whats my hair type? part II w/pics!


Hair product junkie reloaded!
I asked yall in August what my hair type was but I hadn't had much new growth since I had stopped relaxing in May. Here are a few updated pics and I think I have more new growth.


Sorry yall, my camera is raggedy when it comes to indoor pictures! If it helps any, when I feel through my hair at the roots, it feels like zigzags. :)

Btw, let me know i fmy hair is looking raggedy with split ends and stuff cuz I sure can't tell.
You hair looks like the same texture as mine. I consider mine hair texture 4a. My new growth is very course and when wet it has tiny coils.
I have zigzag hair too! You may be a type 4A? I'm not the best at typing, maybe someone else will chip in.
Shawnee66 said:
You hair looks like the same texture as mine. I consider mine hair texture 4a. My new growth is very course and when wet it has tiny coils.
Agreed!! I think it's 4a also..

I have a question.. when your hair is wet..Shawnee.. it has tiny coils.. do those coils stay when your hair is dry??
If I don't comb the tiny coil they will stay. I only have the tiny coils in the nape, the crown and basically any where that is not relaxed. When I have about 1 in of new growth it is very wavy. When I was natural a few years ago I had tiny coils all over.
Shawnee66 said:
If I don't comb the tiny coil they will stay. I only have the tiny coils in the nape, the crown and basically any where that is not relaxed. When I have about 1 in of new growth it is very wavy. When I was natural a few years ago I had tiny coils all over.
I'm so sorry..I see NOW that you are relaxed.. I was thinking that you were natural..lol But you did answer the question according to when you were natural.. Thanks girl!! :D
Okay thanks yall! My cousin thought it was probably 4a too when I showed her this site with th eexplanations of the types...I sho' couldnt tell with my hair but I guess she was right....Thanks!