What's up with my crown?


Well-Known Member
I have a problem ladies and I need some help, assistance, intervention or what-have-you. I have ALWAYS had problems with my crown area. I use to have that little missing portion in the back that so many black women have where the hair is extremely short and beat up. Not :nono: cute. I finally got it growing last year and was happy, well now, I am noticing that it is breaking and thinning out again :crying3:. It is also RE-SIS-TANT to my relaxers, it keeps texture no matter what relaxer I use and how long I let it process, it's like alien hair on my head wreaking havoc.
The part that confuses me is that all of the rest of my hair is growing lovely, and not breaking or splitting. Have any of you overcome the breaking crown issue? How? I already baggy a couple of times a week and I actually stopped using bands of any sort to put my hair up when I first noticed that area breaking. Now I use a hair clip or a hair comb to hold it up while I baggy and most of the time when I am just hanging around the house.
Hey there, SN :wave:,

You are not the only one with this issue. For years, my crown would grow and then break off. I was convinced that I had some type of fungus because it would be so erratic :rolleyes:.
After finding LHCF, I realized that my crown needs less protein and lots more moisture than the rest of my hair. I baby the area and praise God it is responding- Now mind you, it is about NL now (I started with about 3 inches a year ago) but I am so thrilled that it has not had any setbacks.
Yeah I used to have that problem too. I specifically remember it being hard to the touch, and a bit rough. The scalp was tender there, and the hair was ALWAYS broken off and extremely short (like DOWN TO THE NG SHORT). Basically just focusing on moisture there has been the best remedy. At the time I did not take care of my hair, at all... Now with the constant DC'ing and moisture, I don't even have to do anything special for that area, it's just the same length as the rest of my hair and thriving... And feels soft now.

It's definitely a drier section and different texture than the rest of my hair (it's all 4b up there, lol).
My research on this isn't complete but so far I have realized that our crown problems are due to the fact that, that area of the scalp (along with the middle of the nape & the area immediately behind the forehead)is made up of different stuff than the rest. It is extremely sensitive to chemicals, heat et al

Cut back on your chemical services and let that area rest. Scalp massage (maybe with nourishing & essential oils) to stimulate the underlying scalp tissue is necessary.

Happy healthy hairgrowing !
I have the same problem, hair is thinner and grows slower
I will do a partial weave and leave this part of my hair relaxer free for at least 6 months and pay particular attention to the moisture (as other ladies said before).
Hope this will work :-)
You are surely not the only one. My crown used to break down to the new growth also. Now that I am fully natural and pressed, I still notice it is more wiry and dry than the rest of my hair. It is also prone to breakage. I need some solutions so thanks to the ladies that suggested extra moisture. I will do that and see what results I get.
Glad to see that it isn't just me. It is frustrating because the rest of my hair is thriving and growing and healthy. I will try moisture. Moisture. And more moisture and see how much of a difference I can make there. That part of my hair may actually need a different regimen. I don't know if I can cut back too much on chemicals there though. Whenever I get newgrowth there, it hurts my scalp because it is so tender there. Usually when that area starts hurting is when I know I need a touchup and once I touch it up, the pain stops.
After years of that area breaking and growing and breaking again, because it was the coarser/more fragile part of my hair , the only answer I found that fixed it permanently was to stop relaxing

my nape also broke on and off due to the relaxer being to harsh for the looser area

no win for me

if one wasnt breaking the other was
Glad to see that it isn't just me. It is frustrating because the rest of my hair is thriving and growing and healthy. I will try moisture. Moisture. And more moisture and see how much of a difference I can make there. That part of my hair may actually need a different regimen. I don't know if I can cut back too much on chemicals there though. Whenever I get newgrowth there, it hurts my scalp because it is so tender there. Usually when that area starts hurting is when I know I need a touchup and once I touch it up, the pain stops.

girl that pain goes away when you go natural

that area for me always ached, and got numb weird sensations and just hurt from new growth when I relaxed

I am not saying go natural, just letting you that does go away when you stop relaxing
I used to have this problem as well a few years ago. i've learned that my crown area is the driest and roughest part of my hair but seemingly also the weakest and most prone to breakage. Since i've been taking better care of my hair and especially since i've been doing daily cowashes this area as never been better.
My crown is also prone to breakage, so I make sure to comb that area VERY gently. If I do that, I don't really have problems, since I already moisturize and DC frequently.
before joining LHCF in June I had the same issue. I had broke that area off to about a half inch if I stretched it. EEEK. I now put olive oil in that area everyday or every other day. I try to avoid protein in that area and any styles in that area. NO ponytails or anything. Now that area since about June is about 4inches long. I didn't have a problem with my hair not growing, just breaking.
My crown is tender, itchy and always breaks first. I'm so grateful that I found this forum. I'll take extra care of it.
My crown is also prone to breakage, so I make sure to comb that area VERY gently. If I do that, I don't really have problems, since I already moisturize and DC frequently.

I know what you mean, I HAVE to comb that area gently because it is like a new brand of nappy. I mean it snaps and pops like a fireplace.

before joining LHCF in June I had the same issue. I had broke that area off to about a half inch if I stretched it. EEEK. I now put olive oil in that area everyday or every other day. I try to avoid protein in that area and any styles in that area. NO ponytails or anything. Now that area since about June is about 4inches long. I didn't have a problem with my hair not growing, just breaking.

half an inch, wow, mine was that bad before, since it just recently started breaking off, I thought I needed to catch it before it got that bad. Mine was linked to stress before, this time. I am clueless.
Same problem here, too. :ohwell: I have to be EXTRA careful whenever I manipulate that area. It hurts so bad when I comb it. That hair up there is somethin' awful! I also have breakage up there. I think extra moisture definitely helps. I have this Kem-Oyl spray conditioner stuff that really helps soften it up if I spray it directly on the ng in that area.
I am natural and my crown is the trouble spot. It breaks, and is a different texture. It tangles easily and is a very tight coil/curl. I have to comb it out separately when I detangle and I use lots of conditioner. I recently started treating it with essentials oils (Jane Carter Solution product) and limiting the amount of protein. I also started taking supplements, doing scalp massages, and drinking more water. Right now it is dramatically shorter than the rest of my hair and it is causing my wash and go's to look horrible.
Hey SuperNova,

My daughter had this problem. I begin relaxing her crown dead last and rinsing and shampooing that are immeditely after. I tried monistat because she would tell me that she had excessive itching in that area.

I think what finally turned it around for her was the relaxer method. Oh and I also used the ORS uplifting shampoo in that area and would just let it sit before literally scrubbing that area.
From what I heard, it's the cowlick area for many.

For me the dang cow licked that section so hard, it has no texture, just straight frizz till no end! :lachen:

It is drier than the crust on Malik Yoba's mouth.
I henna'd the other day, it feels thicker, in fact like it reveresed my last relaxer in that area. I will try switching my relaxer process up, I've been moisterizing that area more
I had that problem before I went natural. I would blowdry every week :wallbash: and the crown was the part that suffered the most. It broke off right down to the new growth. :nono: I went to a beautician to see what could be done, she cut the rest of my hair down to the same length as the crown.

Now that I'm natural and not blowdrying every week, that area is still the "trouble area" of my hair. It's also the coiliest (waves and everything!), go figure. :rolleyes: I'm always tempted to just drag my comb or brush through it, but I know I need to be extra careful with that section. It is the shortest, tightest section of my hair.