What's your cross?


formerly nicola.kirwan
Jesus said that whoever seeks to follow Him must deny himself, take up His Cross and follow Him. We may be called upon to sacrifice things that we would otherwise be able to enjoy in order to follow the Lord in obedience. Our cross isn't just a bad situation in life or something that we wish were otherwise, but it's the intentional choice to submit to the Lord in a certain area where the world or our natural inclinations would tell us to do otherwise. These intentional choices are the "crux" of Christian discipleship, as this is exactly what Jesus did Himself. So, what's your cross?
When Jesus mentioned the cross, the meaning referred to it being an instrument of suffering and death—not to be revered. Technically, today, it would be the equivalent of a hangman’s noose or electric chair used as decoration and jewelry. To bear one’s cross represents the ultimate sacrifice: to “kill” our old self and give ourselves totally over to Him, even if it means we go through hell on earth and die because of our beliefs. Since we are still flesh, this has to be a constant renewal with help from the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps we should ask ourselves these questions:
~What are my idols (things and habits I hold most dear) or stumbling blocks? Which ones have I overcome?
~Have I truly sacrificed all of me to Him?
~What has it been like to give all of myself to Christ?
~Do I receive guidance and correction From His Spirit to get to that point?
~Am I at the point where, like Christ, I give and expect nothing in return?
~Do we have a love of the truth, even when it can cut to the quick?

Although some of their other answers worry me, GotQuestions.org has a great article about this.