What's Your Big Chop Experience? Advice Please


Well-Known Member
Hey Beautiful Ladies!

So I am currently transitioning using weaves now. My hair was damaged before form excessive weaves for too long and not taking care of my hair underneath but since I have joined LHCF I have learned sooo many tips on how to maintain healthy hair while weaving.

Anywho, I plan on weaving at least until the end of the year to retain some length ( I am currently full SL) because honestly that is when my hair grows the most. I tried having it out but I was constanly blowdrying and flat ironing it because of the two different textures. I want to be full APL by December 2010 and so I am wondering if I should just continue transitioning without the BC or if I should just BC and then use my weaves to retain and maintain my growth and start all over? My ultimate goal is to be all natural. My mind is reeling form seeing all the beautiful heads of full, healthy hair :drunk: and so I am weighing my options.

What was your experience with BCing? Did it help your growth faster or would you recommend transitioning without the BC?

A lil history:

I am in the military and constantly have to wear my hair up (cannot touch my collar) and we cant wear things like braidouts unless I pin it up. That was my reason for keeping the length so I can always have the option to wear my bun for professional reasons but weaves have buns too :lachen:

I am currently 5 months into my transition... here are some pics, let me know how healthy my ends look or should they be cut off?

The first pic is from January when I started the transition and the second is from April right after my stylist did a MAJOR cut:wallbash:


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    Jan 3 2010.jpg
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  • april.jpg
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Honestly, you will just KNOW when it's time to BC. I just got this itch that only chopping right then and there could scratch, so I grabbed some scissors and my mom started hacking. I felt ten times better immediately.

I didn't notice any huge changes in growth, but then again, I was mini chopping at the end of my transition, so I wouldn't have been able to track it. After BCing, my hair grew like a weed due to all the cowashing I did being that I BC'd in June -- I can tell you that.

Since you have to wear your hair up, I am tempted to say wait it out, since 5 months of NG will not be enough to bun, but it is up to you and those scissors. I mean, you DO have enough to get braided, so weaves and cornrows are a possibility. Good luck, girl!
I BC down to nothing. I've had really short hair in the past and it wasn't a total shock or anything. It was fun in the beginning but about 7 mths into it I had alot of difficulty styling my in between hair. I feel that if you are not having issues with transitioning and have the patience then the long-term transition is a great option. If you want to start from scratch and try short hair then go for it. Hair can be a security for some and it is a challenge to be exposed without hair. Either way it is a new journey full of discovery. HTH
I agree with Lilsparkle, you will know when it is time. I don't think chopping will speed up/slow down hair growth. Personally I think it depends on what you can handle. Some people don't want to deal with two textures or they want to get it over with so they just chop and keep it moving. Others want to have a certain amount of new growth before they chop. For me I originally want to transition for a year but then I got tired od dealing with it and wanted to see my natural hair so I chopped at 11 months. I did my chop myself and then went to a salon to have it evened out. I got a lot of support from my family, I have never regretted my decision. This summer will be 5 yrs since I chopped.
I just woke up one day and hubby was like " you ready to do this or what" AND I was like "yeah let's do this thing" my hair was not damaged or nothing infact it was looking fly that morning that I had to jump in the shower to wet it to get the NG to swell up.
I agree with the ladies, you will know when it's time to BC. I did like you and transitioned with Kinky Twist and Sew-Ins. After I took my last weave out V-Day 2009 I just chopped it off after 8 months of transitioning, However I immedately put a sew-in my hair and wore that for about five more months until my hair was long enough to wear in a puff. The puff in my siggy is when I finally got enough courage to wear my natural hair out in April 2009. You could wait a little while longer to gain some more length so you can have enough hair to braid and do a sew-in. Or you could BC and get micro braids.
I agree with the other ladies. I had this "itch" like never before to chop my relaxed ends off for about 2 weeks. I transitioned for 1.5 years without feeling this "itch", so I knew it was time. I know that sounds weird but that's the only way I can describe it.
In all honesty- It was 2AM, I was frustrated with my NG and I knew I was either going to relax.. or cut. I chose to cut.

I'd wanted to go natural for a while and had fallen short many of times.. so 10 weeks into my "transition".. I knew it was time.

I was up..and the BC bug bit..
My growth rate is the same as when I was relaxed.
The difference in hair health is it's fullness, and my ability to retain length.
That "does your natural hair grow faster then relaxed hair" question is up in the air with many people. I'm gonna say no.

i did my bc on a whim. Months before I planned to. You know when it is time.