What would YOU do in my situation (losing hair)?


Well-Known Member
I really need perspective, advice, opinions, etcetera....

I was diagnosed a little over a year ago with androgenic alopecia. I've been on hair boards since before 2002, so I find myself asking, "Why me?" on many occasions. Sometimes I think it's punishment for having been too into my hair.

Anyway, since the diagnosis, I've been really down about it. I tell myself I should enjoy my hair while it's still on my head but the "why bother" sentiment kicks in. I still love my hair, especially now that I'm natural but actually doing my hair depresses me. I do the absolute minimum that I can get away with and I look like it too. :nono:

To make a long story short, although I had decided against Rogaine, I'm not really sure about my decision anymore. Doctors say there is no real treatment against it except for the Rogaine but I don't think I want to take it for the rest of my life. What if I live to be 80? Has Rogaine even been around for 40 years? What side effects might I be subjecting myself in the long run?

On the other hand, I want to believe that the medical community is lying or hiding a natural solution somewhere. From what I understand, Rogaine won't regrow the hair, but keep what I currently have on my head. This makes me scared to experiment with alternative solutions since I may be wasting time. Just two weeks ago I had to "comb over" some hair to cover a thinning spot. That was a bad day for me.

What would you do? Would you just take the Rogaine? Why? Why not? I figured this was the best place to get the greatest amount and range of opinions to help me make a decision.

Sorry..... I really don't know how to make long stories short. (But I did leave out a lot though :grin:)
I really need perspective, advice, opinions, etcetera....
What would you do? Would you just take the Rogaine? Why? Why not? I figured this was the best place to get the greatest amount and range of opinions to help me make a decision.

Girl, I sympathize with you on that... MUST be rough. I hope you figure a way thru this... :needhug::bighug:

I would take the Rogaine. I understand you being leary, however, until something else comes along, why not save what's still there? If some new breakthrough comes thru, then great! If not, at least you'd still have the hair... No it hasn't been around for 80 years, but I haven't heard anything bad yet since it HAS been around...

I personally, would try to hold onto what I have... They have SOME things, though expensive, as alternatives to keeping hair on your head... I see the infomercials at night... bosley institute... have you thought of that? I know mostly men use it, but the infomercial has women on it too...
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I'm sorry you are going through this :bighug: I would try the Alter Ego line for shedding. Then I would take garlic supplements and use Rogaine as well. You can probably do scalp massages with essential oils too, but be gentle.
I'm sorry about your diagnosis.

Have you had your hormones checked? Did they suggest any oral meds to help stop the hair loss or slow it down? I would seek out derms with experience in treating it, talk to my OB-GYN and get an opinion from an endocrinologist as well.

There is an encouraging thread about hair transplantation a while ago. A member recounted her experiences with it. I know you're not at that point, just pointing out the options.
i would see what is going on internally like someone mentioned. could be hormonal. also i would look into getting a hair transplant. how is your diet and your overall health? are you a drinker, smoker, etc...
I would empty my piggybank to buy the Rogaine....next option....hair transplant.

My mother had alopecia and it was very hard on her psyche. Mom was extremely fair and had type 3B hair. She tried every snake oil treatment out there.
Minoxidil has been around for decades. If you use it you must continue to use it or you will lose what you have gained.

Perhaps some blood work may be in order before proceeding if you haven't done that already. Correct any deficiencies where applicable. Try some essential oil blends. There are also plenty of dried herb and flower products that you can experiment with too. My personal fav is catnip.

Good luck in what ever you decide.
I'm sorry you're going through this --

Option 1: See your doctor

Option 2: I had a thinning patch in my temple and my dermatologist suggested Rogaine. A lady working in Walgreen's swore by it -- she was bald in spots & it regrew her hair. Although I trust my dermatologist, I never purchased Rogiane because I just felt like I could control it through other means, which I was successful at doing.

Option 3: I recently had a Komaza hair analysis and the advisor mentioned they've been able to help ladies suffering with alopecia -- they were able to help them regrow their hair with regimen & vitamin combinations. In addition to hair analysis, they also specialize in homeopathic/natural medicines if I recall our convo correctly.

Option 4: Oil blends as previously mentioned.
What would you do? Would you just take the Rogaine? Why? Why not? I figured this was the best place to get the greatest amount and range of opinions to help me make a decision.

Currently going through this now :sad: I'm trying my hardest not to let it get to me, but I would be lying if I said my self-esteem wasn't affected to an extent. I have always taken care of my hair so I just don't understand why this had to happen to me :crying3: Everyday I'm scared I'm just going to lose more hair. I haven't gone to a dermatologist yet, however I plan on going soon.

Personally, I'm choosing not to use Rogaine. I'm trying to use all-natural methods first before I make that commitment. I'm also drinking more water and taking vitamins. If all else fails, I'll go ahead and use it but not a day sooner :nono:

Hang in there! I plan on documenting my progress. I think I'm gonna keep my eye on this thread.
My hair has excessively thinned out over the last 6 to 8 mths. I've been using the following with success at decreasing extreme shedding:

Pumpkin seed oil
Saw Palmetto
Lee Stafford Growth Treatment
Alter Ego Garlic Treatment

But yes, get your blood levels checked. You could have a deficiency. And make sure your diet is balanced. Good luck darling
I suffer from seborrhea dermatitis which causes hair loss. When I mentioned this to my dermatologist she immediately prescribed fluconazole oil and shampoo....which wasn't the first time. It does appear to stop the loss of hair.
Doctors don't know everything.:rolleyes:

I would take their diagnois with a grain of salt.

Only here to add but Moral Support. The Ladies have given you some good advice, perspectives and input.

I think you can reverse it to a certain extent through natural remedies (including oils, teas etc..) a solid diet and a good vitamin regimen.

You have alternatives like Nioxin, Nexxus Vitatress and others. If you can take Biotin (without any adverse effects) I'd consider that too.

Stay positive and keep your Stress level down.
Stress is certainly a factor. Mom hair loss started with nickel size patches....totally round...so did Dh. Stress was the issue with hubby....his hair has grown back.
Rogaine does work. My dad used it to stop his male pattern baldness. I agree with the others. Have your hormones checked.
I have to tell you ladies that your posts made my day. I have been so distressed about this and didn't really have anyone to share it with, which made it worse. The fact that you read my long post and took time to post your opinion really means a lot. I was certain there was going to be 0 replies.

Girl, I sympathize with you on that... MUST be rough. I hope you figure a way thru this... :needhug::bighug:

I would take the Rogaine. I understand you being leary, however, until something else comes along, why not save what's still there? If some new breakthrough comes thru, then great! If not, at least you'd still have the hair... No it hasn't been around for 80 years, but I haven't heard anything bad yet since it HAS been around...

I personally, would try to hold onto what I have... They have SOME things, though expensive, as alternatives to keeping hair on your head... I see the infomercials at night... bosley institute... have you thought of that? I know mostly men use it, but the infomercial has women on it too...

@krikrit96 Thanks for this perspective. I actually got really excited when I read your post. My husband said that it was smart thinking but neither of us saw it from that point of view. I've seen the infomercials too and I always just get mad that everything is geared towards men. Honestly, I think the scientists will continue to focus on perfecting hair solutions for men and Viagara, but you never know. Thanks for sharing.

I'm sorry you are going through this :bighug: I would try the Alter Ego line for shedding. Then I would take garlic supplements and use Rogaine as well. You can probably do scalp massages with essential oils too, but be gentle.

I bought myself a Conair massager with a scalp attachment but haven't really used it because I read an article that said scalp massages and hanging upside down aren't effective. That article kind of made me lose my motivation, although I'll admit, I'm not the most disciplined at all.

I will look into the garlic supplements. I don't think I've seen them mentioned in any of the research I've done. Thanks for the hug.

I'm sorry about your diagnosis.

Have you had your hormones checked? Did they suggest any oral meds to help stop the hair loss or slow it down? I would seek out derms with experience in treating it, talk to my OB-GYN and get an opinion from an endocrinologist as well.

There is an encouraging thread about hair transplantation a while ago. A member recounted her experiences with it. I know you're not at that point, just pointing out the options.


I went to the doctor in November 2012 and she ordered bloodwork and I believe my hormones were checked. Are those typically checked through blood? What types of hormones would they be checking? I can check to see if they were done. Whatever tests were done at the time, came back in the normla range. Then, I did a scalp biopsy and that was when female pattern baldness was diagnosed.

I did not see an endocrinologist. I saw a primary care physician and a dermatologist. The dermatologist diddn't prescribe oral medication but she prescribed minoxidil w/finasteride, which I filled but never took. I was also prescribed fluocinonide. I believe that was for inflammation. I liked the dermatologist but it's a hassle to get to her office. But its almost been two years according to these prescription labels, so a follow up visit appears to be in order.

i would see what is going on internally like someone mentioned. could be hormonal. also i would look into getting a hair transplant. how is your diet and your overall health? are you a drinker, smoker, etc...


Thanks for posting. I rarely drink and I am not a smoker. I'm pretty boring. :lol: My diet, howevere, could be so much better. I've been trying to eat clean for a while now, but all I've managed to do so far is feel guilty about all my meals that aren't clean. :perplexed

I would empty my piggybank to buy the Rogaine....next option....hair transplant.

My mother had alopecia and it was very hard on her psyche. Mom was extremely fair and had type 3B hair. She tried every snake oil treatment out there.
What type of alopecia does your mom has? My mom has extremely thin hair so I guess it's just genetic. Actually, androgenic alopecia is genetic so my mom would be where I got it from.

She wears wigs. I'm not really a wig person, but I've been trying to prepare for myself for the possibility that I may need to go that route.

Thanks for sharing. I want to believe in all the products that claim to be able to treat this, but I don't want to waste my time on snake oil treatments. :nono:

So sorry, my dear.:nono: I wouldn't do rogaine either. Have you tried essential oil blends yet? Also have you tweaked your diet? I wouldn't discount your diet, stress levels, and a few other things. If you want inbox me & maybe we can put our heads together to try a few things that are holistic:yep: You will be fine, I will do what I can to help.

Hey southerncitygirl! I have not tried any essential oil blends. There was one recommended but when I looked it up it was for a different type of alopecia, so I didn't bother. I can't say I really tweaked my diet. I gave up sugar for a bit, but when that ended, I probably consumed more sugar than I would have had I not given it up. :blush:

I will PM you.

Minoxidil has been around for decades. If you use it you must continue to use it or you will lose what you have gained.

Perhaps some blood work may be in order before proceeding if you haven't done that already. Correct any deficiencies where applicable. Try some essential oil blends. There are also plenty of dried herb and flower products that you can experiment with too. My personal fav is catnip.

Good luck in what ever you decide.

Thanks Honi. I know that I will lose whatever the Rogaine has "kept" for me. I think I'd be okay with that. Not really sure. I'm so confused. :spinning:
I'm sorry you're going through this --

Option 1: See your doctor

Option 2: I had a thinning patch in my temple and my dermatologist suggested Rogaine. A lady working in Walgreen's swore by it -- she was bald in spots & it regrew her hair. Although I trust my dermatologist, I never purchased Rogiane because I just felt like I could control it through other means, which I was successful at doing.

Option 3: I recently had a Komaza hair analysis and the advisor mentioned they've been able to help ladies suffering with alopecia -- they were able to help them regrow their hair with regimen & vitamin combinations. In addition to hair analysis, they also specialize in homeopathic/natural medicines if I recall our convo correctly.

Option 4: Oil blends as previously mentioned.
divachyk I actually spoke to a lady at Komaza. I can't remember her name. I sent my hair in for an analysis, and she said everything was fine but she had noticed the follicular dystrophy. She seemed very concerned and interested in helping me and offered to send me a sample (unless I misunderstood). I told her what other samples I was interested in, and when my samples came, the stinky stuff wasn't included. I didn't bother contacting her since she had been so generous with the other samples but I didn't want to pay the money for a product that I didn't have much faith in.

She recommended several supplements that I purchased, began taking, and for some reason stopped taking. I'm not sure what happened with that but I started taking some of them yesterday after writing this post. Will work my way back up to the rest.

Currently going through this now :sad: I'm trying my hardest not to let it get to me, but I would be lying if I said my self-esteem wasn't affected to an extent. I have always taken care of my hair so I just don't understand why this had to happen to me :crying3: Everyday I'm scared I'm just going to lose more hair. I haven't gone to a dermatologist yet, however I plan on going soon.

Personally, I'm choosing not to use Rogaine. I'm trying to use all-natural methods first before I make that commitment. I'm also drinking more water and taking vitamins. If all else fails, I'll go ahead and use it but not a day sooner :nono:

Hang in there! I plan on documenting my progress. I think I'm gonna keep my eye on this thread.

divine I'm sorry that you are going through this. Definitely go see a dermatologist. Hopefuly, it;s not anything as "dramatic" or severe as what I'm going through. Feel free to PM me and keep me posted. Or you can post here in this thread if you'd like, to keep the thread alive. :drunk:

My hair has excessively thinned out over the last 6 to 8 mths. I've been using the following with success at decreasing extreme shedding:

Pumpkin seed oil
Saw Palmetto
Lee Stafford Growth Treatment
Alter Ego Garlic Treatment

But yes, get your blood levels checked. You could have a deficiency. And make sure your diet is balanced. Good luck darling

Beamodel Thanks for posting. Are you taking the pumpkin seed oil internally or topically? I plan on taking it internally. I have saw palmetto here in tea form. I think I bought it for the purpose of rinsing with it, but I don't remember.

I don't seem to have extreme shedding from what I can tell BUT my follicles are miniaturizing and then full/real hairs don't replace the shed hair. At least that's my understanding.

I suffer from seborrhea dermatitis which causes hair loss. When I mentioned this to my dermatologist she immediately prescribed fluconazole oil and shampoo....which wasn't the first time. It does appear to stop the loss of hair.
Yes, I also have seborrheic dermatitis on top if it all. I was thinking of using Nizoral for that instead the Shea moisture Black Soap shampoo because I think I read that Nizoral helps with the alopecia.

Doctors don't know everything.:rolleyes:

I would take their diagnois with a grain of salt.

Only here to add but Moral Support. The Ladies have given you some good advice, perspectives and input.

I think you can reverse it to a certain extent through natural remedies (including oils, teas etc..) a solid diet and a good vitamin regimen.

You have alternatives like Nioxin, Nexxus Vitatress and others. If you can take Biotin (without any adverse effects) I'd consider that too.

Stay positive and keep your Stress level down.

IDareT'sHair Thank you so much for your support! Keeping my stress level down is something I definitely need to work on. I will get on the vitamins but the diet will require some extreme discipline and willpower.

Go see a naturopath or herbalist
SimplyWhole Thanks for posting.
Will start saving for this. Any idea how much this costs and does anyone have a NYC recommendation?

Once again--- thank you to everyone who replied. I really appreciate your input. I've talked about IRL (sometimes online) and people just get uncomfortable so I don't discuss it much. Its hard to know who's comfortable(or who cares :drunk:) talking about it with me.

Thanks!! It didn't make my decision any easier but I feel much better right now. :bighug:I told my dermatologist doing nothing wasn't an option, but I realize that's exactly what I've done. I just need to get this all figured out before I get all down again. :grin:
I'm not sure what type of alopecia my mother had, this is what I know. After MY birth she experienced a great deal of post-partum shedding. She was given a hormone treatment and it worked.....hair grew back. Then....lost of hair again and it never recovered. The doctors would not give her oral medication again--saying it was dangerous, especially due her medical history of ovarian cancer.

She tried EVERTHING....massages, shampoos....

I think you should have given the fluocinonide a try. I understand your reluctance to apply finasteride--if you are trying to get pregnant but here's the result of a study:

In a five-year study of men with mild to moderate hair loss, two out of three of the men who took 1 mg of finasteride daily regrew some hair. In contrast, all of the men in the study who were not taking finasteride lost hair. In the same study, based on photographs that were reviewed by an independent panel of dermatologists, 48% of those treated with finasteride experienced visible regrowth of hair, and a further 42% had no further loss.

Hair is such a highly emotional issue....hint....we're on a hair forum, that I wouldn't leave a stone unturned.
Maybe start taking a whey protein supplement daily. I read that it can help regrow hair and keep it from shedding. somewhere between 25 -40 grams daily may help.
Ask to check your testosterone level as a start. I'm not sure about other tests. The endocrinologist might really help here, since that's their gig.

Also see if you have signs of PCOS or any reproductive area issues. That would start with your OB-GYN who might refer you to the endocrinologist if needed. I don't know your age but if you're close to menopausal age that's another factor.

Good luck!
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I was having an issue with excessive shedding last year (esp. around my temples where even the slightest tug seemed to result in groups of strands coming out). I was paranoid to detangle my hair wet.

I've been having really good results with Andalou Naturals Scalp Intensive Thinning Hair Treatment. It mostly works by reducing my premature shedding. So as my hair grows back it's slowly thickening up.
Awww, sorry to hear that..

What others have said please have you hormones checked, especially your iron (ferritin) levels checked. For healthy hair and regrowth your levels should be at least 70. Mine were low and constantly shedding and thining for years. Not until I consistantly took my iron that my levels increased and hair stop shedding..

Good luck hun, I hope you fine the solution.
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