What's typical loss?


New Member
What\'s typical loss?

I'm sure this has been addressed in previous posts, but my searches haven't yielded much. I know this number will be different for everyone given hair state, products used, etc., but from initial shampoo/detangling to final style, what is a typical/average amount of hair loss/shed?

I'm curious because what might not be a lot of hair for one person may be tons to another, and vice versa. And when people are talking about lost hair, is it breakage vs. shedding? Full lengths strands or pieces? Etc.?

I think it'd be good to have some "standard" to compare against...

Re: What\'s typical loss?

According to hair.com: "The numbers vary but it ranges from 50-100. This may seem like a lot of hair if yours is long. During the main seasonal changes, many people tend to shed more hair as the body's metabolism changes with the changing temperatures. Abnormal hair loss can involve many factors including heredity of baldness patterns, chemical imbalances from drug therapy, metabolic disorders, hormonal or psychological imbalances, or physiological problems with the scalp and hair shaft."