What's the Difference b/t Unrefined, Virgin and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil??


Active Member
Hey ladies, I'm currently looking to try coconut oil as a sealant but I'm a bit confused :perplexed. I researched on here and it seems like people love Spectrum, I called some natural foods stores and one lady tried to convince me to go with virgin or extra virgin oil instead of unrefined Spectrum because it was better quality. Can someone tell me the difference and which is better for your hair? Thanks in advance!
Unrefined - least processed
extra virgin - just a little bit processed
virgin - probably a bit more processed

You can read up on the different methods of making coconut oil to get a more specific idea about the differences.

Grown without pesticides = organic. Since most coconut trees aren't farmed - they grow on their own in many tropical coastal areas there's no need for pesticides. Also the thick hard shell of the coconut would prevent pesticides from being much of an issue.
As far as I know, unrefined extra virgin is one in the same-- and it is the best. It is the only coconut oil that will have a sweet coconutty smell, and little to no chemical processing (i.e. it is cold pressed). Refined oil has been through some sort of processing that has taken nutrients out of the oil. It is not as good for your hair.
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Refined = dry copra heated and oils extracted with hexanes, bleached and deodorized

Unrefined = no hexanes, heated to extract, wet or dry coconuts

Virgin and Xtra Virgin = cold-pressed, wet or dry

If you look at product information, they will go through some elaborate excuse for their high prices. There's no diff. between virgin and extra virgin other than they may allow more pulp or creme into the oil. In India, they use refined and unrefined with the same results for hair.