
Well-Known Member
OMG...we have not done an update since starting the xmas challenge. What is going on ladies? Are you still down? * throws up HYH sign* What's really going on? Are you ladies still hiding that lovely hair of yours? I am of course:grin: Come on out ladies and talk that talk:yep:

ETA: On Behalf of Rabia and I. I want to say I'm sawwwy for not doing an update sooner. You know I be on it. Due to school, work, and these 2 girls of mine. I have been busy and have not had enough time to really get on anymore. I graduate June 08 and I was starting to slack on my classes but I'm good now. I had to remember my goals. So, sorry ladies for waiting so long for an update thread. (((hugs)))
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:lachen: @ throwing up the HYH sign. Girl I'm still down. I got a relaxer and a trim so I was APL for all of 15 minutes. :lol: I'm going to wig it for about 12 weeks then relax right before Christmas.
I am struggling over here, I am keeping it pinned up, however I want to get it completely out of site,:ohwell: so I can have a real surprise come christmas, my hair grows at a snail's pace,:ohwell: however with cornrows it does seem to pick up speed, this will be over before you know it so up off my **** I go, :lachen:
I'm still hiding! This is my first ever challenge and after all of these buns I really hope I'm mid back length by reveal time :yep: I've been wearing a bun since the challenge started except for a braid out that I did this weekend :grin:. I was still hiding my hair though because it was done on 12 week post hair so I had major shrinkage! I don't plan on relaxing again until the last week in december or the first week in January. Happy hair growing ladies!!
I messed up and wore braidouts for 2 weeks everyday. I just had to let it out:grin:. Now I've braided up my hair and wear it pinned up with my Flexi-8 and I'm good to go. I plan on braiding and twisting it up for a few months.
I'm still hiding!

I have been wearing braids for the last 4 months so I am doing pretty well.

I am about to take out these braids next week and install my last set of braids for the year and relax in late Dec.

So far so good:grin:
:lachen: @ throwing up the HYH sign. Girl I'm still down. I got a relaxer and a trim so I was APL for all of 15 minutes. :lol: I'm going to wig it for about 12 weeks then relax right before Christmas.

Good, good. Dang this challenge is almost over. WOW!!! this was too fast:yep:
I am struggling over here, I am keeping it pinned up, however I want to get it completely out of site,:ohwell: so I can have a real surprise come christmas, my hair grows at a snail's pace,:ohwell: however with cornrows it does seem to pick up speed, this will be over before you know it so up off my **** I go, :lachen:

Girl, you betta get you some BT and quit playing:yep:
I'm still hiding! This is my first ever challenge and after all of these buns I really hope I'm mid back length by reveal time :yep: I've been wearing a bun since the challenge started except for a braid out that I did this weekend :grin:. I was still hiding my hair though because it was done on 12 week post hair so I had major shrinkage! I don't plan on relaxing again until the last week in december or the first week in January. Happy hair growing ladies!!

Oooohh your hair is ooo purty....I have been wearing buns since Dec 2005. I am tired of these darn buns:lachen:but a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do:rolleyes:Can't wait for the reveals:grin:
I messed up and wore braidouts for 2 weeks everyday. I just had to let it out:grin:. Now I've braided up my hair and wear it pinned up with my Flexi-8 and I'm good to go. I plan on braiding and twisting it up for a few months.

See, this is what happens, when there is no updates...Girl I am sooo sorry:lachen:Remember, you want all the growth you can get:yep: We only have 2 months left, so let's focus on getting and keeping all the growth we obtain:yep: I just relaxed my hair today so my next relaxer will be around xmas (hopefully) and I'm going to try to get as much growth as I can by xmas. I will do that by BTing, baggying, and hiding of course:grin:
I'm doing well. I'm about 8 weeks post and I need to relax asap! I'm wearing messy buns because of the new growth :)
I tried failed...but im going to try again.

That's right. Hopefully, you'll join the next challenge and get better and better each time. My first time doing the HYH challenge was kind of challenging but then kept my eye on the prize and I'm very happy:grin: Of course, I had/have to wear buns erryday, all day but it's all good. Things we do for long hair huh?:lachen:I have gotten talked about at work, for having nappy hair, professional image (as if?), and telling me my hair will never grow to my bra. Sometimes I want to take my hair down and go BAM!!!! WHAT? but I will not let them interrupt my hair goals:lachen:let em keep on thinking my hair is short. I'm on a mission to have midback hair. WHAT? ummm...yah..sorry...had to vent.lol...but don't give up. You still have 2 months. Happy Hair Growing :grin:
It's going very well! I've been bunning consistently and staying on top of my regimen DC'ing, baggying! I hope to have a lot of growth and healthy ends by Christmas. :yep:
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I'm doing well. I'm about 8 weeks post and I need to relax asap! I'm wearing messy buns because of the new growth :)

Heyyyyyy kbody, how are you? Girl, I had to relax today at 8 weeks also. My newgrowth was begging for that cream:lachen:I couldn't put my wide tooth comb through my hair. When I can't do that. Yep, it's time to relax:yep: Glad, you're doing well...keep it growing hun:grin:
Yeah TSmith you lot have been like :ghost::ghost: recently well I'm still:armyhat: in my full weave and I'm pleased with my progress. In a wedding in December so determined to have my hair looking:gorgeous: :grin:
I'm still hiding. I just took out the kinky twist (cut off a twist of my real hair:look:) and now I have some wet and wavy micros:spank: I know I know!:look:

I really had a major set back with breakage and accidental cutting before this challenge began. So I'm trying to revive my hurr before x-mas.
Heyyyyyy kbody, how are you? Girl, I had to relax today at 8 weeks also. My newgrowth was begging for that cream:lachen:I couldn't put my wide tooth comb through my hair. When I can't do that. Yep, it's time to relax:yep: Glad, you're doing well...keep it growing hun:grin:

I'm doing great!! I don't post much because I don't want to develop hairsanity :lachen: My hair is a wee bit shorter than your pic on the right, so I know it's definitely growing. My hair is crying for the cream, but too lazy to relax. This weekend for sure. See you at that finish line :)
I'm still in. I must have used about 5 passes so far though :lachen:. I've been bunning daily. I actually forgot I was part of this challenge because I haven't been on LHCF much lately. I logged in today to see if there was an update thread. I have such good timing. :grouphug3: