What's Cookin Divas?


Active Member
What's Cookin?

:lol: Okay so I have been using my MTG for about of month now. Woo Hoo my hair is growing. I made a concoction with olive oil, avocado oil, Doo Grow Stimulant Oil, and Leave in Conditioner to dilute some of the oil, I added some essential oil and it really killed the smell, actually it smelled great. I could not smell anything liked burnt rubber. When I first took it out of the box I was like whoa....this $%$^$ is fuunkee. Neverthess, I mix er up and viola....my masterpiece was done. I slapped some on my hair and after a few days I was excited because I had just braided my hair and in two days my rows were already lifting.

:grin: After reading the MTG forums and listening to how some people were using the MTG straight up I knew I wasn't going to do that. I then noticed that one member said that she only used it for deep conditioning. That was it!
On wash day, I mixed some MTG with my prepoo conditioner concoction with no essential oil to balance the smell. I could smell it but I was going to keep it on my head for as long as I could. I must have forgotten about it....because I started thinking about what I was going to cook for dinner. It is so funny how the mind works because I kept smelling something cooking. I was like what the....? Ironically, what had I eaten earlier during the week.....yes, my mom's had hooked me up with some ribs. So I am like sniffing around the house and behind the couch to see if I had dropped a rib bone or something....I couldn't find nothing. :lachen: Well to make this long story short, I took the plastic cap off my head and whoof I was over come by steam as if I had opened a grill on the 4th of July. The smell had been seeping thorough my plastic cap the whole time. I died laughing and have been laughing ever since.

Just wanted to share this funny story about my first MTG experience. I finally took some pictures after I took my braids out. I have a lot of homework right now but I will post as soon as I get my work done for this week. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

PS....I think I am going to relax my hair after the Crown and Glory Challenge.
This sounds like a great way to use it. I've been leary about buying it because of the smell but I think I will give this a try. Thanks for posting and congrats on your growth.
Me2 said:
This sounds like a great way to use it. I've been leary about buying it because of the smell but I think I will give this a try. Thanks for posting and congrats on your growth.

Sounds Great.
To me the muskier essential oils calms down the smell. I know that a few people did not like the results of the peppermint, so I did not use that. I just went to Wild Oats (AKA) Whole Foods, and smelled through a few of them to determine what I liked.