Whats wrong with my shea butter?


Active Member
Yesterday my shea buter from ebay arrived (yey) it was a big hard lump so I decided to melt it down and add some of my hair oil mix which is coconut, grapeseed, a little bit of jojoba and teny bit of emu. After I added these oils it cooled and went right back to that big hard lump :( I wanted it to be soft. Does anyone know how to get that almost whiped, elasta qp mango butter texture?
Yep, you got yourself some real authentic shea butter, the best kind in my opinion, i usually rub it in my palms and add oil to give it a lighter consistency.
I don't have Elasta QP so dont' know the consistency, but I added glycerine, and honey to my Shea butter and the consistency is fairly creamy. I didn't add any oils though b/c I wanted my mix to be purely moisturizing.
I like mine creamy too.

I melt down the shea---just enough to get it really really soft--almost all liquid, but not quite.

Then I add my oils. (I only add olive oil) But you have to add enough so that when it gets solid again--it won't get back hard. You'll have to play w/ it.

Then I mix it up--I just use a spoon and then put in the freezer. Once it is solid all the way through--I take it out and let it get back to room temp. It is then creamy and ready to go!

hth some
Thanks for the replies, I've got another batch on the way, I think I'll add the glycerin to that one and try adding more oil to the one I've already got =)
It is actually like a rock, a rock of shea butter. I thought that too but I could barely cut it up with a fork once some of it melted, let alone stir or whip it.

I forgot to ask earlier, now i have some glycerin what am I supposed to do with it? Do I melt to down and then add it???
I whip my shea butter with a electric hand mixer.

I melt the shea butter by putting it in a mug and sit the mug in a pot of shallow water on the stove. After it melts I put it in the frige until I see it start to get solid again (about 5 mins). I take it out whip it until it's creamy (this is when I add my EOs and any other oils) then I place it back in the fridge for a few minutes, take it out and whip it again. This makes it very creamy like the Mango butter.
dimpalz said:
Yesterday my shea buter from ebay arrived (yey) it was a big hard lump so I decided to melt it down and add some of my hair oil mix which is coconut, grapeseed, a little bit of jojoba and teny bit of emu. After I added these oils it cooled and went right back to that big hard lump :( I wanted it to be soft. Does anyone know how to get that almost whiped, elasta qp mango butter texture?

Add more oil. What I do is take about 1/4 of a cup of hard shea, 1/4 cup of coconut oil. I melt them over steam heat, stirring, and keeping watch. I don't want it to get too hot. Then when it's all melted, I add jojoba oil, almond oil, and mix. I let them all cool, putting the mix in the fridge, if i have a lot of time. Or in the freezer if I am short on time. I check it every 7 min. What you want it to look like is cooking oil when it cools down. That funky whitish color. It will still be soft. I whip it w/ a whisk or w/ a fork, until it becomes white and fluffy almost like cool whip. If it's not the consistancy that I want, I will add more melted oil.When it's all whipped, then I add the essential oils, and whip a bit more. I store it in old yogurt containers, under the sink. I have noticed, the cheaper qualities of shea, the worse they are. I have found you get what you pay for w/ shea butter. Hope that helped.
Okay I'm going to melt it down again and add more oil, but I have more coming (that i ordered) and I bought some glycerin to make a moisturising one so does anyone know wat to do with that, or how to make it?
dimpalz said:
Okay I'm going to melt it down again and add more oil, but I have more coming (that i ordered) and I bought some glycerin to make a moisturising one so does anyone know wat to do with that, or how to make it?

What exactly are you trying to make? Glycerine like honey is a humectant. You don't want to get heavy handed w/ it. I use like 2 drops glycerine in the conditioning spray that I make for my mother's braids. I NEVER add it to any of my shea butters. I mix it w/ spring water, infusisions, and eo's.
ajargon02 said:
What exactly are you trying to make? Glycerine like honey is a humectant. You don't want to get heavy handed w/ it. I use like 2 drops glycerine in the conditioning spray that I make for my mother's braids. I NEVER add it to any of my shea butters. I mix it w/ spring water, infusisions, and eo's.

How much spring water do you use??
anatomicallycorrect said:
I don't have Elasta QP so dont' know the consistency, but I added glycerine, and honey to my Shea butter and the consistency is fairly creamy. I didn't add any oils though b/c I wanted my mix to be purely moisturizing.

See earlier anatomicalycorrect suggested adding glycerin for a moisturiser instead of a sealant. Thats why I was gonna try it out
Ladies, have any of you tried East African Shea?
It is creamy....More expensive tho, because it is rarer.