What's the best perm for coarse


New Member
What\'s the best perm for coarse

My gf needs a new perm because the ones shes tried don't completely relax the hair in the back or middle of her hair.
Re: What\'s the best perm for coarse

i use dudleys and its great i love it, another question does your gf want her hair bone straight?
Re: What\'s the best perm for coarse

maybe you could use an extra strength or just leave it in a bit longer.
Re: What\'s the best perm for coarse

where did she apply it first. I know that most direction say to start in the back and work your way forward, but I start at top crown area, then I do the back, sides, nape, and front. I do it that way because the crown area of my head is more resistant than the other portions of my head so applying there first lets that portion have more time being exposed to the relaxer.

I am currently using Motions Oil Moisturizer (lye).
Re: What\'s the best perm for coarse

I have thick, unruly hair and I use Arosci with great results. I think they use super, but I'm not sure. I'll be sure to find out the next time I perm...which won't be for another 12 weeks.
Re: What\'s the best perm for coarse

it came out bone straight on the sides where its not so thick but it did nothing to the top and back of her hair except make it more manageable