What's the best organic/natural shampoo out there?


New Member
I currently use aubrey organics gpb shampoo.

I have no real complaints. It gently cleanses my hair and doesn't leave it tangly or feeling wierd in any way. I also like the fact that it has some milk protein in it. My hair responds well to shampoos with light proteins in them. It's a good shampoo.


I'd like something better than good. Something that leaves my hair uber moisturized and soft. Any suggestions?

95% of the beauty products I use are organic. I shy away from parabens and other chemicals, but I'm only familiar with the Aubrey Organics line...

Also I have type 4a hair if that helps.

I'm trying out Trader Joe's Pure Castile soap (peppermint version) it's got aloe vera, coconut oil, peppermint oil etc. in it. It doesn't give a lot of foam but it cleans pretty well. It seems to me that my hair is staying more moisturized until my next wash with this shampoo, probably because of the glycerin.

I have found though that I still need a regular shampoo when I do a henna/indigo treatment. I think if I were willing to do more washes, my hair might have gotten clean eventually but doing my regular number of two washes still left henna/indigo on my hair.
Giovanni Tea Tree poo and conditioner. The conditioner feels sooo good on the scalp. Try it. I think you'll like it.