What's WITH you people?

ok lets put this into a little perspective;
we are all grown women(i think) taking pictures of the back of our heads, spending hours online talking about.... ahem hair, cooking up all kinds of mojos, oils, sugars, salts, all kinds of protiens, butters, herbs, syrups, serums, we take all kinds of supplements, biotin(10 mg? yikes), flaxseed oil, MSM, b complex, prenatal vit(and we aint prego), lecithin, we swallow raw eggs, conjure up all kinds of shakes and change our whole diets, and workout! yall know that this is NOT a complete list - cuz i have to put the baby down for his napp TODAY. and we do this to what end? Hair! we all (most of us anyway) want long, lustrious, shiny, healthy hair. sooooo have mercy on the anorexic folk around here, cuz we are all certifiable..... and you know what the best part is? i dont mind..... I am crazy over my hair. so lets grow on sisters, and be happy doing it. :drunk::spinning::yep::grin::lachen::lachen:


I've been desensitized my all the long hair on this board

In HS there was a girl with hair a little past SL...I wanted her hair and so did other girls. Now my hair has reached APL and I didn't even flinch. When I got to the board I thought APL was long. Now I want about 2 inches below BSL

On the hair board I think BSL is average making everyone shorter than that "short" and longer hair "long"...thats just my observation

Very good point :yep:
ok lets put this into a little perspective;
we are all grown women(i think) taking pictures of the back of our heads, spending hours online talking about.... ahem hair, cooking up all kinds of mojos, oils, sugars, salts, all kinds of protiens, butters, herbs, syrups, serums, we take all kinds of supplements, biotin(10 mg? yikes), flaxseed oil, MSM, b complex, prenatal vit(and we aint prego), lecithin, we swallow raw eggs, conjure up all kinds of shakes and change our whole diets, and workout! yall know that this is NOT a complete list - cuz i have to put the baby down for his napp TODAY. and we do this to what end? Hair! we all (most of us anyway) want long, lustrious, shiny, healthy hair. sooooo have mercy on the anorexic folk around here, cuz we are all certifiable..... and you know what the best part is? i dont mind..... I am crazy over my hair. so lets grow on sisters, and be happy doing it. :drunk::spinning::yep::grin::lachen::lachen:

Ummmm, Cherokia, you definitely have hair on the brain. You spelled nap,napp! :lachen:
But that's just it though, it's all about an individual's goals/aspirations. How I feel about my length and goals doesn't have anything to do with anyone else, I really don't give a damn what someone else thinks. Of course I'm grateful for what I have, but I think once some of us start to see progress, it's like "okay, I hit APL, lemme keep going to BSL" then once you hit that goal, you (me, anyway) figure hey, why not go for the gusto! I've changed my personal goal twice and while I'm fully aware that APL/BSL is considered long to some, hell most IRL, it isn't for me and MY hair. I have my reasons;shrinkage being numero uno, height, body type, the way my hair falls, etc. That doesn't mean I'm gonna knock or look down my nose @ a person for being NL, I'm going to encourgage her to reach whatever goal she has in mind and hopefully she'll do the same for me. We're all supposed to be here for the same reason.

Granted, some are looking for attention, but so are a lot of other people around here for whatever reason :rolleyes:. Sea lo que sea. I have PMS, scuze me.
What she said :yep:

Ummmm, Cherokia, you definitely have hair on the brain. You spelled nap,napp! :lachen:
Nope, ur not the only one. Me n u are on the same page :yep:.

OP, I couldn't thank you enough.

I'm not saying people should give up on their goals whether thats MBL,WSL, etc. But when you hear someone complaining about their hair, when they are a length that most dont get, it's like damn. I remember someone complaining that the longest their hair ever got was MBL. I'm like r u serious? And these are women with beautiful hair. I dont get it.

Yes length is relative. Im starting to think I'm the only here who just wants an average length. (APL)
hair anorexia is real people!!!:drunk:

i sure have it.:perplexed

It sure is! When I was MBL, I was looking at a pic of my hair from behind and honestly didn't think it looked long at all. It looked medium length to me.:nono: It's a distorted view, of course, but it IS real.

Shoot, if I could be MBL again tomorrow, I promise I won't complain!:lachen:
So for those of you who past APL who don't consider your hair long, what do you consider it? Short? Meduim? etc...
Having goals are one thing, but when you allow your goals to distort how you view yourself that is a problem. :yep:
You know whats funny to me, all my friends think my hair is sooooo long. People always always ask me what I do to my hair, how I grow it out so long. lol, if only they could see that I almost have the shortest hair on this board, It is so refreshing to me to actually see pics, proof that BW can grow butt length healthy hair if they try. I was always told that some BW can grow long hair, but they are usually mixed and its in their genes bla bla bla. But i understand that people have goals, its like the person who wants all As even though a B is a pretty darn good grade. So even though I am a tad bit jealous, there is nothing wrong with wanting more
Well, I'm just past APL, will likely be at BSL in 2 months or so. I don't consider my hair to be long, and I'm curious as to why so many people seem to think APL is the cutoff? To me, it's BSL (and then when I hit BSL it'll be WL :lachen:)

I admit it! I have hair anorexia. It's true. Sometimes I get really down and depressed about how short my hair is. I feel like I'll never get to my goal length (classic stretched) although I do feel that I will actually get there someday. It's just that progress feels so slow.

Just wanted to put in an appearance for the admitted hair anorexics who are lurking in this thread!!!!
Daaaaang... this was not meant to get all serious :lol:

It aint just SOME hair anorexics that want attention. If you look at them with a judgemental eye, we have to take a look at our short haired sisters too. Nobody is perfect. So it's no one main group that are attention seekers, they are INDIVIDUALS.

I didn't mean to (negatively) openly critisize people... it's really just a light hearted post on my part!

It's even crazier to see in people with long hair. I'm thinking "Doesn't this woman see all the hair she has?" I understand "not long enough" but I don't understand "not long" Pure craziniess, lol.

Again... people's don't get mad at me or offended in any way. I'm not TELLING you what to think about your own hair. This thread was posted just as a lighthearted rambling.

But you know how it gets...:burnup:
I am a hair anorexic. I admit it freely. I come from a long line of hair anorexics and right now my (formerly) MBL 98 year old grandmother is sitting at home FUMING about a 3 inch trim my uncle gave her.

I also doesn't help that when you join a long hair community, your definition of long changes. For a lot of us, we're conditioned to believe that long is shoulder length if we've spent our lives around Black folks. Then we come here and we see Black women who seem to average between APL and BSL, with some beyond WL. Now my BSL hair that my friends think is SOOOOO long is just average.

I really messed myself up by lurking in long hair communities frequented by whites and Asians. Now I'm looking at more than a couple of women sitting on their hair and making buns the size of my whole head and I go hmmm... Maybe my hair is only "Black folks' long?" Next thing you know, I'm in need of an intervention. It's a vicious cycle...:spinning:
So for those of you who past APL who don't consider your hair long, what do you consider it? Short? Meduim? etc...
shootttt i consider it long and i always will. i just hit apl and a sister was dancing :giggle: But that is long to me, others may think its short. regardless imma work my hair in the best way. i like thickness more than length anyway.
lol, I know we are all hair crazy, but what's with you ladies out there?

I'm seeing people saying that they don't have long hair... and it's bra strap length?!?!

Alright, your hair is not SUPER long, but it's long by anyone's standards.

I feel like slapping some sense into ya:fishslap: (joke)

Stop it, with y'all hair anorexic selves!

*Vent Over*

Now listen here h-word. Until I can sit on my hair and use it as a ladder to let people climb up and down it, then I say it's not long. So what I am only an inch from my natural waist after doing a bc 3 years ago. So what if my hair is thick and healthy. I want it longer darn it!!! :wallbash: Q
I am close to BSL and I won't consider my hair long until my high ponytails reach my shoulders. I think it has to do with me being BSL as a child. I know I can get there, now I want beyond.
Originally Posted by Neith

I understand "not long enough" but I don't understand "not long" Pure craziniess, lol.

I totally agree
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I only consider hair long on other people if it is a thick BSL, on me ... a thick MBL .. so when i say my hair isnt long .. im not fishing for compliments or trying to get attention .. it's just not long ..why does it matter to other people anyways ?
Now listen here h-word. Until I can sit on my hair and use it as a ladder to let people climb up and down it, then I say it's not long. So what I am only an inch from my natural waist after doing a bc 3 years ago. So what if my hair is thick and healthy. I want it longer darn it!!! :wallbash: Q

My problem is that my natural hair has tight curls so I can't see length unless I flatiron it, which is like once a month. My APL hair is NL curly. Until I have BSL curly hair I won't feel like my hair is long. At this rate of shrinky dink, that'll be ALH (ankle length hair).
OP, I couldn't thank you enough.

I'm not saying people should give up on their goals whether thats MBL,WSL, etc. But when you hear someone complaining about their hair, when they are a length that most dont get, it's like damn. I remember someone complaining that the longest their hair ever got was MBL. I'm like r u serious? And these are women with beautiful hair. I dont get it.

Yes length is relative. Im starting to think I'm the only here who just wants an average length. (APL)

You're not. I want APL too and then I'm quitting. :look:
It is a distorted view because people forget where their hair has been. It's easy to do. I am past BSL and haven't really seen my hair down and styled since I was APL ish. When I started at CBL I thought BSL would be the bomb and now I'm past it and haven't enjoyed it cause I just want more. OH WELL, it is kind of sad if you don't appreciate it when you have really grown your hair long, but for the most part people are not doing it for attention.
It's weird when people say I have long hair. I'm not BSL yet and I don't consider myself as having lengthy hair. But yet I'll look at an AA woman with APL/BSL length hair walking down the street and I'll think "She has long hair!" I guess it's because I'm achieving my growth goals gradually. If I went from SL to BSL overnight then I'd probably think "Man, I've got some long hair!" but since I'm used to my hair and it's length I don't consider it to be long. It's complicated, :grin:.

P.S. Also I'm pretty used to my hair being this length. Through most of my childhood (from 8-14) I've had pretty much APL-ish hair. I guess that's because my mom was the one caring for it and not me, lol. It's ironic because back then I considered myself as having long hair, and now my hair is slightly longer than back then and I don't anymore, lol. But then I started taking care of my own hair at around 14 or 15 and it broke to just above APL. Then finally I got the whack job of my life at 18 when this guy cut my hair to earlobe length! So I pretty much had to start my hair growth journey from scratch.
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My problem is that my natural hair has tight curls so I can't see length unless I flatiron it, which is like once a month. My APL hair is NL curly. Until I have BSL curly hair I won't feel like my hair is long. At this rate of shrinky dink, that'll be ALH (ankle length hair).

Yeah me too because I only press mine every 6 months. I didn't even know I was bsl until I decided to flatiron it one day. If you saw my hair right now, you would never think it is as long as it is. I think that is why people ask if it's real when I get it pressed. But yeah when I look at pics sometimes, I think it looks healthy but not as long as I would like. It's all good. Q
Oh and when they do that why does my hair feel even shorter? I am going to need the to advance.....keep the line moving. Get your conditioner, shampoo and go..chop chop...lol (JK)

lol, I know we are all hair crazy, but what's with you ladies out there?

I'm seeing people saying that they don't have long hair... and it's bra strap length?!?!

Alright, your hair is not SUPER long, but it's long by anyone's standards.

I feel like slapping some sense into ya:fishslap: (joke)

Stop it, with y'all hair anorexic selves!

*Vent Over*
BSL IS my goal and it's plenty long enough for me. plus I'm tall and have a long back and prob neck (even though I've never thought about it). my BSL would probably be someone else's WL.
WHAT about my original posting is so bad?

Any idiot can see that I wasn't being mean. I didn't say anything offensive. Hair anorexia is a term used all over this place...

I didn't have bad intentions. Some people are acting like I said something offensive. As if I said... "You bishes are so stupid, thinking that your hair is short" Lawd! :lol:

Dang... I did not and would not say anything like that. It was intended to make people smile... jeez.

It was intended to maybe let people know that even if they don't have the LONGEST hair, they still have a beautiful head of LONG hair. It's just... sometimes people don't see what they have going for themselves... until maybe it's gone like Iris said.

Why are some people so damned oversensitive?

Eh, some of y'all turned me off. :down: People show their true colors at the weirdest times.

From now on I'm going to be the Switzerland of lhcf. I aint say nothing, I aint do nothing... I have no opinion. I'm completely neutral. Boring, but I won't have to deal with this type of idiotic drama.

You have to walk on eggshells all the friggin time or people call you h-words round these parts... even when you didn't do anything wrong :lachen: (I know you weren't serious Que :))
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