What's the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?


Active Member
What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

Just wondering if you have wavy 3a hair or 2a or 4a hair can you tell the difference? I know this friend of mine she kept telling how her hair is "good" and I use the term loosely, how her hair as cascading waves, one time we were at a gathering and she had washed her hair and it was in kinky tiny waves with major shrinkage. I am not saying her hair is bad or anything but be for real you are no less of a person if you do not have cascading waves,that's why I think this hair type system is very confusing. I say all waves are equal!
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

Not all waves are equal.

2a type waves are more of the loosely defined S pattern. This type sometimes looks like bed-head hair. Like straight hair with a little body wave in it.

3a waves are more defined S patterns. The waves are sometimes thicker.

4a waves are in a z pattern. They can be large or small.
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

This is going to sound silly, but does anyone actually get a real "z" pattern? My hair is definitely 4a, with some wild looking curves and bends in it. I keep wondering if I've got a little 4b too, but I've never seen it bend sharply at any point.
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

Some of my cousins have type 4a and they have a z pattern. It's not sharp like an actual "z". There is a singer, I can't remember her name, but I think it starts with an "L", and in one of her pictures, her waves are in a z pattern.
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

Then what's the difference between 4a and 4b?
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

4a hair has tight spirals or curls and 4b hair has those z-shaped waves.
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

The S's and Z's make things pretty confusing...

IIRC, In his book Andre stated that 4a's had the s pattern and 4bs had the z pattern. I think the only other difference he said was that 4b's wouldn't take texturizers well. He should have labeled the 4 hair types 4s and 4z!
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

4a hair has tight spirals or curls and 4b hair has those z-shaped waves.

[/ QUOTE ]

What category would a loose spiral fall under? The hair in the top and crown area of my head looks like a stretched out telephone cord (coil). I always thought this was 4a.
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

4a hair, when stretched out is an "s". Otherwise, they are tight coils.
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

Oh and I also thought that the difference between a 3 and 4 were curl size. I thought a type 3 might have curls the size of a piece of chalk whereas a type 4 might have curls the zize of a coffee stirrer.... or something like that.
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

Internet hair forums seem to have changed Andre's definition of what the hair types mean, so it's really anything goes apparently.
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

In addition to the other posts, I'd like to add that according Andre Walker in "Ander Talks Hair," Type 2 hair is "relatively unusual." He cites Jennifer Aniston as a Type 2. He also states that Type 2s are often confused with Type 3s because it is easy to get curly hair to lay flat and look wavy. He distinguishes Type 2 by saying that the hallmark of wavy hair is that it sticks close to the head: even if you cut it in layers, it won't bounce up.
Hope that helps,
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

<font color="purple">I have type 3a hair that is soft, fine and has define S curls or waves. When I pull on one of my strands when wet, it bounces back to its curl shape. Mine is not tightly curled, though. </font>
Re: What\'s the difference b/w 2a , 3a or 4a waves?

Jen, I have 4a/4b hair, and the 4b strands definitely have the z pattern to it.