What's up with my hair?


New Member
What\'s up with my hair?

I don't get it. In every aspect my hair is doing superbly. The very best since I started my hair journey. But I'm really puzzled that it's not showing any length increase at all. OK here's my situation.

My last relaxer was 13 weeks ago. I plan to relax at 16 weeks. I have about 3.5 inches of newgrowth all over my head. But every time I tried to check my progress my hair does not seem to have gotten any longer than it was than when I first relaxed. Now I understand about shrinkage and all, but it should still be a little bit longer with all the newgrowth I have. My newgrowth is not tightly coiled. It's in loose waves. So I don't get it. Should I not be expecting my any at all length to show until after my touch up?
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

If you have new growth, I am sure you have "hidden" length somewhere, lol. I think you should wait until your touchup, and you will definitely see your progress!

P.S. When are you going to post pics again? How long is your hair now...I wanna know!
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Army I had the same problem as you when I relaxed. I believe that we have the same hair type. You will see a whole bunch of growth when you relax again. Last march I got my hair cut into a bob that was earlength. During that 4 month period it seemed like my hair didnt budge and then all of a sudden I was at shoulder length.
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Hey Honey_Jammz

I've had a few setabcks and I promised myself I wouldn't post any pics until I reached my first goal **sighs**. Hopefully that will be after my next relaxer. Thanks for the encouragement.
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Ayeshia, I hope you're right. I've been doing everything right. If I don't reach my first goal soon, I'll be convinced that I've reached my growth threshold.
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Armyqt said:
Hey Honey_Jammz

I've had a few setabcks and I promised myself I wouldn't post any pics until I reached my first goal **sighs**. Hopefully that will be after my next relaxer. Thanks for the encouragement.

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I can definitely understand where you are coming from. Good luck to you in reaching your first goal, I know you will!
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Armyqt said:

My last relaxer was 13 weeks ago. I plan to relax at 16 weeks. I have about 3.5 inches of newgrowth all over my head.

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Army, It looks like both of us are on the same schedule. I'm at 13 weeks now too, and will be relaxing at 16 weeks as well!!
But girl, you're doing better than me, cuz I surely don't have anywhere near 3.5 inches of new growth!! More like 2, if that!!

But anyway, back to your "problem"... Stop stressing out, girl!! You'll definitely see the growth after your touchup.

Now let me go and sulk about not having as much new growth as you do!!
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Hi Army, don't worry I am sure you will meet your goals. What I am going to do is start keeping pics to track my progress so that I want get discouraged. Keep on growing.
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Lindy said:
Armyqt said:

My last relaxer was 13 weeks ago. I plan to relax at 16 weeks. I have about 3.5 inches of newgrowth all over my head.

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Army, It looks like both of us are on the same schedule. I'm at 13 weeks now too, and will be relaxing at 16 weeks as well!!
But girl, you're doing better than me, cuz I surely don't have anywhere near 3.5 inches of new growth!! More like 2, if that!!

But anyway, back to your "problem"... Stop stressing out, girl!! You'll definitely see the growth after your touchup.

Now let me go and sulk about not having as much new growth as you do!!

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I have the same problem. I'm at week 15 and I certainly don't have 3 inches, probably less than 2.

It's confusing, but I think it will show up at your next touch up.
That's alot of growth by the way! Do you think it's the increase in protein that did it?
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

All my friends and family tell me how nice my hair is growing and I'm like, "it is?"....it seems like the same thing happens to me. It seems like my hair doesn't budge but then one day "bam" I'll look in the mirror and thing, "my hair "is" growing".
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

I think other people notice hair growth more than the person looking in the mirror at it everyday.
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Yeah I don't doubt that my hair is growing at all. That is evident by all the new growth I have. What puzzles me is why isn't it showing in my length. Truth be told, I totally forgot that I did two trims since my last relaxer. But still. Oh well, I guess I'll wait 3 more weeks to see. Thanks for all the encouragement ladies
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Army, I'm sure you have extra length..I'll bet if you started taking pics every other month you would really see it. But I agree with what the rest of you said, it seemed like after I cut my V out I was at bra-strap forever then all of a sudden I was bottom of bra-strap. Of course now it seems to me that now I'm stuck there, but I don't plan on doing any trims till the end of the summer so I know I'll move past there. And my hair grows really slow.
Re: What\'s up with my hair?


I usually don't see the progress from re-touch to re-touch until I've actually gotten the new growth straightened. Be encouraged!
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Oh, and the newgrowth usually pushes the hair outward so that may make it look shorter (or lacking progress) too.
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

I was going to say this too. Right now, I'm at 10 weeks post relaxer and my new growth is pushing my hair out instead of down.
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Thanks for pointing that out ladies!

I also thought my hair wasn't growing and it's 16 weeks post relaxer.
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Supergirl said:
Oh, and the newgrowth usually pushes the hair outward so that may make it look shorter (or lacking progress) too.

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OMG Supergirl, that makes total sense. I've never though about it that way. In my mind, I automatically thought newgrowth would = longer hair. I have been taking monthly progress pics and my hair seems to be exactlywhere it was the first month. Maybe I would've seen a little progress had I not done the trims too. Thanks for your insight. I feel alot better now
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Lindy said:
Armyqt said:

My last relaxer was 13 weeks ago. I plan to relax at 16 weeks. I have about 3.5 inches of newgrowth all over my head.

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Army, It looks like both of us are on the same schedule. I'm at 13 weeks now too, and will be relaxing at 16 weeks as well!!
But girl, you're doing better than me, cuz I surely don't have anywhere near 3.5 inches of new growth!! More like 2, if that!!

But anyway, back to your "problem"... Stop stressing out, girl!! You'll definitely see the growth after your touchup.

Now let me go and sulk about not having as much new growth as you do!!

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Hey Lindy, how are you managing your newgrowth? Are you still rollersetting once a week?
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Isis said:
I was going to say this too. Right now, I'm at 10 weeks post relaxer and my new growth is pushing my hair out instead of down.

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You ladies are really insightful. I love this board. Thanks Isis
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Bobbie said:
Thanks for pointing that out ladies!

I also thought my hair wasn't growing and it's 16 weeks post relaxer.

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Bobbie, how long are going before you relax?
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Girl, I never rollerset weekly
. My regimen is rollerset one week, air dry (ponytail or twistout) the next. So I'm actually rollersetting every other week. And yes, I just continue that same routine from touchup to touchup. The roots are getting puffy now, but I'm still able to get a pretty decent rollerset.
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

That's great that you're able to manage your hair so well, so far into a relaxer and not experience any breakage. I keep mine in a bun. I can't wait till I touch up again.
Re: What\'s up with my hair?


Looks like you got good advice here. I'm sure that you'll see your length at touch up time. Since you've been wearing protective styles, we know it's not breakage, so there is no "problem". Be encouraged and let us know what happens at relaxer time
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

miss_brown said:

Looks like you got good advice here. I'm sure that you'll see your length at touch up time. Since you've been wearing protective styles, we know it's not breakage, so there is no "problem". Be encouraged and let us know what happens at relaxer time

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Hey Miss_Brown

Thanks for the encouragement. And I promise, good or bad, I'll keep you updated
Re: What\'s up with my hair?

lunalight7 said:
Be sure to post pics of your touchup army!

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Re: What\'s up with my hair?

Supergirl said:

I usually don't see the progress from re-touch to re-touch until I've actually gotten the new growth straightened. Be encouraged!

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I can definately attest to this.