What's your haircare regimen?


Well-Known Member
I just relaxed my hair today and I need a new regimen and im looking for inspiration.

Whats your weekly haircare routine?

What Vitmains/ Supplements do you take?

Any growth aids?

Any special dietary contributions?

I just relaxed yesterday and I decided that I'm gonna keep it simple. Wash once or twice a week. Deep condition once a week or every two weeks, I'll alternate between protein, and moisturizing conditioners. Rollerset every wash, satin rollers at night, moisturize as needed. My staple products are loreal's hair fixer and silk 2 protofoam, these are protein leave in and rinse out conditioners that I use as needed. Megatek on my scalp every night and that is it. Every thing else such as pre poos and oil rinses I'll just do as I feel like, or in order to use up my products.

Whats your weekly haircare routine? wash and DC once a week. rollerset, no flat ironing. i might ask the stylist to blow out the roots but thats rare. moisturize and seal every night.

What Vitmains/ Supplements do you take? I take a vitamin shopper, hair, skin, and nails vitamin. and I take flaxseed oil every day, oh and iron because im anemic.

Any growth aids? No, I might massage a mix of rosemary, peppermint, lavendar, and EVOO oils on my scalp but thats about it.

Any special dietary contributions? yes, I have VERY dry hair and I think its due to me not eating enough fish and drinking enough water. So I'm trying to drink at least 48 oz of water daily, have salmon 2x a week, tuna 2x a week, and flaxseed oil daily. and trying to eat at least 3 fruits and veggies daily. I have only been doing this for two weeks so far, so no changes yet.
Relax every 10wks
Wash and DC,and rollerset every week
Prepoo with my homemade natural growth oil(www.patienceforlonghair.ning.com)
Cowash in bwtn wash day
I wear my hair down for about 2-3days after my rollerset,then i keep it up in a clip/bun for the remainder of the week. I use natural growth oils on my scalp/hair while its up...I dont cut otr trim my hair (just S&D),so it grows in a natural layered V shape...this regimen has helped me to retain so much length:yep:
i wash and deep condition once a week. i always pre poo, usually with banana brulee conditioner but i have used others. sometimes i mix them with honey and coconut oil.
i wash with wen or chagrin valley bars, condition with nexxus humectress, leave in conditioner then blow dry and flat iron. i moisturize with nourish and shine and seal with cocoasta oil.