What would you do? Long

I get this phone email from my ex sister in law about my exhusband, he pissed her off so she is telling all!

She let's me know that he has graduated from being a smoker of the herb to a powder head. Well, i'm not really surprised. She then tells me how is planning on taking me to court to get custody or visitation rights of our kids. (He has told me "in advance" that this is what he was planning to do and I should get prepared).

Let me give you a short history, we were together on and off from 14-28 married 7yrs and 7mths (the number of completion:grin:). All 7 yrs he was physically, verbally, emotionally, and mentally abusive. He cheated as well.

During the last two yrs of our marriage he met this girl and they began seeing each other, I guess she did not know he was married and had kids at first. Eventually he told her he was married and then she found out he had kids, but she continued to see him (no telling what lies he told her on top of that).

Eventually, I finally caught a clue before I caught a case and left him and took me and my children to another state. We have been living happily ever since.

During our divorce proceedings, this girl testified for him and said that they were friends for two yrs and he was a good man and father even though she had only seen him with his kids twice supposedly (first, how are you going to be my husband's friend, a female at that for two years and I have never heard of you). The judge saw through all of this bull.

From the time our divorce was granted, he kept me in court for two yrs straight trying to have child support reduce, showing false documentation, trying to get custody,etc and she was in court with him helping.

Eventually, she had a child by him and decided that since she was pregnant, she couldnt show up in court but would help him at all cost.

If I talk to him re: our children, school, clothes etc. that's it. She is in the background crying. He has admitted and ex sis in law and other family members have confirmed that he tells her he is getting me and the kids back and he does not love her and that she is just rebound. He has been beating her and put her through the same type of abuse that I went through if not worse.

Well, he bought another house and will not put her name on the deed, says it's for me and the kids. Told her he would only marry her so that it would look good to the courts so that he can take my kids away from me, She is willing to do this so that they can be married, even though she is going through hell.

My ex-sis in law asked me if I could talk some sense into her so that she would leave before she gets killed. She gave me the girls number. Now, I am currently going to school (psych) to work with women in this situation.

Part of me wants to talk with her to help her, as I know what type of low self esteem she obviously has and what her mental state must be and I feel for the child. The other part of me says, why should I, she said she wanted to be me, now deal with it, she knew what she was getting into, she was at the court hearing, the proof is in public records, and everyone has tried to talk to her and she still remains, scared or not. She knows this man is dangerous, but she is willing to keep her child in this situation and doesn't not mind if my children are put back in harms way (even though I know he would not win and they are now old enough to speak up for themselves) knowing he does not have their best interest at heart.

Please tell me ladies what would you do?
Well you know we cannot tell you what to do. But my feelings are the past is in the past. You are done with him as in a relationship type way. Me, personally, I would talk to her. It must be really bad if HIS sister called you. I understand what she did was bad but would you really wish his antics on your worst enemy? Which most women look at the other woman as. Yeah, she was wrong but do two wrongs make a right? But I also understand you not wanting to deal with it. I wish you all the best with the entire situation!
Uh, uh..that is hectic situation. As far as the new lady, I wouldn't get involved personally. Not that I would be cold or treat her unkind, I would just let her found out how he "really" is on her own. Then, if she wants to have a dialogue with you about her situation, listen and tell her your experience. I had an ex(thank GOD) that was my first "everything" that is BANANAS. I would never talk to his current about how crazy/cuckoo he is....they will find out soon enough.

I think that is mighty kind of you to even consider "befriending" her..
IMHO. She knew the water was deep when she jumped into knowing damn well she couldn't swim. Now you are suppose to jump in to save her? I don't think so. Her decisions are just that her decisions. This is not your little sister.

Besides do you really want to explain when you are pulled into court with a falsified restraining order that you weren't calling her to harass her only to counsel her. Please honey, we can see this coming.

He will be using your mental state as leverage during his bogus custody hearing. I wish you could listen to this book on tape. It's a book called "Young Wives" by Olivia Goldsmith. This is such a good read. I have listened to this tape probably 5 times. It is a lot like your situation with two other divorce situations as well.

See if you can google it and if so purchase it. It's a total good read. I guess the moral of the story is it won't pay to be nice. Fight them both like the enemy at the beginning, not after you are in a position to try to prove it to the courts.
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It would be nice if she could be helped but would she even accept any advice from you? Based upon her actions in the past she probably sees you as a rival and an enemy. And due to the fact that your ex often taunts her about you and your kids she's more than likely jealous of you to boot. I'd leave that situation alone. Perhaps your ex sister-in-law should have contacted one of her relatives to try to talk some sense into her.
You don't owe them (her) anything. She'll know when she's had enough. What's the point in you trying to get her away from your ex? Why did your ex SIL want you to talk to her? Did she already talk to her and she didn't listen? Oh well. She's a grown damn woman.
at first i was going to say that you should reach out to her-you know, the christian thing to do- but now that i think back on what you posted its obvious that she knows what she is getting in to: she's been with your ex for an extended period of time and has been abused by him so she knows what to expect from him. also, maybe i'm being synical but, she might not even listen to you she aparently feels validated in her present situation so she might see you as someone trying to mess up her "happy home". i say your intentions are good but you cannot save people from themselves
I get this phone email from my ex sister in law about my exhusband, he pissed her off so she is telling all!

She let's me know that he has graduated from being a smoker of the herb to a powder head. Well, i'm not really surprised. She then tells me how is planning on taking me to court to get custody or visitation rights of our kids. (He has told me "in advance" that this is what he was planning to do and I should get prepared).

Let me give you a short history, we were together on and off from 14-28 married 7yrs and 7mths (the number of completion:grin:). All 7 yrs he was physically, verbally, emotionally, and mentally abusive. He cheated as well.

During the last two yrs of our marriage he met this girl and they began seeing each other, I guess she did not know he was married and had kids at first. Eventually he told her he was married and then she found out he had kids, but she continued to see him (no telling what lies he told her on top of that).

Eventually, I finally caught a clue before I caught a case and left him and took me and my children to another state. We have been living happily ever since.

During our divorce proceedings, this girl testified for him and said that they were friends for two yrs and he was a good man and father even though she had only seen him with his kids twice supposedly (first, how are you going to be my husband's friend, a female at that for two years and I have never heard of you). The judge saw through all of this bull.

From the time our divorce was granted, he kept me in court for two yrs straight trying to have child support reduce, showing false documentation, trying to get custody,etc and she was in court with him helping.

Eventually, she had a child by him and decided that since she was pregnant, she couldnt show up in court but would help him at all cost.

If I talk to him re: our children, school, clothes etc. that's it. She is in the background crying. He has admitted and ex sis in law and other family members have confirmed that he tells her he is getting me and the kids back and he does not love her and that she is just rebound. He has been beating her and put her through the same type of abuse that I went through if not worse.

Well, he bought another house and will not put her name on the deed, says it's for me and the kids. Told her he would only marry her so that it would look good to the courts so that he can take my kids away from me, She is willing to do this so that they can be married, even though she is going through hell.

My ex-sis in law asked me if I could talk some sense into her so that she would leave before she gets killed. She gave me the girls number. Now, I am currently going to school (psych) to work with women in this situation.

Part of me wants to talk with her to help her, as I know what type of low self esteem she obviously has and what her mental state must be and I feel for the child. The other part of me says, why should I, she said she wanted to be me, now deal with it, she knew what she was getting into, she was at the court hearing, the proof is in public records, and everyone has tried to talk to her and she still remains, scared or not. She knows this man is dangerous, but she is willing to keep her child in this situation and doesn't not mind if my children are put back in harms way (even though I know he would not win and they are now old enough to speak up for themselves) knowing he does not have their best interest at heart.

Please tell me ladies what would you do?

I would act like I didn't even know anything about her. You wanted to be me......well you got yo wish.
Stay out of it. Why would you involve yourself MORE in any way with this man? Its not your place to be her counselor or confidant. If his sis feels that strongly about it tell her to speak up. Dont be boo boo the fool.
You are not "Captain Save-a'ho".
Let it be. As you stated before; she wanted to be you & now she is". Move on, do not get involved in their matters.

Your only concern is for yourself and your children. As Jesus said..."Let the dead bury their dead". There should be enough intelligence between He, his family & her to work their situation out.

Keep it mov'in!
Thanks Ladies,
Well, I have decided that I will not call her. I will pray for her and her child. My reasons:

Not that I cared, but once she found out he was married no matter what lie he told her, she should have left him alone then.
She found out he had kids and continued to be with him.
She found out he was a wife beater, continued to be with him.
She found out he was a lier,cheater, and drug head, and she continued to be with him.
He tells her he doesn't love her and shows her this and she stays
Her family and his has told her to leave and she stays.
She no longer has friends because of him and she stays
He has a crazy obsession over me and she knows it and she stays
He will only marry her to get at me and to "take" my kids and she stay
We've been divorced now for 6 yrs and he beats her on a regular, has their child disrespect her and she stays.
People have told her that they will help her get away and she continues to stay.

With all of that, I can talk to her forever. In the end, she will need to be strong for herself and child and have her mind made up, other wise she will just go back like she has in the past. My ex is very charming and can make something so wrong sound so good, so I know what she is dealing with. Ultimately, she has to be strong and there is nothing that I can say or do to help her with that.

I know that he threatens her and her family, but if I got away with my life, so can she. One day she will realize that he is just a punk, too scared to hit men. His fights have only been with women. Call the police and he is out of there.
IMHO. She knew the water was deep when she jumped into knowing damn well she couldn't swim. Now you are suppose to jump in to save her? I don't think so. Her decisions are just that her decisions. This is not your little sister.

Besides do you really want to explain when you are pulled into court with a falsified restraining order that you weren't calling her to harass her only to counsel her. Please honey, we can see this coming.

He will be using your mental state as leverage during his bogus custody hearing. I wish you could listen to this book on tape. It's a book called "Young Wives" by Olivia Goldsmith. This is such a good read. I have listened to this tape probably 5 times. It is a lot like your situation with two other divorce situations as well.

See if you can google it and if so purchase it. It's a total good read. I guess the moral of the story is it won't pay to be nice. Fight them both like the enemy at the beginning, not after you are in a position to try to prove it to the courts.

You are so right, I would not want to go to court over those two dummies.
You don't owe them (her) anything. She'll know when she's had enough. What's the point in you trying to get her away from your ex? Why did your ex SIL want you to talk to her? Did she already talk to her and she didn't listen? Oh well. She's a grown damn woman.

My ex SIL thought that maybe if she talked to me she would listened, may once she realized that I do not want his crazy behind, she is not winning anything, only losing, she says the girl looks real bad.

Yes, she and everyone else has tried talking to her.

at first i was going to say that you should reach out to her-you know, the christian thing to do- but now that i think back on what you posted its obvious that she knows what she is getting in to: she's been with your ex for an extended period of time and has been abused by him so she knows what to expect from him. also, maybe i'm being synical but, she might not even listen to you she aparently feels validated in her present situation so she might see you as someone trying to mess up her "happy home". i say your intentions are good but you cannot save people from themselves

I thought that too. It's in me to try to help people if I can.
These are my thoughts too, she obviously feels validated by him for some reason and will probably not listen anyway thinking I am trying to get back at her for being with him. She doesn't know, once I found out about her, I was relieved thinking he would leave me alone, but that hasn't happened.:nono:

I would act like I didn't even know anything about her. You wanted to be me......well you got yo wish.

:lachen:Honestly, that was my first thought! Now, I know Karma is kicking her butt, but when is he gonna get it.:ohwell:

Thanks ladies.
Stay out of it. Why would you involve yourself MORE in any way with this man? Its not your place to be her counselor or confidant. If his sis feels that strongly about it tell her to speak up. Dont be boo boo the fool.

ITA. Don't get any more involved with your ex than you already are. Don't interfere in their relationship. There is nothing you can do. I was abused once too and nobody could help me but me. :yep: When she's ready she'll find a way out, trust me. Or she'll be another statistic. That's her choice. Every human being has choices. Her choice is to be with that man right now.

If I were you I would stay far away from their situation and I wouldn't even allow my children to see him now that he is a "powder" abuser -NEVER! :nono:
At first i thought to myself, yes you must help her...because sometimes when a woman is low and has a child for a man...she tries to stay for the sake of her children.

But you know some woman are so silly and ill be honest, by you ringing her...she will probably think you want him back.

Let them get on with it-SHE WILL HAVE TO REACH ROCK BOTTOM before she decides to leave him.

Kweenameena singing: ''Don't save her, she don't wanna be saved. Don't save her, she don't wanna be saved"

If no one else can talk sense into her, you won't be able to either:nono:

Just pray for her and then thank God that it isn't you anymore:yep:
don't do it! the girl was very bad minded and took you through the wringer...your out..stay out.

my ex pulled this I dont have a job thing on me years ago and his women called me after the fact (when he left her) to tell me he DOES have job. so why you calling me now? why didn't she say this at the time when i needed my child support?

them type of chicks are for later...
I wouldn't get involved, it isn't your place to do so.

Let them work their crap out. You should ask you EX-sister in law NOT to call you about anything involving those two, if she's calling to speak with/ask for her niece/nephew then fine other than that :nono:
i personally think you're probably one of the last people on earth she would want relationship advice from. she was willingly with your ex and tried hard to get your kids away from you. she probably has an intense dislike or even hate for you given that your ex is still harbouring crazy fantasies that you'll get back with him; he lets her know that she is merely second best and i bet this eats away at her.

she is in a sad and unfortunate position and i feel bad for her because no women deserved to be abused. however, i doubt she'd listen to you of all people. also, i've heard many times that women who are being abused do not willingly get out of their situation until they truly want to. it seems she knew what the deal was and the signs were there in court; if she wanted to bounce then she would have done so a while ago.

i commend you for even considering helping her; you are a very good person. however, you cannot help everyone, especially those who apparently do not want to be helped.
Thanks Ladies,
Well, I have decided that I will not call her. I will pray for her and her child. My reasons:

Not that I cared, but once she found out he was married no matter what lie he told her, she should have left him alone then.
She found out he had kids and continued to be with him.
She found out he was a wife beater, continued to be with him.
She found out he was a lier,cheater, and drug head, and she continued to be with him.
He tells her he doesn't love her and shows her this and she stays
Her family and his has told her to leave and she stays.
She no longer has friends because of him and she stays
He has a crazy obsession over me and she knows it and she stays
He will only marry her to get at me and to "take" my kids and she stay
We've been divorced now for 6 yrs and he beats her on a regular, has their child disrespect her and she stays.
People have told her that they will help her get away and she continues to stay.

With all of that, I can talk to her forever. In the end, she will need to be strong for herself and child and have her mind made up, other wise she will just go back like she has in the past. My ex is very charming and can make something so wrong sound so good, so I know what she is dealing with. Ultimately, she has to be strong and there is nothing that I can say or do to help her with that.

I know that he threatens her and her family, but if I got away with my life, so can she. One day she will realize that he is just a punk, too scared to hit men. His fights have only been with women. Call the police and he is out of there.

just read through and saw this post. you're making the right decision; it seems you wouldn't have been the first to try and help her. she will leave when she comes to her senses or your ex kicks her out.