When a guy doesn't take off time between relationships


New Member
I know a guy who doesn't seem to take too much time in between relationships. I don't know if it's because he gets over people easy, or if it's something else like not wanting to be alone.

I'm used to women being this way moreso than men...what are your thoughts on why some people seem to move on to new relationships quickly...and...do you think the reasons could be different for a man who does this?
I guess your talking about serious relationships since you said 2-4 months...

Because I know people that have sex within a week after breaking up and the relationship is about that...

My thoughts would be both...Not wanting to be alone and or looking for the person for them, moving on quickly or trying to, or maybe not knowing enough about themselves or still in the process of learning.

Are they in their 20's, 30's or older?
I guess your talking about serious relationships since you said 2-4 months...

Because I know people that have sex within a week after breaking up and the relationship is about that...

My thoughts would be both...Not wanting to be alone and or looking for the person for them, moving on quickly or trying to, or maybe not knowing enough about themselves or still in the process of learning.

Are they in their 20's, 30's or older?

Mid 30's....

ETA: Oh, and yes I'm referring to them entering into new serious relationships pretty quickly, as opposed to purely sexual/physical types of relationships.
Men typically dont like to be alone period. Even if they take time off between relationships, some of them have someone playing psuedo girlfriend until the real thing comes along.
Men operate on a different plane than women. What and women want out of a partner are two different things. Most men want four things... good coloring, a hot meal when he gets home from work, a clean house, and peace and quiet to watch the game. Any woman worth her salt can do that, if she tried. its really not that hard to find if you think about it.After that, then they will consider what makes a woman marriage material.

Women look at the big picture and are immediately looking for the one that fists into their ten year plan from jump. We can usually figure that out on the first date.