What's your braidout technique?


Live, Laugh, Love
I usually do 6 cornrows going straight back. I start with dry hair and I spray each section with a mixture of setting lotion, water, and EVOO before braiding. However, tonight I'm thinking of doing all the cornrows first and then spraying my hair after braiding. Does anyone use this method? I'm thinking it doesn't matter if I spray my hair before I braid it or after it's braided up. What do you ladies think?
Braiding on dry hair then spraying with your concoction should work fine. I use this method if I want to refresh my braidout b4 my next wash. I can braid quicker on dry hair than I can on wet hair....so if I'm doing a braidout on freshly washed hair, I let it airdry a little before braiding.

I used to do 6 cornrows, now I only do 4 and I'm happy with the results. It takes less time and it looks just as good.
I do twist outs. Wash and condition hair, I oil it with WGO or Kemi or whatever I have. Then I use pantene curling mousse. I only do four twists going straight back and rod the ends. Sit under the dryer or air dry.
I start with dry hair. Six sections.....

I saturate each section with my leave-in conditioner of choice Sunsilk 24/7 :) enough to soften but NOT too much the braid (plait) my hair leaving the ends out. Then I curl the entire length of the braid with rollers.

In the morning my hair is SLIGHTLY damp. but very curly. I do not manipulate much until it dries completely.

??? this seems to work for me. My only problem is to remember to ADD regular protein to my regimine. So, if I need it I'll spray a leave-in very light protein spray Alphogee and now I have no problems.
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