What would you do if you knew your man still had nude photos of ex's hidden away?


Active Member
What would you do if you knew your boyfriend (with whom you live) had a sealed box of nude photos of women from his past?
How do you feel? Do you think he should get rid of the pictures?

Perhaps he has them because he doesn't know where the relationship is headed with the two of you, and he doesn't want to get rid of them.

Now if he was a DH or you two were ready to head down the isle of matrimony, then I'd have a problem with them and the fact that he'd want to still hold on to them.
Him & his pics can keep it moving. If we were at the serious stage the pics would have to go. What kind of guy would be alright with you having pics of your ex's peen in a shoebox somewhere? Exactly.
1st I wouldn't be living with a BF. Now to answer the question, BF, he can keep his box of pictures, but the moment he becomes husband they would have to go. I had love letters from ex' until I got married then I burned them. I didn't look at them and daydream, I just had them. No BF is going to tell me what to do with my items. My husband, I can freely let them go without him asking.
I would make sure he had no reason to look at them on a regular basis. But men are visual creatures. Time to get yourself camera ready and play "paparazzi".
No matter what stage of relationship your in you shouldn't be going through someone's things nor telling them what they can and cannot have. Now being married is a different thing and I would only apply that to asking that items from the past be removed not unsealing his box.

Being secure is hard to master but it's definitely something some have to work on in order to work towards having a successful relationship.
I'd find a new boyfriend. Call me judgmental but that sends of my "He's a playa' radar with a quickness. Something about a grown man keeping a pictorial record of his conquests makes me feel some kind of way. Maybe he has a sex tape collection too. I don't think I'd want my pic added to his box o' booty:ohwell:
^^^ LOL @ "Box O'Booty"

Bf, I don't care. Who's to say he's the one I'm going to marry? But, if he's my husband? The pics gotta go.
^^^ LOL @ "Box O'Booty"

Bf, I don't care. Who's to say he's the one I'm going to marry? But, if he's my husband? The pics gotta go.

Exactly, who says you're going to be with a boyfriend or get married to him? Men like to have pics of ex girlfriends or of women that have given them pics, esp. young men, no big deal.

If the OP is planning on marrying this man and they've discussed marriage because they are living together, then that's a different story and she should discuss her feelings with him.

A boyfriend doesn't have a right to tell me what to do with my things. If he don't like something, then he needs to move on--if I don't like something, I move on.

That's just like telling each boyfriend that you get that they have to get rid of their little black book of women--it doesn't make sense to have those type of demands.
I ain't saying I'd tell him what to do with his things, I'm saying I'd take myself out of the equation lol. If they were normal pics that's one thing but nudey pics... Seems a bit immature.

Guess I'm a bit prudish about certain things lol. If I found out he had some anal beads and bunghole trainers whips and chains and all o dat once again he can keep his stash but I'm out.

Women really should wise up about taking nude pics too lol but that's another topic:look:
Maybe he has a sex tape collection too. I don't think I'd want my pic added to his box o' booty:ohwell:

That would be my first concern too!! I would not be comfortable with naked pics of me floating around, especially when I'm no longer with the guy. I wouldn't let him have a camera anywhere near me, and I'd probably be afraid that he was hiding one somewhere in his place.
I would not be comfortable with that at all. I'm pretty open minded, but if you are my boyfriend you should not have naked pictures of women that you have slept with. It's pretty disrespectful to your exes to still look at them naked and lust over them. Ugh.
That would be my first concern too!! I would not be comfortable with naked pics of me floating around, especially when I'm no longer with the guy. I wouldn't let him have a camera anywhere near me, and I'd probably be afraid that he was hiding one somewhere in his place.

Heaven help me if I ever wanna make somethin of myself...them thangs would be on the innanets so fast...:nono:
I ain't saying I'd tell him what to do with his things, I'm saying I'd take myself out of the equation lol. If they were normal pics that's one thing but nudey pics... Seems a bit immature.

Guess I'm a bit prudish about certain things lol. If I found out he had some anal beads and bunghole trainers whips and chains and all o dat once again he can keep his stash but I'm out.

Women really should wise up about taking nude pics too lol but that's another topic:look:

I agree Kbragg.

IF it were my boyfriend, I'd have a problem with it, and I'd move on, but I wouldn't think that I'd have a right to tell him to get rid of them because he may find someone that actually doesn't mind him having the pics, the next woman he meets may have some of her own :lol: (It's been said around here that some women like pics of the male anatomy :look: )

But for me, this would never eva work.

Oh, and yeah, some women really, really need to stop giving every man they date a nude picture.

The OP's SO has a whole box full????? Who are these women? :lol:
I would not be comfortable with that at all. I'm pretty open minded, but if you are my boyfriend you should not have naked pictures of women that you have slept with. It's pretty disrespectful to your exes to still look at them naked and lust over them. Ugh.

Agreed....he gives me creepy perve vibes...beatin hims meats to them nekkid pichas:nono:

Let me stop before I make the banned today:sekret:
I agree Kbragg.

IF it were my boyfriend, I'd have a problem with it, and I'd move on, but I wouldn't think that I'd have a right to tell him to get rid of them because he may find someone that actually doesn't mind him having the pics, the next woman he meets may have some of her own :lol: (It's been said around here that some women like pics of the male anatomy :look: )

But for me, this would never eva work.

Oh, and yeah, some women really, really need to stop giving every man they date a nude picture.

The OP's SO has a whole box full????? Who are these women? :lol:

Maybe he's saving the pics hoping he can make bank if one of them ever gets famous....or maybe he's a creepity creep creep and tapes them pichas to his blow up doll during those in between ladies spells:lol::look:

I'm sorry for this ya'll:nono:
Him & his pics can keep it moving. If we were at the serious stage the pics would have to go. What kind of guy would be alright with you having pics of your ex's peen in a shoebox somewhere? Exactly.
OK?! Even if the box was padlocked and frozen in a block of ice, that ish wouldn't fly. :nono:
I ain't saying I'd tell him what to do with his things, I'm saying I'd take myself out of the equation lol. If they were normal pics that's one thing but nudey pics... Seems a bit immature.

Guess I'm a bit prudish about certain things lol. If I found out he had some anal beads and bunghole trainers whips and chains and all o dat once again he can keep his stash but I'm out.

Women really should wise up about taking nude pics too lol but that's another topic
My thoughts exactly. He can see it when we get down, if it's like that.

I really feel like it DOES depend on the seriousness of the relationship, and I see all sorts of extremes in this thread. If it is heading towards marriage (NOTE: because he said so explicitly, not because you just assume moving in means he's saving for a ring) then by all means, bring it up. If you're just living with him to save money or you guys are playing house, then leave it alone.
'Man' as in husband - he'd have to get rid of them

'Man' as in bf - I'd ask him to get rid of them if we were serious. But it would a concern as to why he still had them.
I loved reading everyone's replies. Thanks ladies. I like to see things at every angle possible.

We are serious, we discuss marriage quite often. This box is sealed and he never looks at it's contents.

I have tried making comments about people saving nude photos of ex's, and since he has made no comment about the matter, it will be up for discussion. We are not together at this time, due to the many secretive issues of his that keep surfacing. He is a wonderful guy, have never heard anyone say anything negative about him. He is friends with most of his ex's (trust me, they are his past).
I just have an issue with this box. Deciding whether to wait until he proposes to bring this up, but I don't like to leave things unsaid, it creates too much tension for me.

Thanks ladies, you rock!
isn't this what the internet is for? if he needs to look at and reminisce about his exes nekkid, oiled up bodies then he's obviously not that interested in the current.
I don't think it has anything to do with being interested in the current. I think men like to keep that type of stuff as part of their male ego. Look at what I had. Anyway. I asked him to remove the box and he did. But, I broke up with him. I can't live or marry someone who has different values than I do. I want to be with someone who has enough respect for not only myself but for the person they were with to get rid of things like that.

Personal values come first.

isn't this what the internet is for? if he needs to look at and reminisce about his exes nekkid, oiled up bodies then he's obviously not that interested in the current.
Good for you for following your gut and making what had to have been a very tough decision. If he had all of these secrets on top of the nekkid photos, it was probably for the best.