What's Your Calling?


Well-Known Member
Do you know what it is?

How did you discover it?

Were you always sure or did God reveal it to you later in life?
I feel like I have a good idea of what my calling is. Just helping people which is a little vague, lol. I know the more time I spend with God he'll reveal more to me.
When I first started my walk with the Lord I had no idea what I was suppose to do in the ministry. I prayed and prayed and over the years I have learned what my primiarty gifts are and my secondary gifts. One thing that I did in the beginning was to complete those online What Is Your Spirtual Gifts quizes and surprisingly they were pretty much on point. I took one 5 years ago and then just recently and my gifts hadn't changed expect for one additonal. I say all of that to say that God will direct your path in do time.

I say all of that to say that my calling is: exhortation, discerning of spirits and Pastoring ( I fought that one big time).
Ive been praying about that hard lately!! I don't know if he wants me in ministry? In service? Writing? Etc. I do find that I love praying! I'm working myself up to praying longer, like using a timer and asking the Holy Spirit to guide me in praying. Sometimes God uses your strengths as a tool in his ministry. For example, many people flock to me for their problems ( marriage, work, etc), and although I don't always know what to say, I listen. Right now I am at a standstill with my career, I've applied to many positions and no such luck. I do have the experience and certificates but no such luck. I am praying and trusting God because he knows the plans he has for me. Jeremiah 29:11

I just took a 100 question test. My top four are Mercy, Discernment, Exhortation+knowledge (same score). How funny because my career involves being merciful. God knows us better than we know ourselves. :-)
I took the spiritual gifts test and got Mercy, Leadership and Helps (I forgot the last one)

I know that my calling has something to do with people who have "disabilities". I'm still in prayer and excited for God to more fully reveal my calling (in His time). My mom tells me that as a child, I'd always find friends who had disabilities or who were struggling with 'something'. I studied special education and autism and have worked in social services, behavioral care, etc. I'm currently a member of the sign language ministry at my church and am learning to minister to Deaf members. It's a good thing because it makes me delve deeper into the Bible!
Edit: I think its best I keep my vision between me and God, however He did reveal to me my calling. I prayed for it about a year ago, and I had a dream/ vision which was very vivid and gave me pure happiness. I believe it was God's way of answering my prayers and showing me my calling. I think if you trust and believe that God will reveal it to you, He will.
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I think my calling is to teach. I have to learn patience though. I want to be a bible worker. I have a little more growing to do and then I will be ready to go. I am at the point in my life that I don't need to put down roots anymore. Funny. I never actually thought about it until now.