What would you do -- bad neutralizing shampoo


New Member
I just relaxed my hair this morning, and I purchased Elasta QP Stop Action Neutralizing Shampoo. It says on the package that the shampoo has color alarm, and on the back directions it says the shampoo will turn pink. I relaxed my hair, went to use the neutralizing shampoo and got no pink suds, at all:nono:. Do you think the shampoo was bad, had the wrong shampoo in the package, or was just missing the ingredient that had color alarm? Or do you think it some how only works with Elasta QP relaxer? It seemed like it neutralized the relaxer just fine, but I have no way of knowing for sure. Would you go get another neutralizer to be sure? I am thinking of going to get a bottle of Isoplus.
Hmmm . . . it's hard to say what happened here. To be on the safe side, I would do a couple of ACV rinses and then neutralize again with another color alarm shampoo. I like the Isoplus, and it worked for me when I self-relaxed.
Did you do anything before neutralizing, like acv, porosity control or a reconstructor?
Did you rinse out the relaxer first? You could have done a thorough job rinsing it out. I always rinse the relaxer out in warm water before neutralizing my hair. I hope it doesn't ruin your gorgeous hair.
Yes, I rinsed the relaxer first, and I didn't use any ACV or anything, just put the neutralizing shampoo straight on.

So, I went back to the BSS, and returned the Elasta QP shampoo and they gave some Isoplus as well as a store credit. I washed with the Isoplus just to be sure, then followed on with the porosity control. I am sitting with some ORS replenishing on my hair now, I think it's going to be fine. Thanks for the replies!
agree w/ DD,

It could just be that you rinsed it very thoroughly and the shades of pink do differ. So it could've been just a hint of pink b/c maybe only a tiny bit of relaxer was left. I have seen neutralizing poo be so light pink that it almost appears white.

I am thinking that your hair is probably just fine. :up:
The pink color is an indicator, a chemical that changes color in the presence of caustic chemicals, like relaxer.

No color change means that the concentration of relaxer in your hair was not enough to get the indicator to change color. There is a minimum amount of relaxer that must be present to cause the chemical reaction that causes the color change.

I'd say you are ok, but an ACV rinse would be appropriate if you're still worried.