What's the scariest thing that happened to your hair?


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What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

I have more than my share of bad hair stories!

I took swimming my first year in high school. Naturally due to the chlorine and the fact I rarely washed my hair then, my hair turned a sickish reddish-brown (my natural color is jet black) and I lost CLUMPS of hair. By the end of the semester, my ponytail consisted of a 4 inch tail of 50 or so strands. I was forced to put on braids for the first time afterwards.

Last week, I used a new product and I noticed that my head felt itchy. Not only that, but everytime I combed, long strands came out. Long strands with bulbs! I rarely see this and nearly died. (Stopped using product too!)
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

the %*%(#%&(#$*% stylists at jcpenney broke my hair off with their relaxer. now i have a receding hairline at my kitchen area and it seems like it is not even going to grow back cause it is taking so long. Thank God my hair covers the spot though. I probably should have sued them but I didn't even feel like going through the motions. I just hope that doesn't happen to anyone else who goes there.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

When I took my micros out and my hair loc'ed up. It took 3 women and 3 bottles of conditioner to get it undone. Not only was I scared, but I am as tenderheaded as a 6 month old baby, so it was sheer torture. I ended up chopping it all off of that. I had just had my first permanent dye and my first micros...also my last of each /images/graemlins/frown.gif.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

I took swimming my first year in high school. Naturally due to the chlorine and the fact I rarely washed my hair then, my hair turned a sickish reddish-brown (my natural color is jet black) and I lost CLUMPS of hair. By the end of the semester, my ponytail consisted of a 4 inch tail of 50 or so strands. I was forced to put on braids for the first time afterwards.

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I can really relate to your story. Chlorine really damaged my hair in jr.high. Swimming was mandatory in 7th grade. I had a bad relaxer the year before which caused a lot of breakage...and my hair was just starting to recover. Then the Chlorine wrecked its havok on my hair. The fact that I was using the bad kind of gel and abusing it with the curling iron didn't help matters either. /images/graemlins/spank.gif I wish I knew all of the tips back then that I've learned here. I could have avoided a lot of heartache. /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

A very bad case of dermatitis made my hair fall out in clumps. It took a while to recover from that.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

I got a bad relaxer at a very trustworthy salon and my hair broke to less than an inch in some spot. No more relaxing for me. After a year and a half, I still believe I have a thin area due to this. I have pictures of the breakage and I should have sued.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

My last relaxer. I just felt like losing so much hair at one time was a bad sign, and that's when I decided not to relax again. Since I have really thick hair, it didn't look any different, but I came to a point where I couldn't deal with the thought of being in the relaxer cycle indefinitely.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

Mine was not using the proper shampoo after swimming. Another was when I used Aphogee treatment and my hair came out in chunks.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

it's no telling how many potential lawsuits we have here on LHCF. we could probably take over the industry if we actually sue these stylists when they mess up.
I got a bad relaxer at a very trustworthy salon and my hair broke to less than an inch in some spot. No more relaxing for me. After a year and a half, I still believe I have a thin area due to this. I have pictures of the breakage and I should have sued.

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Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

When I was first learning how to use a marcel iron, I forgot how hot it was and burned a huge chuck of hair out my head. It is still a little shorter than the rest of my head 2 years later but it used to be a huge difference. I had to keep my hair at shoulder length til last year because of this.

I have an allergy to human hair weaves that makes my scalp get red and my hair come out in clumps. It wasn't until my third weave though that I realized it was the hair...before I had thought I didn't moisturize or wash my hair enough or that the braids were too tight.

My last disaster was about two months ago when a chunk of my hair just came out. I didn't realize it came out until I discovered a section of my head that is no more than an inch long...that section may take a few more years to grow out. Luckily I have enough hair to cover it.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

i burned the helllllllll out of my scalp with some Surge. I was being stupid and not following the directions. It felt so soothing on my scalp so I sprayed it on 5 times in one day and it felt so cool on my scalp. That night my scalp BURNED! it was on fire. So the next day I woke up and my hairline had this thick brown scab going around my hairline. It started flaking and it was dry and crusty. IF i use Surge again (a BIG IF!!!) I will make sure that I use it correctly and rinse it out daily. My hair has been going wonderfully without it though...:D
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

it sucks that i am in braids so the scab is flaking off and is caught in the braid. lol ugh nasty
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

Scariest thing must have been when I let a friend professionally burn my hair with a hotcomb she used over the stove--by the way, does anyone do that anymore? Anyway, I let her do this on two occasions. Later, I realized that after washing my hair I had different textures all over my head, some areas even stayed straight! I guess yall know how this story ends... 2 yrs later, I grew a new head of hair /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

My hair started coming out and thinning after I used relaxer and too much color and didn't wait long enough in between.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

When I was about 4-5 years old and my hair caught fire when I accidently leaned over a candle. I never had time to be really frightened because my father ran with me to the bathtub and threw me in, clothes and all! /images/graemlins/bath.gif
It looked like a little forest fire had cut down a patch of my little afro. /images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

Mine was dying my hair red in 8th grade -- trying to be grown. My hair broke out so much that it looked like a fowl's nest.

That's why I'll NEVER die my hair again.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

When I was in high school, I went to a department store salon to get my relaxer. When they took me to the shampoo bowl to rinse the relaxer out, there was no water. The water in the entire salon had been shut off. They ended up having to take me down the street to another shop that had water to rinse me. The relaxer had probably been on my head for at least 45 minutes. When my mom got back to pick me up, she was not happy, to say the least. Come to find out, the salon had gotten previous notice that their water would be turned off for 15-20 minutes that afternoon, and they did my relaxer anyway. My parents sued them, and won. Luckily, my hair suffered no ill effects.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

Rachel - I am so glad your mother sued and won! What a shame! How did your hair turn after the relaxer?
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

Luckily, it was a mild relaxer. My hair was plastered to my head for a few days, but I didn't suffer any breakage. Needless to say, I didn't return to that salon.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

After removing my very first set of box braids I didn't detangle, thought I could wash the knots out -- big mistake! I had to cut three holes in my hair, all the way down to my new growth.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

I can think of three that were equally traumatic. /images/graemlins/frown.gif One was when I was a teenager and went to the salon for a touch-up. I had awful dandruff back then, and I just HAD to scratch -- extensively -- the night before. ::shudder:: Needless to say, that touch-up was worse than Medieval torture.

The second was my last perm. Ever. For the second time in my life (and yes, the first was at a salon), a perm broke off a LOT of my hair. The sides were almost GONE; lucky for me, I have thick hair, so I was able to cover up the damage with what was left. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif But in a way, it's good that that happened. A few weeks after that, I decided perming wasn't worth the trouble anymore, BCed, and vowed never to put myself through all that again.

The third was kind of humorous. Thinking I was doing something good, I bought some ORS shea butter lotion (most of the ingredients looked familiar enough, and I figured it must've had a fair amount of shea butter in it since it was right in the middle of the list) and tried it out for a few days. The first day was fine, so I figured it was a good product. But after a couple of days' use... oy. My hair was incredibly frizzy and dry, and I couldn't get a curl out of it to save my life. I was freaking out, and I had no idea what was happening. Then, I realized the shea butter lotion might've been at fault. I stopped using it, clarified, did a bit of damage control with my trusty unrefined coconut oil, and everything was right as rain. Never touching that stuff again.

Before I did that, though, I had a few very scary bad hair days! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

~Rochelle. /images/graemlins/Rose.gif
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

Oh i got lots of stories but one that stick in my mind was when i was in 3rd grade me and this other girl in my school got into a fight in the school yard and she stuck a big ball of bubble gum in my hair!!! on the front part too! I couldnt get it out and besides having to spend the recess in the pricipal's office, i had to cut a big chunck of hair. i looked terrible.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

the time when I scorched my hair off while I was blowdrying/straightening. it . I couldn't continue to brush down my hair while I was blowdrying (my hair was tangled) and the heat was in one area. I guess it was in one spot for too long and the next thing I knew I saw a bunch of hair all the same length in my brush. I almost started to cry /images/graemlins/frown.gif . I've learned my lesson: detangle the hair prior to or just give the heat a break .
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

my mom put a relaxer in my hair when i was about 10 or 11. i then lived the night for about 9 years.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

Braids are the scariest thing that ever happened to my hair. I first had them about 10 years ago, and when I took them out, I lost so much hair. It was very scary. I decided to give them another try last summer and the same thing happened. I've come to the conclusion that braids and my hair just don't mix. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

I was in college and decided I wanted blonde highlights...on top of my relaxed hair that I hot curled everyday. Well needless to say onday I was curling my hair and the whole section came off on the curling iron.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

Mine was letting this phony *** Dominican out here in Timbucktoo put a relaxer in my hair. I should have taken a hint when she started plowing through my hair with the comb. Hair was snapping, popping everywhere.

Then there is the current situation – Post-partum shedding, which I have gotten under control. However this is the first time in my life, including the bad relaxer episode, that I have thinned edges. I’m tryin’ to keep the faith /images/graemlins/cry3.gif
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

When I was four, I decided to give myself bangs. I had maybe an inch of hair right in the front. Needless to say, my mother gave me the /images/graemlins/spank.gif of a lifetime that I still remember to this day.
Re: What\'s the scariest thing that happened to your hair?

I highlited my hair like 3 years ago, and I kid you not, the bleach made my hair start to burn and my scalp. All of the sudden my head was smoking, it scared me to death. I had a lot of breakage, but it could have been a lot worse!