What's Your Goat Detangling Shampoo?

Why did I think this thread was really referring to a goat (the animal) shampoo. I was like wow, what will LCHF think of next. I’m imaging myself using the goat shampoo and the possible benefits. Smh. I need help lol.
:lachen:you reminded me of when I was on here a few yrs ago, and thought a similar thing about air conditioning someone mentioned. I was clearly drinking/ scrolling for too long because the first thing that came to mind was that it was some new kind of conditioning technique. I even asked, 'what is air conditioning?' Before I realised what folks were talking about lol
My favorite shampoo is Proclaim olive glossing shampoo. It’s affordable and works!

ETA: I like the proclaim coconut anti breakage shampoo even more!
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