What Would YOU Do?

-Love Love*

New Member
I'm in a bit of a pickle.

Okay so right now, I'm relaxed. Cool, not having any problems. In the art of stretching, I fell in love with my new growth and I'm really considering transitioning. But my goal was to have BSL by my graduation in 2 years. I don't want to neglect my goal and all, but I am SERIOUSLY considering going natural. Would you transition or continue with your previous goal?
Congratulations on your up-coming graduation!

Which goal is more important to you? More specifically, on your graduation day, will you be happier with natural hair or BSL relaxed hair?

Would you consider this compromise - transition with out cutting off your relaxed hair and keep your natural hair thermal-straightened? Two forum members that come to mind that may be a help are Traycee and PinkSkates. If at any time during the transition process you realize natural hair isn't for you then you can get it relaxed. I personally believe a 2-year transition without a BC is doable. If I were in the same situation I would probably attempt this method.

There is a lot of good information on this forum on how to ensure the demarcation line remains strong to minimize breakage.

Good luck and HTH,
I'm in a bit of a pickle.

Okay so right now, I'm relaxed. Cool, not having any problems. In the art of stretching, I fell in love with my new growth and I'm really considering transitioning. But my goal was to have BSL by my graduation in 2 years. I don't want to neglect my goal and all, but I am SERIOUSLY considering going natural. Would you transition or continue with your previous goal?

This was my EXACT dilemna recently!! (Minus the impending graduation - congrats by the way!!!:urock:) I finally gave in and relaxed again. I'm going to see how long it can grow and when I reach BSL I'm gonna chop it all off and start anew, natural.

Someone made a good point earlier - what will make you feel the flyest on your graduation?
I had the same idea. I graduate next year, but wanted to go natural. I agree with the poster above who said, which will be make you happier, graduating natural, or graduating with BSL relaxed hair.

I decided that I would grow out my relaxed hair, enjoy it in HS, UnderGrad, and Grad School, then once I really get my place in the world, go natural, so I can truly have experienced healthy hair in both states.
You said you don't want to be steered away from your BSL goal by graduation so to me that says wait to transition. If you try to be all natural in two years will you be comfortable with the length? Count what you have stretched and add 10 inches to it(I say 10 to account for trims and what not) and then take into account shrinkage unless you straighten it for the graduation. I'm not trying to discourage you from going natural, I'm just taking into account your length goal for the occasion. Maybe start your natural journey when you graduate. It'll make your new beginning all that more special...I guess.