What's your take on this?

Here's a general list, what do you think?

  • Suave, VO5, Herbal Essence (1-5 bucks)

    Votes: 12 26.1%
  • ORS, Profectiv, Motions (4-10 bucks)

    Votes: 13 28.3%
  • Nexxus, Keracare, Mizani (10-25 bucks)

    Votes: 16 34.8%
  • Kerastase, Aveda, Phyto (25 and beyond)

    Votes: 5 10.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
With all of the hair products that are out there and each of them promising/ensuring growth, strength, moisture, shine, anti breakage, split end repairing (and the list goes on) How do you come to a conclusion about something? Can a person strictly using products under 10 bucks achieve the same results as a person who shells out the duckets for the more expensive brands?
absolutely! There are plenty of ladies here who can tell you of their mothers or grandmothers who had long hair and used nothing special. I for one am doing just fine with products that are under 5 bucks each! I also see nothing wrong with treating myself to a product splurge once in a while. However, I do just fine with Aussie, CON, SUAVE, V05 etc...
Me, Silk Elements and ORS are doing just fine, in fact I can't imagine my hair doing any better. The most expensive thing I use is the SE Lye Relaxer, at $13 and change for a 4lb tub. I am loving this line, but the PJ in me still makes me buy other stuff. It'll be a cold day in May before I shell out $30+ for anything! I wish I could roll like some of the ladies paying $60 for relaxer, but hell I can buy 5 years worth of SE for the price of that one box of Phyto. I wanna try KC Humecto, jus cause of the raves it gets on here, though.
My staples are profectiv and keracare. Profectiv appears to be inexpensive but I go through everything like water, so I re-stock frequently. I wouldnt ever trade them though, I've been using them for years and they definitely promote healthy hair.
I can use any of those except that 1st list. Everytime I try cheapies, my hair suffers and just does not feel right.
Yes, I think success is in the "handling" and staying away from harsh ingredients rather than the cost of a product.

I know my parents weren't using anything spectacular or expensive on my hair growing up, but as most of us have experienced, the basics and careful hands allowed us to achieve great lengths and health as children.
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santia said:
With all of the hair products that are out there and each of them promising/ensuring growth, strength, moisture, shine, anti breakage, split end repairing (and the list goes on) How do you come to a conclusion about something? Can a person strictly using products under 10 bucks achieve the same results as a person who shells out the duckets for the more expensive brands?

Honestly, I dont think products make the hair.

I think that since there are so many unknown cheap products with excellent ingredients and so many expensive products with cheap ingredients, you cant say that if you stay in the 10-20 dollar range you will get the best products for your hair.

Truly good products (of any price range) that work and will benefit your hair over time are hard to find. It just takes trial and error:ohwell:
macherieamour said:
Honestly, I dont think products make the hair.

I think that since there are so many unknown cheap products with excellent ingredients and so many expensive products with cheap ingredients, you cant say that if you stay in the 10-20 dollar range you will get the best products for your hair.

Truly good products (of any price range) that work and will benefit your hair over time are hard to find. It just takes trial and error:ohwell:

I have to agree!

I use a range of products from cheap to more expensive. I don't think I use anything in the most expensive range though. I think you need to find what works for you and stick to that (and most likely I think it will be a range of products). For products I use daily though, I've been doing well with inexpensive products like NTM, WGO, African Royale braid spray, S-curl etc. For deep conditioning I use more expensive products like Humecto, Kenra MC, though one of my favorite deep conditioners is cholesteral (which is cheap).
I don't think you have to buy expensive products to get what your hair needs, but so far only the dominicans make cheap products that rival my expensive ones.

That reminds me I need to update my entry for July hits...
I couldn't have said it better..
macherieamour said:
Honestly, I dont think products make the hair.

I think that since there are so many unknown cheap products with excellent ingredients and so many expensive products with cheap ingredients, you cant say that if you stay in the 10-20 dollar range you will get the best products for your hair.

Truly good products (of any price range) that work and will benefit your hair over time are hard to find. It just takes trial and error:ohwell:
I guess it all depends because there are some products that are cheap and work just as good if not better than the more expensive ones. Then there are some out there that are more expensive and you can't find anything comparable to the results that you get with that particular product.
I think Faith touched on something really important when she mentioned having to purchase her Profectiv products more often. You have to look at more than just the initial price; you have to consider how much you are paying per ounce, and how far that ounce goes in your hair. I pay considerably more per ounce of my Druide products than I did for Jason stuff, but I need less than half the amount of conditioner per application, so I have to factor that into the value of my products.
How do you come to a conclusion about something?
Good ol' fashioned trial and error!!

Can a person strictly using products under 10 bucks achieve the same results as a person who shells out the duckets for the more expensive brands?
Absolutely! If the product works, then use it. CON, ORS, Infusium, Garnier Fructis just to name a few
Yes, if the products work for you. For me, ORS and Motions lines have been excellent, along with Roux and Aphogee. The only expensive line I've been impressed with has been Aveda. Keracare, Mizani, and others like that have been just ok or have even caused problems.
santia said:
With all of the hair products that are out there and each of them promising/ensuring growth, strength, moisture, shine, anti breakage, split end repairing (and the list goes on) How do you come to a conclusion about something? Can a person strictly using products under 10 bucks achieve the same results as a person who shells out the duckets for the more expensive brands?

I believe so: 2 yrs ago: i used the Ultra Black Hair line: Cathy promises 6 inches in one year: Products catered to African American or Dry/Damaged/Chemically Treated Hair. And I did: I stoped using her products cause I was so into my school work (had no time for hair) but now I'm back on track and I'm using her products w/ other products recommened from LHCFers.
macherieamour said:
Honestly, I dont think products make the hair.

I think that since there are so many unknown cheap products with excellent ingredients and so many expensive products with cheap ingredients, you cant say that if you stay in the 10-20 dollar range you will get the best products for your hair.

Truly good products (of any price range) that work and will benefit your hair over time are hard to find. It just takes trial and error:ohwell:


In many cases someone has done yrs of abuse to a head of hair. and or their health/eating habits etc...but want a fix in one treatment :confused:
I'd love to be using Kerastase, but I'm on a budget so I use CON, VO5, Suave etc. My hair is doing OK with these products. I can tell, though, that something's missing... no matter how much I moisturize and co-wash my hair is still dry.

Once I start working I'll bump up to the ones that work best for me.
I think it's all about what work for your hair. I love fantasia gel, and it's only 2.99, but I also have products that cost 25 and up that I also love, so it's about doing what's good for your hair and your budget.
It's all relative. One lady posted in another thread that for one particular brand you are paying for research. I think people need to take the name out of the equation. I still consider myself new to the hair game even though I have been visiting this site since August, so I am still experimenting. The only "expensive" brand that I have tried was Nexxus, which I love. I think Sallly's Generic products prove, for the most part that you are paying for the allure of the name brand, when the products have the exact same ingredients. To me, it's no difference than if you buy a Toyota rather than a Lexus, and vice versa. Some people can use the cheap stuff, and some can't. If the tables were turned and Aveda was $1 a bottle and Suave was $20, then the same disparity would occur. I don't totally suscribe to the notion that expensive=better, but I do think that to some degree the more expensive brands have higher quality ingredients and technology. I would like to try Aveda, but my pocket won't allow it right now. Plus, I am afraid that I will love it so much that I won't use anything else. However, I don't feel the need to try anything expensive right now. My hair is in great condition. It's the healthiest it's ever been and nothing I use is over $10.
I sure hope you can get good results with the cheapies and mid-level products, cuz that's all we can afford! Even when we do have money (it WILL happen, eventually) DH would pass out if he even thought I was buying shampoo for $30.:eek: Good God, the man uses dollar store shampoo and one bottle will last him a month.

To him, the purchase of Nexxus or whatever isn't just unwise but immoral. Now I DO NOT agree with his view; lord knows I'd love some Keracare or whatever but it ain't happenin'... not now, not ever. :(
I agree with everyone! Like I said in another thread alot of ladies here are on a Budget and can't afford to buy High Priced products, so therefore we go looking to what we can afford and make sure it is good quality, Alot of ladies have very beautiful Long healthy hair and use Cheapies. Back in the day there was nothing special like someone else mentioned and we used that good ol blue magic or royal crown grease LOL!! at least I did LOL!!

If your hair likes it then go for it! Don't knock me for using Cheapies LOL!!!!
Eiano said:
I'd love to be using Kerastase, but I'm on a budget so I use CON, VO5, Suave etc. My hair is doing OK with these products. I can tell, though, that something's missing... no matter how much I moisturize and co-wash my hair is still dry.

Once I start working I'll bump up to the ones that work best for me.

I have this same problem with VO5 & CON. Plus my hair gets really tangled.