What's the problem?


Or MY problem?? It seems like I'm not clear on something. Ok, according to Philippians 4:19, God will supply all of my Needs. I wonder how come my NEEDS of unpaid bills haven't been met??:wallbash: I feel as though I'm doing things right. Im on a journey of a better me and relationship with God by living according to His will. I have been declaring the word for months now, knowing God is my source and not my job. (low income) I tithe, and I'm behind on bills, why is this? Keep it funky with me and let me know if I'm tripping or is this a test? I can't call it! :nono: Please help!
Or MY problem?? It seems like I'm not clear on something. Ok, according to Philippians 4:19, God will supply all of my Needs. I wonder how come my NEEDS of unpaid bills haven't been met??:wallbash: I feel as though I'm doing things right. Im on a journey of a better me and relationship with God by living according to His will. I have been declaring the word for months now, knowing God is my source and not my job. (low income) I tithe, and I'm behind on bills, why is this? Keep it funky with me and let me know if I'm tripping or is this a test? I can't call it! :nono: Please help!

(((((HUGS)))))) To you we just had a thread on this and I cannot find it. They disappear so quickly.:perplexed

Now I am reading and studying your post. The Bible says be a cheerful giver to the Lord's house. When you give your tithes and your offering are you a cheerful giver? Are you standing on what God says he will do in Malachi 3:10 are you standing on God's word in Pslams 37:24-26? You see you cannot say God's Promises in one hand and then take his Angles off the Job of assisting you as it states in the Bible Pslams 103:20., in the other. Do you Praise God for your bills? Do you Beleive God can bring you out of debt inspite of these economic times? It is where your faith is is where you are being tested. There are so many women on this forum who are women of faith and will share you their testimonies from where and how God is carrying them all through.

Let me share you mine. I am cheerful giver when I tithe and I offer. I was laid off in June of 2008 of a job of 10 years. My bills are paid and I am not in debt Praise God. I just Learn to Trust the Lord with all my soul and All times no Matter what.:yep:

We all get discouraged at times I do it too however, after it is all said and done, I turn that discouragement into encouragement. I see all that is going on around me with the economy and you know what I finally mastered the True meaning of,

I am in this world, but I am not of this world.
I am so much at peace with this and not only that I see God as our Jehovah Jireh, He our Provider! You have to say that and beleive God. His word cannot turn unto him void and God does not lie. This is why my own life depends on him!:yep:
Hopefully someone else can chime in on this one soon. My guess is that God has you in those circumstances for a reason. Be it to strengthen your faith, or to test your faithfulness to him and his ability to suppy your needs. I am like you. I look for everything in the Bible to happen because I have faith in that God cannot tell a lie. However, patience is a virtue that, if you don't have it, can make your mind lose faith. Waiting on the Lord isn't always fun, but it is always worth it in the end.
More Than Conquerors

I am right there with you word for word deep in the struggle every month...
Lately though..my meditations have all pointed to the promise of debt being released ..being paid in
So be encouraged!!...

But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

8And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,who have been called according to his purpose.

31What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors

so in faith I am staying prayerful..God always comes through and one day for me.... for you..this won't be the challenge anymore..it will be how to navigate with divine discernment overflow abundance prosperity wealth
and the willingness and humility to receive to give more
For today my challenge is Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. - Galatians 6:9

Praying at 3:30 EST time
in a little less than an hour
for these finanical needs..If anyone thinks of it..let's pray together
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While I was writing this response...an email(miracle)
came in..... booking me...for much needed work through the end of 2008
with almost enough to almost meet all my bills.

God always comes through
HE DID! I hadn't even had time to post that before HE had answered!

Sisters let's pray together on this for each other
There is hope..there is help-on-the-way
and A MIGHTY God is in our midst
Remember before we call He already hears

In about 45 minutes..I will be on my knees
for all of us....
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More Than Conquerors

I am right there with you word for word deep in the struggle every month...
Lately though..my meditations have all pointed to the promise of debt being released ..being paid in
So be encouraged!!...

But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

8And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,who have been called according to his purpose.

31What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors

so in faith I am staying prayerful..God always comes through and one day for me.... for you..this won't be the challenge anymore..it will be how to navigate with divine discernment overflow abundance prosperity wealth
and the willingness and humility to receive to give more
For today my challenge is Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. - Galatians 6:9

Praying at 3:30 EST time
in a little less than an hour
for these finanical needs..If anyone thinks of it..let's pray together

I will join you in prayer, Sis. Starting in about 15 minutes..... (2:30 CST)
Sisters..I didn't see your posts but thank you! I did go right to prayer 3:30pm EST
and another job came in..on the phone... just before I went to pray
YES... IT.... DID

I did not even stop to take it in ...I went to prayer,gave thanks and
prayed for all of us in need,and for myself & will continue to do so...

Our God is a not a God of letting-us-just-get-by..Highly Favored said it
He is Jehovah Jireh... He is El Shaddai
He is a God of plenty and of mercy...our loving Father who longs to give
in His good pleasure the Kingdom to us His daughters
and now is the harvest!

Jesus said Do you think it's four months from now?
I tell you Now is the time of harvest

Now is the day of our Salvation

Continuing in deep prayer tonight and expecting
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Kayte I am delighted that God blessed you with additional favor and opportunities for increase! :woot: I saw the others praying and it allowed me to pray more boldy, knowing that others were standing in prayer together. I feel very encouraged and excited that there has been a breakthrough and that we will all begin experiencing peculiar and unique blessings and favor in all areas of our life. I believe that God will begin pouring into our lives in a way like never before and in ways that we have never seen or imagined. Lack and debt is bound in Heaven and bound on Earth. Abundance, overflow, and MORE abundance is released in Heaven and released on Earth. The abudance will overflow into those around us so that we can be a blessing to others. Like Joseph, we will prosper in any circumstance-pit, prison, or palace, and we will be shown favor everywhere we go and in all that we do.
I was just reading over this passage, I would suggest that you read the entire Phillipians 4: 1-23, pay close attention to verse 6;

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Remain patient...I'm praying on something that hasn't came through for me yet but you have to keep the faith that it'll break right on time :yep:

(((((HUGS)))))) To you we just had a thread on this and I cannot find it. They disappear so quickly.:perplexed

Now I am reading and studying your post. The Bible says be a cheerful giver to the Lord's house. When you give your tithes and your offering are you a cheerful giver? Are you standing on what God says he will do in Malachi 3:10 are you standing on God's word in Pslams 37:24-26? You see you cannot say God's Promises in one hand and then take his Angles off the Job of assisting you as it states in the Bible Pslams 103:20., in the other. Do you Praise God for your bills? Do you Beleive God can bring you out of debt inspite of these economic times? It is where your faith is is where you are being tested. There are so many women on this forum who are women of faith and will share you their testimonies from where and how God is carrying them all through.

Let me share you mine. I am cheerful giver when I tithe and I offer. I was laid off in June of 2008 of a job of 10 years. My bills are paid and I am not in debt Praise God. I just Learn to Trust the Lord with all my soul and All times no Matter what.:yep:

We all get discouraged at times I do it too however, after it is all said and done, I turn that discouragement into encouragement. I see all that is going on around me with the economy and you know what I finally mastered the True meaning of,

I am in this world, but I am not of this world.
I am so much at peace with this and not only that I see God as our Jehovah Jireh, He our Provider! You have to say that and beleive God. His word cannot turn unto him void and God does not lie. This is why my own life depends on him!:yep:

Hi Highly Favored,
It's interesting that you mentioned tithing cheerfully. I started taking tithing very seriously this year, and no matter what I could be using that money for, I still tithe. Now, I know my giving is not begrudgingly, but I'm not sure about 'cheerful'! I'm going to have to work on being a cheerful giver! I do stand on Malachi 3:10, but I think I want everything NOW!! but I know He wants to see where my heart is! I Definitely don't praise him for the bills , but I do believe my time is coming, but I just have a hard time believing that he would allow my bills to be delinquent :ohwell: I think that's where the problem lies for me, thinking why and when??
Your testimony is indeed great! You are absolutely on point about being in the world and not of this world and TRUSTING!
How did you come to that point in your relationship with Him?! Thanks so much for your insight!! I needed it :yep:
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Hopefully someone else can chime in on this one soon. My guess is that God has you in those circumstances for a reason. Be it to strengthen your faith, or to test your faithfulness to him and his ability to suppy your needs. I am like you. I look for everything in the Bible to happen because I have faith in that God cannot tell a lie. However, patience is a virtue that, if you don't have it, can make your mind lose faith. Waiting on the Lord isn't always fun, but it is always worth it in the end.

Patience is a virtue!! Me being the person that I am, I mistake 'waiting' for a let down. I know that I should not feel that way, but like we both have practiced looking at the bible promises and standing on that word. When it doesn't come to pass I definitely feel discouraged. I need to work on patience in order to be a woman of virtue! And YES! sometimes I do feel like I lose my faith when things don't pan out. But I spring up after feeling discouraged. Thanks so much for your reply!
How encouraging!!! I'm hoping for all of us struggling, that this won't be a problem for. Thank you for the Galations scripture reminder. I need to stand on it and meditate on that daily! I do hope to be full of overflow, wealth and abundance. If you only knew how bad I would love to help to people in need, because I have it to freely give
I saw your PS.... Praise God for work that he has provided. That is great news!!!
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Ladies! - My job has a block now, so I cannot log on during the day and I missed praying with you all. I will be praying tonight though. I thank all of you for your prayers and responses, it means so much
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Hi Highly Favored,
It's interesting that you mentioned tithing cheerfully. I started taking tithing very seriously this year, and no matter what I could be using that money for, I still tithe. Now, I know my giving is not begrudgingly, but I'm not sure about 'cheerful'! I'm going to have to work on being a cheerful giver! I do stand on Malachi 3:10, but I think I want everything NOW!! but I know He wants to see where my heart is! Definitely don't praise him for the bills , but I do believe my time is coming, but I just have a hard time believing that he would allow my bills to be delinquent :ohwell: I think that's where the problem lies for me, thinking why and when??
Your testimony is indeed great! You are absolutely on point about being in the world and not of this world and TRUSTING!
How did you come to that point in your relationship with Him?! Thanks so much for your inisght!! I needed it :yep:

Yes, We must be cheerful givers to the Lord. I am unemployed and you better believe I tithe on that money and offering and love offering and still have my 90% Blessed. My Pastor teaches on tithes and when you EAT up God's money your finances are cursed:nono:! I do not care in my situation my Pastor teaches us this unitil he is blue in the face. We Trust the Lord God at our church and I just Whole Heartdly trust in the Lord.

I came to my point with my Realtionship with him b/c in my prayer and meditation time every day. The Lord asked me to Trust Him. Just Trust me and Lean on me. :yep:! I tell you I stand on his word and I trust and I love taking care of God's Kingdom First. :yep: I just came to a point in my life that I am going to trust God or Man so, I said God comes First, I have a Blood Covenant Realtionship with him and I trust God no matter what my situation looks like from this point on!:yep:
I was just reading over this passage, I would suggest that you read the entire Phillipians 4: 1-23, pay close attention to verse 6;

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Remain patient...I'm praying on something that hasn't came through for me yet but you have to keep the faith that it'll break right on time :yep:


I will do that before i go to sleep and read it altogether. I've read that scripture exclusively many times, but let me read 1-23 before I go to bed. Hugs to you for being a blessing and if you care to share your testimony with me when it comes.....feel free :grin:
Hi Highly Favored,

I came to my point with my Realtionship with him b/c in my prayer and meditation time every day. The Lord asked me to Trust Him. Just Trust me and Lean on me. :yep:! I tell you I stand on his word and I trust and I love taking care of God's Kingdom First. :yep: I just came to a point in my life that I am going to trust God or Man so, I said God comes First, I have a Blood Covenant Realtionship with him and I trust God no matter what my situation looks like from this point on!:yep:

I need to be at this point ! I think that my prayer life may suffer because I
feel that he's not speaking to me. :nono: I struggle with this and it may be the reason why I feel this way.
Dear Lord..we acknowledge in the name of Jesus..that...

there has been a breakthrough and that we will all begin experiencing peculiar and unique blessings and favor in all areas of our life. ((We )I believe that God will begin pouring into our lives in a way like never before and in ways that we have never seen or imagined. Lack and debt is bound in Heaven and bound on Earth. Abundance, overflow, and MORE abundance is released in Heaven and released on Earth. The abudance will overflow into those around us so that we can be a blessing to others. Like Joseph, we will prosper in any circumstance-pit, prison, or palace, and we will be shown favor everywhere we go and in all that we do.

In Jesus name,we pray
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Hope that was okay Sashaa

there has been a breakthrough and that we will all begin experiencing peculiar and unique blessings and favor in all areas of our life. ((We )I believe that God will begin pouring into our lives in a way like never before and in ways that we have never seen or imagined. Lack and debt is bound in Heaven and bound on Earth. Abundance, overflow, and MORE abundance is released in Heaven and released on Earth. The abudance will overflow into those around us so that we can be a blessing to others. Like Joseph, we will prosper in any circumstance-pit, prison, or palace, and we will be shown favor everywhere we go and in all that we do.

to offer your beautiful post as prayer :)
and I stand in agreement :yep:
Amen!! Yes, thanks Sashaa, and Kayte

You're more than welcome. And I understand about being a "cheerful" giver-this was a recent epiphany for me. I often tithed but then would worry about what was not going to get paid because I had just used that money to tithe. Then I went through a period where I didn't tithe-thinking that I could use that extra money to pay bills and get out of debt. Didn't work. Then finally, I focused on the scriptures in 2 Corinthians (I think Chapter 9) where God says He loves a cheerful giver who does not give out of obligation but gives from the heart. So I asked God what He wanted me to give. He told me-$50. Which is a 10th of what I should be tithting. He said, "try me and see." I did and because it was only $50 and I wasn't stressed, I was more than happy to give it. For the FIRST TIME I was actually giving "cheerfully" and with worrying. God blessed me so much within that first week, that after that I couldn't wait to giving my full tithe. It was unexpected discounts, sales, unanticipated opportunities to get extra money-not a windfall, but because this hadn't been happening before, I knew that it was linked to me giving from my heart. After that, I knew if He could bless me with a 10th of my 10th, He could bless me with my 10th and now I can give cheerfully and without worrying, knowing that He is able to pour into my 90% and stretch it further than I could have stretched the 100%.
Of course it is! What a nice compliment-especially from an author!

Thank you Sashaa...
and OP

We are all authors:yep:..writing our hearts desires according to God's will...under the power and might of Holy Spirit and Christ is the publisher...
the Intercessory..the Author and Finisher of our faith

"Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" - Hebrews 12:2 ...
Sashaa - Thanks for you reply and testimony.:yep: I have to really grasp the true meaning of 'cheerful giving' and act accordingly. I will be tithing on Sunday so this post was great insight for me.

Ladies thank you for helping someone like me, even though it may seem minor to a lot of you vets :lachen: Nonetheless, your experience is what I need and respect.