What's up with the scalp massages?


Well-Known Member
I've been on the forum for a while. And I have seen a lot of people use daily moisture, DC, no heat to get them to their goal length and these are good things but I hardly ever hear anyone mention that they massage their scalp. I have always heard that it is good for stimulating growth so i'm suprised it's not mentioned here that much. Since reading sistaslick's article about it, I really want to try it. I think it will help with my left side which is HORRIBLY thin.

Is there a particular reason no one likes to do it? I admit I did try it and I stopped after a week because my hands always hurt. But I am ready to start again.
I'm doing them, I even have a little hand held messager that I'm using sometimes. Anything that will help increase the blood flow to the scalp, the better!
I was just talking about this yesturday with another LHCF member....I was telling her how my mom told us to do this as teenagers ....I did it every night for about 10 mins, and my hair was sooooooooo thick and the longest of my sisters ...( they never did it)..I'm going to start back again:yep::yep:..I'm going to add rosemary oil and jojoba.....it is tiring though:spinning:
yeah they are tiring. but i think it's because I put too much preesure on my hands and fingers.

is anyone else doing this?
I do it all the time, well not all. I did slack up last night becasue I was so tired. I message with rosemary oil mixed with pepermint, jojoba, and vit e oil. I like to tingle that I get and it is relaxing. Sometimes I will add lavendar to it to make my hair smell fresh.:yep:
I do it all the time, well not all. I did slack up last night becasue I was so tired. I message with rosemary oil mixed with pepermint, jojoba, and vit e oil. I like to tingle that I get and it is relaxing. Sometimes I will add lavendar to it to make my hair smell fresh.:yep:

i mixed rosemary oil with olive oil, im not getting that tingle though. I guess I need to add another essential oil. i wanted to try lavendar too.
I massage my scalp regularly but quite frankly it feels better when someone else is doing it. My arms get tired also. :ohwell:
I massage my scalp fairly regularly, but not for too long. I, too, am lazy!! I usually part my hair and apply BT throughout, and afterwards I will massage my scalp in sections. The total massage lasts like no more than 5 minutes tho!:ohwell:
I massage my scalp fairly regularly, but not for too long. I, too, am lazy!! I usually part my hair and apply BT throughout, and afterwards I will massage my scalp in sections. The total massage lasts like no more than 5 minutes tho!:ohwell:

i think 5 to 10 mins is good.

I want to keep doing this, I just need to lessen the pressure on my hands.
My mom used to tell me to do this all the time, but I never did. Now, I'll do it when I think about it. I often have my boyfriend do it for me. :grin:
I massage my scalp frequently. I use rosemary and peppermint essential oils with jojoba as my carrier. I love the way my scalp feels during and afterwards. :)
I do scalp massages all the time, too. I use Lenzi's Request liquid, Hair2Heaven Stimulate Oil, or Alopecil Cinnamon/Rosemary oil. Love it :grin: