What's In Your Hair Care Emergency Bag?

A scarf...

LOL, if I need to tie my hair down on the go to flatten or something...

I used to keep one of those big teeth orange combs in my car too when I was relaxed.
My claw comb and a small purse size hard Annie brush for my nape area
A Long metal pick for my sons fro'
Sistaslick said:
nothing and just hope for the best :lachen:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Pretty much! I can recall a couple of occasions stopping at Rite Aid to buy gel, a brush, and ponytail holders. I think I'll keep these things in the car just in case.
I don't purposely keep things in the car or my pocket book, I just happen to have a barret clip that wouldn't stay at the end of my braid and keeps sliding off. After a few times I just throw it in my bag, lol. I do keep a boar bristle brush or two for my sons, and sometimes a comb incase I want to tidy up when I arrive to my destination and get extra comfortable.
Since I'm wearing it in a ponytail so my ends aren't touching my fleece (it's gonna snow here today...*sigh* EXPLAIN TO ME WHY WE LIVE HERE???? GRRRRRRRRRRRR...sorry back to bizness) all I'm putting in my bag is a soft hair brush and the sample of Phytologie Beauty Styling Creme I had the woman at Sephora make for me. The little container they use to make samples is the perfect size and I just add more to the container as needed. I use the creme to smooth down any wayward strands.
Most of the time I throw my hands up and say, "try again tomorrow." My bad hair days are better than most of my good hair days pre-LHCF. :lol: I do have ponytail holder.
I keep :

Brush/ Wide tooth Comb/Pick
My Homemade Spritz
Bobby Pins ( for phony puff/bun)
Rubber Bands for my Daughter (her hair seems to pop them)
CreoleInDC said:
What do you take with you or keep in your car when you leave your house for the day just in case of a hair emergency?

My favorite hair gel and a scarf to tie it down for a minute.
creole great thread! currently, I carry nothing in my bag for hair. When I was relaxed I always had a comb,brush and ponytail holder/hair clip. My hair is so short(twa) now that I don't need anything w/me.