him my number anyway. Then he'd call repeatedly & I'd have to force myself to make conversation with him while figuring out a way to get off of the phone. Then I'd eventually have to tell him that I wasn't interested in him.

Every once in a while, these sorts of situations do turn into relationships that we actually want to be in. More often than not, though, they end up being annoying and irritating situations. Because of the latter reason, I usually advise women not to give out their number if they're not interested in the guy.

He didn't call me at all yesterday, so I hope it stays this way. Whew! *wipes brow*
Well if I happen to give my number to someone I don't really like for the sake of being polite/nice..I will be annoyed pretty much everytime they call. Yes I have had those oddball types that call 5 times back to back with a message each time AND a few texts in between. Just imagine my attitude when I finally answer.