What's best- Cholesterol or moisturizing?


New Member
I need some help. My ends are breaking everytime I touch my hair( literally). I recently applied too much heat and I'm paying the price. I have already done two deep protein treatments and it has not helped. For my next treatment should I try a shea butter cholesterol treatment or a deep conditioning heavy moisturizer? Would it help to do both or are they in the same?

p.s. Is a cholesterol treatment a type of protein treatment? I really don't know the difference.

Thanks in advance from someone who is on the verge of tears.
Sorry to hear about your breakage but cheer up, we've all been down this road where we've had protein overload. You should be concentrating on moistuizing poos/cond & daily moisture right now. Using too much protein or too much moisture will cause your hair to break, there needs to be an even balance.

From now on I'd concentrate on moisture & maybe use a light protein every 2-3 weeks if needed.


....believe me, it'll get better, just be patient & consistent.
I suggest using Motions CPR Treatment...it really does stop breakage immediately. The shea butter cholesterol is good too try them both (not in the same day) cuz maybe u r lacking moisture not protein.

What protein treatments did u use?