What would you do? (Shampoo question)


Well-Known Member
I tried soft sheen carson's shampoo "maroon bottle" about 4 years ago when I hadn't been natural long and knew nothing about regimen's or all natural products. It made my hair feel soooo soft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOTHING I mean NOTHING has come close BUT I've been using mostly natural / organic shampoos or poo bars and I can tell a difference in my scalps health from excluding/minimizing the sulfates. But not long ago someone raved about another type of optimum's line and it brought back those yummy smelling memories of that one night stand with the big maroon bottle. What would you do? Go back and give it a shot or keep doing what you're doing? The worst that can happen is my scalp go "psycho" again and all the bad ingredients effect me. Then best is it moisturizes like it did and it becomes my great fall/winter shampoo and minumizes ssk's and breakage.
Use it once in whlie to get your "soft hair fix" BUT if you have noticed vast improvements in your scalp from sulfate free products why would you wanna mess with that?
^^ ITA with Discodumpling. I would just use it every once in a while. Every time I use shampoo with sulfates, I lightly oil my scalp with a mixture of aloe vera gel and castor oil. This helps beat any dryness/scalp issues before they can show up.
I would use it every now and then but I wouldnt use it a lot, sulfates bother my scalp, so I have to use natural products because the sulfates dry out my scalp with is causing my itchy scalp, so I would use it here and there, but not all the time since your scalp is doing good from the natural products.
Funnily enough, I've just had a similar experience. I had been using sulfate free shampoos, soap bars, liquid castille soaps etc for the last 4 years as my scalp reacts very badly to sulfates. What I gained in healthy scalp, I lost in either hair moisture or overall scalp cleanliness as the majority I found too stripping despite leaving my scalp with some residue.

3 days ago I caved in and bought some Elast QP Creme Conditioning shampoo which I understand is a low-poo. So far so good scalp wise and my hair is very soft. It contains polyquaternuim-10 which over time could cause build up so I may need to go back to a sulfate shampoo once in a while to lift it off but I might pinch the earlier tip of lightly oiling my scalp to reduce the drying effect on my scalp.
I would go back and give it a shot If you liked it so much,I personally prefer Natural shampoos ,my absolute favorite is Ak'in (australian brand ) it cleanses very well without stripping AT ALL,it moisturizes and makes my hair super shiny,no build up .
I wouldnt be scared to try products if they work for you ,I just would be careful with hidden chemicals that might cause you allergic reactions ,we tend to focus on sulfates but that doesnt necessarly mean its the ingredient that cause scalp or hair problems.
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