What would you do.....


New Member
I have a spot towards the middle of my head where the hair is like 2-3 different lengths! :wallbash: All the hair around it is pretty much the same long length, but right there it's broken off badly. :sad:

Would you cut that section so that it's all "one" length or just leave it? I would take a picture of it, but I can't hold the hair and snap the camera at the same time. LOL!

***I uploaded a picture of my hair into my Fotoki album****
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I would just leave it. I've had hair that broke off in uneven layers, and eventually they grow out.
I would just leave it. Unless it's badly damaged or has split ends, there is no reason to cut it unless you want it one length for some reason. Who knows, maybe the short pieces will catch up eventually
You might want to try and figure out why your hair is broken off in that area. Here are some things you could check: Are you rinsing the shampoo thoroughly? Are you applying your deep conditioner in sections or on the top of your hair? Does the area have a tighter curl pattern, leading you to pass the flat iron on that area more? If you roller set, does the dryer distribute the air flow or does it concentrate it on that area?
Yup, I'd leave it too. I had a similar problem about 2 years ago and my hair that broke off caught up just fine.