What's the longest length of afro hair...

...that you've seen (in person)? The longest I've seen is waistlength (bra with shrinkage). It was on this girl in my highschool and it was natural. She wore it in one braided ponytail almost everyday. She wore it down maybe once. It was beautiful and THICK! It looked like it was fine 4a with some 3c thrown in. However, I think her father was East Indian. That diminished my hope of ever having long hair. I've been wanting to see very long 4a and 4b natural or relaxed hair in person for the longest. The longest I have seen in person was probably APL which was VERY LONG in my highschool. If we count children's hair I've seen some long, gorgeous lengths of hair...but I'm not including children. So what's the longest length of 4a or 4b-type relaxed or natural hair that you've seen in person?
non-dreads 4b - bra strap. Probably more, but I wasn't going to go stretch any body's hair. They were in 2 gigantic braids. A Lot of hair there.

Dreads - knee length.
I'm not sure, maybe waist-length relaxed (my cousin) and apl natural (maybe?), that is why I am so grateful for LHCF, I really had no idea it was possible for my 4a/b hair to grow very long, it seemed like I only saw natural bra-strap or longer on girls with wavy or curly hair. I don't really know any 4a/b naturals personally, not to mention ones with long hair.
Well apart from myself my sister had waist length natural hair. With lots of big cuts. And about 5 other girls from high school who had waist length and a little beyond natural hair. Extremely thick hair but they were all mixed with Indian or Portuguese or something.
Oh yeh, how can I forget the girl around the corner. She's Dominican but we have the same texture of hair. Come to think about it, I'm remembering more people. My cousin who I haven't seen since I was a kid had mid back thick 4b natural hair. Two girls I worked with when I was teaching had waistlength hair. One natural and one relaxed. They were both mixed though. Oh well. My two nieces both have beyond waistlength hair.
That's at least 12-13 people.
Umm there are quite a few of them on this board but seeing in person... Let me thi8nk.. My high school english teacher. Wore her 4b hair in 2 long plaits every day. Nick name was Blackahontuas. She said it was all in her diet and the type of oil she used on her hair.
I will never forget the day I saw a woman with 4b hair to her thighs. It was thick, natural, and amazing. I don't know her, just saw her in passing but she saw me staring at her hair and smiled.
To be honest with you guys I have never seen this, or anyone with longer than brastrap hair stretched as a natural and , (besides my mother and she doesnt count) someone please post these inspirational photos!
Stephanie from Hairobics
sweetcashew said:
Well apart from myself my sister had waist length natural hair. With lots of big cuts. And about 5 other girls from high school who had waist length and a little beyond natural hair. Extremely thick hair but they were all mixed with Indian or Portuguese or something.
Oh yeh, how can I forget the girl around the corner. She's Dominican but we have the same texture of hair. Come to think about it, I'm remembering more people. My cousin who I haven't seen since I was a kid had mid back thick 4b natural hair. Two girls I worked with when I was teaching had waistlength hair. One natural and one relaxed. They were both mixed though. Oh well. My two nieces both have beyond waistlength hair.
That's at least 12-13 people.

Goodness, what's in the water?? All that long hair would make me cry...
JCoily said:
Stephanie from Hairobics

WOW! Her hair is breath-taking. I guess there's no reason for anyone here to think that "their" hair in particular will never grow a certain length. I thought this before, but now I know that though genetics play a small part, any texture can grow with proper care.