Whats up with the length?


New Member
Whenever I get a touchup (which is usually every 3 months), my hair is always the same length coming out of the shop as it was going into the shop even when I dont get a trim. Yet when I just blowout the newgrowth, it's always an inch or 2 longer afterwards..Is the relaxer breaking my hair somehow? Whats really good?
Could be. Relaxers break bonds in the hair anyway, that's how it gets your hair straight. Also, don't forget that most folks lose about 100 strands of hair a day normally. But yes, it is likely that the relaxer could be "breaking" your hair.
Could be that u r more attune to seeing your new growth blown out and r noticing the length which is what it would b if you got ur hair relaxed. So that length (roots blown) is stuck in your head so it only appears as if the relaxer is doing nothing when in fact, it actually is. I hope that made sense.
AND NO, i don't believe that the relaxer is breaking off ur hair.
Are you getting your hair rollerset? Rollersets expand the hair strands making the hair look fuller, but not as long. --even a rollerset that is wrapped straight after the rollers are removed...
do u wear your hair down most of the time or is it in contact with your clothes? Constant rubbing against clothes, body, or other things could be weakening your ends and causing them to break off without u even noticing. I noticed my hair staying the same length as well long ago and I always wore my hair down, never used moisturizers, or even protected my ends. Now that I found this forum, I have started taking better care of my hair by moisturizing my hair and protecting my ends to achieve the length. HTH!
For some reason my hair does not look like it gained any length from a fresh relaxer until like 2 wks after! Then I'm like "oh, ok, I did get growth!"
CaramelHonee said:
Could be that u r more attune to seeing your new growth blown out and r noticing the length which is what it would b if you got ur hair relaxed. So that length (roots blown) is stuck in your head so it only appears as if the relaxer is doing nothing when in fact, it actually is. I

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