when a guy says..


New Member
im just feeling a little steam right now.:wallbash:

so i met a guy a few months ago he is a friend of the family. at first things were pretty cool and i was really digging him but of course not making it too obvious. well he stays about 6 hours away from me so i wasnt even seeing it as something to serious. so when he went back home he called me and everything was cool. we talk , laugh, blah blah. so lately i realize that hes not calling as much and when he does call im busy so i cant answer. i end up calling him back and he doesnt pick up. im not sayin hes not busy either its just each time. so it seem like we are playing fone tag and its beginning to urk my nerves bc i hate playing games when it comes to 'talking to someone'

and whenever we do actually talk on the fone within a couple of minutes i realize each time he says something like "Let me call you(right) back" and Im like okay sure. But it happened again tonite after not talking to him for about a week and Im asking myself why do u call if u know u have to be doin something else. is it me or do you ladies find that annoying. :pullhair:. and of course he did NOT call back.

anyone gone thru/going thru sumtime similar to this? i need insight bc im contemplating sending him a text or whatever of how its rude to do that continously! i so want to cuss him out right about now.

what do yall think?:rolleyes:
Don't even bother getting angry. I don't think he's seeing this as anything more or he wouldn't play games. Move on!
He's just not that into you.
If he was, when he called and you weren't available, he'd let you know when he was free for a phone call, and be just this side of phone stalking you to talk to you.

Don't give him the time of day and KIM...he obviously has!
Just saw He's Just Not That Into You and this could be a scene in the movie. Like Starfish said Keep It Moving, don't even waste your time texting him. Next time he calls, if you pick up, tell him you'll call him right back, and of course, don't.
im just feeling a little steam right now.:wallbash:

so i met a guy a few months ago he is a friend of the family. at first things were pretty cool and i was really digging him but of course not making it too obvious. well he stays about 6 hours away from me so i wasnt even seeing it as something to serious. so when he went back home he called me and everything was cool. we talk , laugh, blah blah. so lately i realize that hes not calling as much and when he does call im busy so i cant answer. i end up calling him back and he doesnt pick up. im not sayin hes not busy either its just each time. so it seem like we are playing fone tag and its beginning to urk my nerves bc i hate playing games when it comes to 'talking to someone'

and whenever we do actually talk on the fone within a couple of minutes i realize each time he says something like "Let me call you(right) back" and Im like okay sure. But it happened again tonite after not talking to him for about a week and Im asking myself why do u call if u know u have to be doin something else. is it me or do you ladies find that annoying. :pullhair:. and of course he did NOT call back.

anyone gone thru/going thru sumtime similar to this? i need insight bc im contemplating sending him a text or whatever of how its rude to do that continously! i so want to cuss him out right about now.

what do yall think?:rolleyes:

don't play yourself cuz it's not that serious. seriously. you would send him a text message and telling him it's rude in hopes to gain what? by doing this, you have given him the upper hand. besides, you guys aren't dating anyway, and he lives 6 hours away. you ain't pressed, so you need to act like it. i wouldn't call him AT ALL.

he's not calling you that much cuz he's just not that into you. hate to be harsh about it, but it's true. A person will make time for something that they want, especially something so simple as a phone call...he obviously has another agenda. sure, i've had this happen and it's a game they play. So what I did was stopped calling and answering text, because it dawned on me... I ain't checkin up on nobody who ain't checkin up on me. plain and simple. adopt this attitude because we as women ALWAYS have the upper hand....we just get caught up in THEIR games and lose focus. F him and keep it moving. let him pursue you, not the other way around. and if he doesn't then that's cool too.

i read somewhere that YOU should be the priority, not his option.
I had a guy that I met a couple months back continuously do this and I felt the same way OP..I called him and asked him to lose my number because all he does is waste my time...

now he calls all the time, but I ignore the calls.
thnx for the tips gals. i appreciate it. i realize that i sure do got other things to think or worry about than this. he obvioulsy is tryna play games and i dont like being too serious but these types of games aint fun. i decided not to send the text. ill just keep it moving like most of yall said and if he act right i might think about it. til den lemme go study lol:grin:
My advice, uhhhh yeah I have advice too.:look:

From my experience, when a man REALLY wants a woman...he is going to go above and beyond. It's a slight mix of not wanting to come off to strong but still pursuing you. So, what I mean is: If you tell him to call you back around 8 p.m., then he should call you back no later than 8:15 because he is into you and he remembers what you said and doesn't want to miss that opportunity to get to know you better.

Now, this is one of the ways you can know if he is into you but you really shouldn't have to call him like that. But consider yourself blessed because if he called around the clock or just after you gave him your number (like three hours later) then you'd have someone who is too into you and believe me, that's not good either.
i was really digging him but of course not making it too obvious. well he stays about 6 hours away from me so i wasnt even seeing it as something to serious.

He doesn't see it as something serious either. Because you two are not in a relationship, he has promised you nothing and therefore owes you nothing. He's not at all obligated to do anything for you. That's probably why he doesn't see a big deal with not calling you back. And it's only a big deal to you because you are "digging" him. If it were someone you were not feeling like that and they told you they would call you back, would you be this hurt or upset over it? Or would you brush it off or forget they were supposed to call back altogether anyway...lol? I tell my friends I will call them back all the time...and then I get sidetracked and totally forget. Or sometimes I do remember but simply do not feel like talking to that person at the moment and decide to call them back on a later date.

i need insight bc im contemplating sending him a text or whatever of how its rude to do that continously! i so want to cuss him out right about now.

You two are not even dating but yet you would be cussing him out for not calling you back. It would do nothing but make him think you are a crazy, desperate chick with no life (not saying you are but that is what any man would like to think). Take my advice and don't do it.
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