What you put in your body helps/harms your hair.


New Member
Ladies, as I informed you a while back, I have started eating basically organic and naturally raised food. I would say my diet is about 80 to 90 percent completely organic and natural (no hormones or antibiotics for meat and no preservatives for breads, jams, fruits, vegetables). Not only that but I am taking a very superior brand of nutripath supplements (nutrients that have a therapeutic affect on the body). And my hair, skin and nails as well as my whole body is reaping the benefits. The last two weeks I got an inch of hair growth and expect to have another inch at least by the end of the month. One of the supplements that I am taking that I think made a world of difference in the growth and health of my hair is a product called “Max Stress B Nano-Plex. It is described as “A highly active, end-chain living B vitamins derived from natural sources for high celluar reponses”. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin and inositol. I added this to my regimen a month ago and my hair is stronger, has a natural shine to it and as I said before it is growing fast. Really fast. I can’t say that this product is solely responsible for the fast growth, but I think it does indeed help. I think that this is the best B vitamin supplement around. I take a half teaspoon in the morning and another at night. My hair is thickening up also which I love and I had previously been in a bad shedding cycle for the past month before starting to take this and when I washed my hair yesterday, I lost only two hairs (broken while detangling). The product is not that expensive either. Two ounces is about $18.00. But it will last you a month.
Edie said:
Ladies, as I informed you a while back, I have started eating basically organic and naturally raised food. I would say my diet is about 80 to 90 percent completely organic and natural (no hormones or antibiotics for meat and no preservatives for breads, jams, fruits, vegetables). Not only that but I am taking a very superior brand of nutripath supplements (nutrients that have a therapeutic affect on the body). And my hair, skin and nails as well as my whole body is reaping the benefits. The last two weeks I got an inch of hair growth and expect to have another inch at least by the end of the month. One of the supplements that I am taking that I think made a world of difference in the growth and health of my hair is a product called “Max Stress B Nano-Plex. It is described as “A highly active, end-chain living B vitamins derived from natural sources for high celluar reponses”. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin and inositol. I added this to my regimen a month ago and my hair is stronger, has a natural shine to it and as I said before it is growing fast. Really fast. I can’t say that this product is solely responsible for the fast growth, but I think it does indeed help. I think that this is the best B vitamin supplement around. I take a half teaspoon in the morning and another at night. My hair is thickening up also which I love and I had previously been in a bad shedding cycle for the past month before starting to take this and when I washed my hair yesterday, I lost only two hairs (broken while detangling). The product is not that expensive either. Two ounces is about $18.00. But it will last you a month.
This is great, but, as I might have mentioned before, not that many people can afford to eat so healthy. What advice do you have for people on a budget?
I'm getting a lot of growth and thickness from NatureMade Super B-Complex. :)

How would you compare Max Stress B Nano-Plex to Super B-Complex???
i say you mentioned a teaspoon, and i hope it's fair to assume that this vitamin supplement is in a powder or liquid form... if i am correct, that may have a lot to do with why you are seeing better results... generally, the body absorbs vitamins better when they are in a liquid or powder form... all of my vitamin supplements are in liquid or powder form... they go into the bloodstream quicker....the body has to break down vitamins in capsule, pill or tablet from and it takes much longer to go travel through the body.....and another thing to consider is that if our colons are very dirty,,we do not receive most of the vitamins because they are not being probably absorbed by the colon...just a little something to consider..
Hello Edie :wave: You always discover things to obtain great growth. How long is your hair now? And what length is your ultimate goal? This vitamin sounds interesting. I like the fact that it's in liquid form too. Thanks for the recommendation :)

@ Sherrylove - What vits are you taking?
Poohbear said:
I'm getting a lot of growth and thickness from NatureMade Super B-Complex. :)

How would you compare Max Stress B Nano-Plex to Super B-Complex???

These are far superior to any B-complex vitamin that I have tried, including Naturemade.
SherryLove said:
i say you mentioned a teaspoon, and i hope it's fair to assume that this vitamin supplement is in a powder or liquid form... if i am correct, that may have a lot to do with why you are seeing better results... generally, the body absorbs vitamins better when they are in a liquid or powder form... all of my vitamin supplements are in liquid or powder form... they go into the bloodstream quicker....the body has to break down vitamins in capsule, pill or tablet from and it takes much longer to go travel through the body.....and another thing to consider is that if our colons are very dirty,,we do not receive most of the vitamins because they are not being probably absorbed by the colon...just a little something to consider..

The thing that makes this supplement so good is that it has a high cellular resonance. In other words it is very similar to the B vitamins that occur naturally in the body and are highly and efficiently absorbed by the body so that it works more effectively than other B complex vitamins. Just because a supplement is in liquid or powder form does not mean it it being absorbed on a cellular level.
Armyqt said:
Hello Edie :wave: You always discover things to obtain great growth. How long is your hair now? And what length is your ultimate goal? This vitamin sounds interesting. I like the fact that it's in liquid form too. Thanks for the recommendation :)

@ Sherrylove - What vits are you taking?

Hi girl, I am at the top of my butt now. Not going any further than that. I am even considering cutting it to waistlength. Having long hair is nice, but it can be a pain in the butt (smile). The only way to live peacefully with it is to keep it in a bun. Otherwise, you get it caught in zippers, doors, and my favorite - you sit on it (been there, done that, don't want to repeat it).
as i stated before, Liquid vitamin drinks offer a 98% absorption rate because they bypass the digestive process and go directly into the blood stream and into the cells within a matter of minutes.... this is somthing to consider....... if the vitamins are absorbed quicker, 9 times out of 10, they will be absorbed more efficiently even on the cellular level...
Hey Armyqt....

here are the vitamins/supplements i consume:::

barlean's omega twin oil formula (oil)
emerald greens super green formula (powder)
spirtutein energy/amino acid formula (powder)
tropical oasis liquid multivitamin (liquid)
asphyxxia said:
I just gave up on synthetic vits after discovering spirulina but that B complex looks pretty good i think i found it here: http://www.vpnutrition.com/product_info.php/cPath/35/products_id/196
So what else are you taking? Finding natural vits is quite hard it seems... Congrats on your growth! :)

I am taking the following supplements from Cocoon Nutrition

Coral Calcium
Aloe Powder
Mineral Magic (I highly recommend this one. It costs $75.00 for one pound but it will last you 6 months. That's a little over 12 dollars a month. Our soils are highly depleted and this supplements (1 teaspoon a day) supplies you with over 65 minerals that your body needs)
Interdimensional Minerals - This is a super boost for the Mineral Magic.
Max Stress B Nano Plex
Sugar Burner (For help with my diabetes)

Other supplements that I take are
Freeda Biotin
Andrew Lessman Hair, skin and nails vitamins
Cod Liver Oil
Great info, Edie. Between you and Jade21, I think I have all the vitamin info I could ever use. :D
SherryLove said:
Hey Armyqt....

here are the vitamins/supplements i consume:::

barlean's omega twin oil formula (oil)
emerald greens super green formula (powder)
spirtutein energy/amino acid formula (powder)
tropical oasis liquid multivitamin (liquid)

Thanks Sherrylove. It's obviously working for ya, your hair growth is always impressive :)
SherryLove said:
as i stated before, Liquid vitamin drinks offer a 98% absorption rate because they bypass the digestive process and go directly into the blood stream and into the cells within a matter of minutes.... this is somthing to consider....... if the vitamins are absorbed quicker, 9 times out of 10, they will be absorbed more efficiently even on the cellular level...

Hmmmm.... do you know if there is a Super B-Complex liquid???
SherryLove said:
as i stated before, Liquid vitamin drinks offer a 98% absorption rate because they bypass the digestive process and go directly into the blood stream and into the cells within a matter of minutes.... this is somthing to consider....... if the vitamins are absorbed quicker, 9 times out of 10, they will be absorbed more efficiently even on the cellular level...

Sherry, I am not trying to start an arguement about this, really I am not. But the fact remains that most B vitamin supplements are synthetic and created in a lab. The ones that I use are not. And while it is true liquid and powder is more readily absorbed by the body, they will not benefit the body as well if they are synthetic with no cellular resonance.

Here is an article on Cellular Resonance.

The Cellular Resonance Effect
Exciting research by the QN Labs team over the last 15 years has shown that the outer membrane structure of every cell in your body has a unique, semi-crystaline matrix. This means that every one of the trillion plus cells in your body has an ideal resonant frequency, much like a crystal glass that rings its own special note when struck.

The consequence of this stunning discovery of resonant frequencies is enormous. It is a secret key that unlocks the hidden door to why some ill people can quickly regain their health -and others can not. This discovery reveals why the ideal resonant frequency of each cell can only be sustained or regained by consuming nutrients that are also at their ideal resonant frequencies. This dynamic interaction between the cell and the nutrient creates a highly beneficial, harmonic resonant effect in which the cell is able to ingest not only the nutritional factors but can also absorb the higher resonant frequencies embedded in the nutrient.

In contrast, consuming nutrients that are synthetic or that have degraded resonant frequencies (from nutrients that have been poorly grown, pesticided, contaminated with chemical additives, etc.) will necessarily dampen your own cell's resonant frequency and if consumed repeatedly, will result in a lowered frequency (meaning poor vitality) of the cell.

The irony of this situation is what we call the "Seems good but isn't" hypothesis. German research shows that consuming a synthetic or degraded nutrient may initially stimulate the cell's DNA and initially produce an enhanced effect-so it "seems good." However, this research shows that after the initial stimulation, the DNA of the cell deteriorated faster!

The only nutrients on earth truly capable of allowing the body to regain and sustain its ideal cellular resonance are those that were once living and were grown under ideal conditions, then harvested at peak potency, and lastly, stored and packaged in a toxic free, protective environment-in short, what we call "QNL Quantum-Rx Quality" found only at Quantum Nutrition Labs, LLC !

Kirlian Photography has proven that a living substance contains atoms that yield pure light. In other words, the structure emits a glow of light which surrounds it. Groundbreaking experiments by German bio-physicist, Dr. Fritz Popp have demonstrated this release of "light" from healthy cells, which is not visible to the naked eye, but easily quantified by highly sophisticated equipment. This radiant field or "Body of Light" around a molecule distinguishes living from non-living substances.

The life force coming from a synthetic vitamin is minute when compared to the life force coming from a living source or natural source. When natural source nutrients are of QNL Quantum Rx Quality — well grown and without toxins — then the cells are able to absorb both physical nutrients as well as the nutrient's resonant frequencies. The cells can now function at their optimal frequency and thus, live longer. In fact, the only source that can allow the cell to achieve its ideal resonant frequency is natural source nutrients, and that is what you experience with QNL Quantum Rx Quality Nutrients!

Many nutritional products manufactured today do not incorporate the discoveries regarding cellular resonance and the QNL Quantum Rx Nutrition Effect. Although the initial effect of taking these products might appear beneficial, over time as they continue to be used, they may actually impede the body's overall health due to their ineffective nature and/or toxic ingredients. QNL Quantum Rx Nutrients are prepared using resonance preserving technology and low temperature air drying, thus retaining all their raw enzymes and delicate glycoside bonds. These targeted herbal nutrients are far safer to the human body than synthetic or isolated nutrients.

An amazing discovery is that when you combine QNL Quantum Rx Quality Nutrients together in the same formula, you can achieve a much higher resonant frequency than if they were used individually.

A landmark study published in the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association (JANA, winter, 1999) showed only 5 of the 196 nutritional products randomly tested from health food stores proved to be both nontoxic and effective. The study found the other 191 products or over 97% to be either toxic, ineffective or both! Using this random study, this tranlates to a shocking less than 3% of nutritional products available in the marketplace that are worth buying at all. Remember, less than 3% were able to meet the basic criteria of being both nontoxic and effective.

I hope this clears up what I have been saying about the superior quality of the B complex supplement that I am taking.
Edie said:
Sherry, I am not trying to start an arguement about this, really I am not. But the fact remains that most B vitamin supplements are synthetic and created in a lab. The ones that I use are not. And while it is true liquid and powder is more readily absorbed by the body, they will not benefit the body as well if they are synthetic with no cellular resonance.

Here is an article on Cellular Resonance.

The Cellular Resonance Effect
Exciting research by the QN Labs team over the last 15 years has shown that the outer membrane structure of every cell in your body has a unique, semi-crystaline matrix. This means that every one of the trillion plus cells in your body has an ideal resonant frequency, much like a crystal glass that rings its own special note when struck.

The consequence of this stunning discovery of resonant frequencies is enormous. It is a secret key that unlocks the hidden door to why some ill people can quickly regain their health -and others can not. This discovery reveals why the ideal resonant frequency of each cell can only be sustained or regained by consuming nutrients that are also at their ideal resonant frequencies. This dynamic interaction between the cell and the nutrient creates a highly beneficial, harmonic resonant effect in which the cell is able to ingest not only the nutritional factors but can also absorb the higher resonant frequencies embedded in the nutrient.

In contrast, consuming nutrients that are synthetic or that have degraded resonant frequencies (from nutrients that have been poorly grown, pesticided, contaminated with chemical additives, etc.) will necessarily dampen your own cell's resonant frequency and if consumed repeatedly, will result in a lowered frequency (meaning poor vitality) of the cell.

The irony of this situation is what we call the "Seems good but isn't" hypothesis. German research shows that consuming a synthetic or degraded nutrient may initially stimulate the cell's DNA and initially produce an enhanced effect-so it "seems good." However, this research shows that after the initial stimulation, the DNA of the cell deteriorated faster!

The only nutrients on earth truly capable of allowing the body to regain and sustain its ideal cellular resonance are those that were once living and were grown under ideal conditions, then harvested at peak potency, and lastly, stored and packaged in a toxic free, protective environment-in short, what we call "QNL Quantum-Rx Quality" found only at Quantum Nutrition Labs, LLC !

Kirlian Photography has proven that a living substance contains atoms that yield pure light. In other words, the structure emits a glow of light which surrounds it. Groundbreaking experiments by German bio-physicist, Dr. Fritz Popp have demonstrated this release of "light" from healthy cells, which is not visible to the naked eye, but easily quantified by highly sophisticated equipment. This radiant field or "Body of Light" around a molecule distinguishes living from non-living substances.

The life force coming from a synthetic vitamin is minute when compared to the life force coming from a living source or natural source. When natural source nutrients are of QNL Quantum Rx Quality — well grown and without toxins — then the cells are able to absorb both physical nutrients as well as the nutrient's resonant frequencies. The cells can now function at their optimal frequency and thus, live longer. In fact, the only source that can allow the cell to achieve its ideal resonant frequency is natural source nutrients, and that is what you experience with QNL Quantum Rx Quality Nutrients!

Many nutritional products manufactured today do not incorporate the discoveries regarding cellular resonance and the QNL Quantum Rx Nutrition Effect. Although the initial effect of taking these products might appear beneficial, over time as they continue to be used, they may actually impede the body's overall health due to their ineffective nature and/or toxic ingredients. QNL Quantum Rx Nutrients are prepared using resonance preserving technology and low temperature air drying, thus retaining all their raw enzymes and delicate glycoside bonds. These targeted herbal nutrients are far safer to the human body than synthetic or isolated nutrients.

An amazing discovery is that when you combine QNL Quantum Rx Quality Nutrients together in the same formula, you can achieve a much higher resonant frequency than if they were used individually.

A landmark study published in the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association (JANA, winter, 1999) showed only 5 of the 196 nutritional products randomly tested from health food stores proved to be both nontoxic and effective. The study found the other 191 products or over 97% to be either toxic, ineffective or both! Using this random study, this tranlates to a shocking less than 3% of nutritional products available in the marketplace that are worth buying at all. Remember, less than 3% were able to meet the basic criteria of being both nontoxic and effective.

I hope this clears up what I have been saying about the superior quality of the B complex supplement that I am taking.

i hear what you are saying, edie...the superiority or inferiority of a vitamin or vitamins is not what i am debating here. my point is if you have a b vitamins of superior or inferior quality in tablet or capsule form, and then you have the same bit vitamins with the same quality (all those created equal), the liquid form of those vitamins is still superior as far as the body absorbing them more effectively and efficiently whether the vitamins are superior or inferior ....
I think I should start taking vitamins as well. I've been anemic for years and that might have adverse affects on my hair, besides my health. I'm just very stubborn when it comes to taking any kind of medication :nono: . But if you ladies here can do it, I'm sure I can too.
My NatureMade Super B-Complex is in tablet form... Am I taking it for nothing??? Is my body really not benefiting from it since its synthetic and doesn't have cellular reasonance???