What website can I buy a big tub of Affirm from?


New Member
Hi ladies,

I am looking to telax soon and was going to go with some relaxer from the Affirm line and the neutralizer and everything else needed to mix it up with.

I just was wondering, since it was for professional use, what is a good website I can buy some from?

Does this kit include everything I need?

<IMG style="MAX-WIDTH: 225px; ; WIDTH: expression(this.width > 225 ? 225: true)" alt="Moisture Plus Conditioning Relaxer Kit w/Protecto" src="http://www.beautyclicks.com/media/images/avlon-sensitive-scalp-relaxer.jpg" border=0>

Moisture Plus Conditioning Relaxer Kit w/Protecto

Affirm Moisture Plus Conditioning Relaxer Kit w/Protecto Dry Hair & Sensitive Scalp Formula conditions within the hair shaft before, during and after relaxing. Moisturizes dry hair and scalp and provides maximum scalp comfort. Available sizes: 9 Pack, 20 Pack.
Item #: AFF004029

Your Price: $64.30