Whats your weekly haircare routine? wash and DC once a week. rollerset, no flat ironing. i might ask the stylist to blow out the roots but thats rare. moisturize and seal every night.
What Vitmains/ Supplements do you take? I take a vitamin shopper, hair, skin, and nails vitamin. and I take flaxseed oil every day, oh and iron because im anemic.
Any growth aids? No, I might massage a mix of rosemary, peppermint, lavendar, and EVOO oils on my scalp but thats about it.
Any special dietary contributions? yes, I have VERY dry hair and I think its due to me not eating enough fish and drinking enough water. So I'm trying to drink at least 48 oz of water daily, have salmon 2x a week, tuna 2x a week, and flaxseed oil daily. and trying to eat at least 3 fruits and veggies daily. I have only been doing this for two weeks so far, so no changes yet.